Added note about GUI architecture to doc/hacking.txt + doc/img/gui_flow/.
[hooke.git] / doc / img / gui_flow / graph.xsl
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
2 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
3                 xmlns:svg=""
4                 xmlns:xlink=""
5                 xmlns:math=""
6                 xmlns:ex=""
7                 version="1.0">
8   <xsl:import href="math.sqrt.template.xsl"/>
9   <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
11   <xsl:template match="ex:graph">
12     <xsl:variable name="view-box" select="./ex:config/@viewBox"/>
13     <svg:svg version="1.0" viewBox="{$view-box}">
14       <svg:defs>
15         <xsl:variable name="arc-color" select="./ex:config/@arc-color"/>
16         <svg:marker id="arrowhead" viewBox="0 0 20 20" refX="20" refY="10" 
17                     markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6"
18                     orient="auto" style="{$arc-color}">
19           <svg:path d="M 0 0 L 20 10 L 0 20 z"/>
20         </svg:marker>
21       </svg:defs>
22       <!-- making sure the arcs are drawn first -->
23       <xsl:apply-templates select="ex:arc"/>
24       <xsl:apply-templates select="ex:node"/>
25     </svg:svg>
26   </xsl:template>
28   <xsl:template match="ex:arc">
29     <xsl:variable name="text-color" select="../ex:config/@text-color"/>
30     <xsl:variable name="arc-color" select="../ex:config/@arc-color"/>
31     <xsl:variable name="node-radius" select="../ex:config/@node-radius"/>
32     <xsl:variable name="arc-offset" select="../ex:config/@arc-offset"/>
33     <svg:g style="{$arc-color}">
34       <xsl:variable name="from"><xsl:value-of select="@from"/></xsl:variable>
35       <xsl:variable name="to"><xsl:value-of select="@to"/></xsl:variable>
36       <xsl:variable name="x1" select="../ex:node[@name=$from]/@cx"/>
37       <xsl:variable name="y1" select="../ex:node[@name=$from]/@cy"/>
38       <xsl:variable name="x2" select="../ex:node[@name=$to]/@cx"/>
39       <xsl:variable name="y2" select="../ex:node[@name=$to]/@cy"/>
40       <!-- calculate endpoints shortened by $node-radius + $arc-offset -->
41       <xsl:variable name="Dx" select="$x2 - $x1"/>
42       <xsl:variable name="Dy" select="$y2 - $y1"/>
43       <xsl:variable name="Dsquare" select="($Dx*$Dx + $Dy*$Dy)"/>
44       <xsl:variable name="D"><xsl:call-template name="sqrt">
45           <xsl:with-param name="number" select="$Dsquare"/>
46       </xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
47       <xsl:variable name="a-off" select="$node-radius + $arc-offset"/> 
48       <xsl:variable name="dx" select="$a-off * $Dx div $D"/>
49       <xsl:variable name="dy" select="$a-off * $Dy div $D"/>
50       <xsl:variable name="X1" select="$x1 + $dx"/>
51       <xsl:variable name="Y1" select="$y1 + $dy"/>
52       <xsl:variable name="X2" select="$x2 - $dx"/>
53       <xsl:variable name="Y2" select="$y2 - $dy"/>
54       <svg:path style="marker-end:url(#arrowhead);stroke-width:1;"
55                 d="M{$X1} {$Y1} L{$X2} {$Y2}"/>
56       <svg:defs>
57         <svg:path id="textPath-{@label}" d="M{$X1} {$Y1} L{$X2} {$Y2}"/>
58       </svg:defs>
59       <svg:text text-anchor="middle" style="{$text-color}">
60         <svg:textPath xlink:href="#textPath-{@label}" startOffset="50%">
61           <svg:tspan dy="-0.4em">  <!-- raise text slightly off the line -->
62             <xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
63           </svg:tspan>
64         </svg:textPath>
65       </svg:text>
66     </svg:g>
67   </xsl:template>
69   <xsl:template match="ex:node">
70     <xsl:variable name="text-color" select="../ex:config/@text-color"/>
71     <xsl:variable name="node-color" select="../ex:config/@node-color"/>
72     <xsl:variable name="node-radius" select="../ex:config/@node-radius"/>
73     <svg:g style="{$node-color}">
74       <svg:circle cx="{@cx}" cy="{@cy}" r="{$node-radius}"/>
75       <svg:text text-anchor="middle" x="{@cx}" y="{@cy}"
76                 style="dominant-baseline:central;{$text-color}">
77         <xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
78       </svg:text>
79     </svg:g>
80   </xsl:template>
81 </xsl:stylesheet>