descriptionSeed-key files and utilities for managing gentoo gpg signing and verification keys
last changeWed, 28 May 2014 02:20:12 +0000 (19:20 -0700)
2014-05-28 Brian Dolbecgkeys/ Add keyid property to GKEY master
2014-05-28 Brian Dolbecgkeys/ Add missing _add_gkey_defaults call
2014-05-26 Pavlos RatisMerge pull request #5 from gentoo/week2_remove_unused_code
2014-05-26 Pavlos Ratisremove unused GKEY code
2014-05-25 Pavlos RatisMerge pull request #4 from gentoo/week1_seed_handling
2014-05-25 Pavlos Ratisremove KEYLEN_MAP
2014-05-24 Pavlos Ratisremove unused constants
2014-05-24 Pavlos Ratisrefine seed handling
2014-05-24 Pavlos Ratisswitch seed handling from list to dictionary
2014-05-24 Pavlos Ratissubclass __new__ to make both gkeys and gkeyldap work...
2014-05-24 Pavlos Ratiscreate namedtuple with default mapping
2014-05-21 Pavlos RatisMerge pull request #3 from gentoo/readme
2014-05-21 Pavlos Ratisadd README and LICENSE files
2014-05-21 Pavlos Ratisfix missed var renaming
2014-05-21 Pavlos Ratisremove unused import
2014-05-21 Pavlos RatisMerge pull request #2 from gentoo/week1_json_switch
10 years ago file-handler-cleanup
10 years ago master