Scientific data is not thrown away after analysis. Organizations may
have standards for archival, and many journals require supporting data
-to be available on request for a number of years after
-publication\citep{TODO}. Both the raw data and the experimental
-parameters used to collect need to be preserved, but managing this
-manually is tedious and error prone. Lab notebooks rarely contain
-\emph{all} of the parameters used to collect and analyze a particular
-calibration. Data collected with \calibcant\ is saved in
-\citetalias{hdf5} with the full configuration
+to be available on request after publication or archived in public
+databases\citep{pnas-data-archival,nature-data-archival}. Both the
+raw data and the experimental parameters used to collect need to be
+preserved, but managing this manually is tedious and error prone. Lab
+notebooks rarely contain \emph{all} of the parameters used to collect
+and analyze a particular calibration. Data collected with
+\calibcant\ is saved in \citetalias{hdf5} with the full configuration
(\cref{sec:pyafm:h5config}), bundling all of the information together
in a single file.
% Particular to this section.
+@string{NAT = "Nature"}
+@string{PNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
+ United States of America"}
author = "Eric W.\ Weisstein",
title = "Lorentzian Function",
month = "TODO",
year = "TODO",
+@misc{ pnas-data-archival,
+ author = PNAS,
+ title = {{PNAS} Information for Authors},
+ year = 2013,
+ month = feb,
+ url = {},
+ excerpt = {From \emph{Journal Policies (x)}:
+ \begin{quote}
+ \emph{Materials and Data Availability.} To allow others to
+ replicate and build on work published in PNAS, authors must
+ make materials, data, and associated protocols available to
+ readers. \ldots Data not shown and personal communications
+ cannot be used to support claims in the work. Authors are
+ encouraged to use SI to show all neces- sary data. Authors are
+ encouraged to deposit as much of their data as possible in
+ publicly accessible databases. \ldots
+ \end{quote}
+ },
+@misc{ nature-data-archival,
+ author = NAT,
+ title = {Guide to Publication Policies of the Nature Journals},
+ year = 2013,
+ month = apr,
+ day = 30,
+ url = {},
+ excerpt = {From \emph{Sharing data sets}
+ \begin{quote}
+ A condition of publication in a Nature journal is that authors
+ are required to make materials, data and associated protocols
+ promptly available to others without undue qualifications.
+ Data sets must be made freely available to readers from the date
+ of publication, and must be provided to editors and
+ peer-reviewers at submission, for the purposes of evaluating the
+ manuscript.
+ \end{quote}
+ },