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+What is it?
+It is a software for the (semiautomatic) analysis and filtering of
+force curves. Force curves are the output of an analytical technique
+called force spectroscopy. A force spectroscopy experiment usually
+requires the analysis of thousands of force curves at a time. As of
+today, there is no standard, free software for the analysis of force
+curves. Hooke aims to solve that.
+What it does?
+ * View, annotate, measure force curves
+ * Worm-like chain and freely-jointed chain fit of force peaks
+ * Automatic convolution-based filtering of empty curves
+ * Automatic fit and measurement of multiple force peaks
+ * Handles force-clamp force experiments (experimental)
+ * It is extensible by users by mean of plugins and drivers
+See the Google Code website for more details
+ http://code.google.com/p/hooke/
+Is this published in some peer-reviewed journal?
+Sandal M, Benedetti F, Brucale M, Gomez-Casado A, Samorì B.
+"Hooke: an open software platform for force spectroscopy."
+Bioinformatics, 2009 25(11):1428-1430.
+Please cite Hooke if you use it.
+If you have troubles in using it, before throwing it in the trash:
+ 1) try look at the TroubleShooting page or in the discussion group
+ 2) ask a question in the discussion group!
+Remember that Hooke is still experimental software! It has been mostly
+done to fit the needs of its authors, and there is no guarantee it
+will do what you need. However, you can write us/help us improve it so
+that it does. We aim to make of Hooke a little, universal tool that
+can help your research.