Bug #351873: More livecd control, and initramfs livecd argument documentation.
[genkernel.git] / gen_cmdline.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # $Id$
4 longusage() {
5   echo "Gentoo Linux Genkernel ${GK_V}"
6   echo
7   echo "Usage: "
8   echo "  genkernel [options] action"
9   echo
10   echo "Available Actions: "
11   echo "  all                           Build all steps"
12   echo "  bzImage                       Build only the kernel"
13   echo "  initramfs                     Build only the ramdisk/initramfs"
14   echo "  kernel                        Build only the kernel and modules"
15   echo "  ramdisk                       Build only the ramdisk/initramfs"
16   echo
17   echo "Available Options: "
18   echo "  Configuration settings"
19   echo "        --config=<file> genkernel configuration file to use"
20   echo "  Debug settings"
21   echo "        --loglevel=<0-5>        Debug Verbosity Level"
22   echo "        --logfile=<outfile>     Output file for debug info"
23   echo "        --color                 Output debug in color"
24   echo "        --no-color              Do not output debug in color"
25   echo "  Kernel Configuration settings"
26   echo "        --menuconfig            Run menuconfig after oldconfig"
27   echo "        --no-menuconfig         Do not run menuconfig after oldconfig"
28   echo "        --gconfig                       Run gconfig after oldconfig"
29   echo "        --no-gconfig            Don't run gconfig after oldconfig"
30   echo "        --xconfig                       Run xconfig after oldconfig"
31   echo "        --no-xconfig            Don't run xconfig after oldconfig"
32   echo "        --save-config           Save the configuration to /etc/kernels"
33   echo "        --no-save-config        Don't save the configuration to /etc/kernels"
34   echo "  Kernel Compile settings"
35   echo "        --oldconfig             Implies --no-clean and runs a 'make oldconfig'"
36   echo "        --clean                 Run make clean before compilation"
37   echo "        --no-clean              Do not run make clean before compilation"
38   echo "        --mrproper              Run make mrproper before compilation"
39   echo "        --no-mrproper   Do not run make mrproper before compilation"
40   echo "        --splash                Install framebuffer splash support into initramfs"
41   echo "        --no-splash             Do not install framebuffer splash"
42   echo "        --install               Install the kernel after building"
43   echo "        --no-install            Do not install the kernel after building"
44   echo "        --symlink               Manage symlinks in /boot for installed images"
45   echo "        --no-symlink            Do not manage symlinks"
46   echo "        --ramdisk-modules       Copy required modules to the ramdisk"
47   echo "        --no-ramdisk-modules    Don't copy any modules to the ramdisk"
48   echo "        --all-ramdisk-modules   Copy all kernel modules to the ramdisk"
49   echo "        --callback=<...>        Run the specified arguments after the"
50   echo "                                kernel and modules have been compiled"
51   echo "        --static                Build a static (monolithic kernel)."
52   echo "        --no-static             Do not build a static (monolithic kernel)."
53   echo "  Kernel settings"
54   echo "        --kerneldir=<dir>       Location of the kernel sources"
55   echo "        --kernel-config=<file>  Kernel configuration file to use for compilation"
56   echo "        --module-prefix=<dir>   Prefix to kernel module destination, modules"
57   echo "                                will be installed in <prefix>/lib/modules"
58   echo "  Low-Level Compile settings"
59   echo "        --kernel-cc=<compiler>  Compiler to use for kernel (e.g. distcc)"
60   echo "        --kernel-as=<assembler> Assembler to use for kernel"
61   echo "        --kernel-ld=<linker>    Linker to use for kernel"
62   echo "        --kernel-cross-compile=<cross var> CROSS_COMPILE kernel variable"
63   echo "        --kernel-make=<makeprg> GNU Make to use for kernel"
64   echo "        --kernel-target=<t>     Override default make target (bzImage)"
65   echo "        --kernel-binary=<path>  Override default kernel binary path (arch/foo/boot/bar)"
66   echo "        --kernel-outputdir=<path> Save output files outside the source tree."
68   echo "        --utils-cc=<compiler>   Compiler to use for utilities"
69   echo "        --utils-as=<assembler>  Assembler to use for utils"
70   echo "        --utils-ld=<linker>     Linker to use for utils"
71   echo "        --utils-make=<makeprog> GNU Make to use for utils"
72   echo "        --utils-cross-compile=<cross var> CROSS_COMPILE utils variable"
73   echo "        --utils-arch=<arch>     Force to arch for utils only instead of"
74   echo "                                autodetect."
75   echo "        --makeopts=<makeopts>   Make options such as -j2, etc..."
76   echo "        --mountboot             Mount BOOTDIR automatically if mountable"
77   echo "        --no-mountboot          Don't mount BOOTDIR automatically"  
78   echo "        --bootdir=<dir>         Set the location of the boot-directory, default is /boot"
79   echo "        --modprobedir=<dir>     Set the location of the modprobe.d-directory, default is /etc/modprobe.d"
80   echo "  Initialization"
81   echo "        --splash=<theme>        Enable framebuffer splash using <theme>"
82   echo "        --splash-res=<res>      Select splash theme resolutions to install"
83   echo "        --splash=<theme>        Enable framebuffer splash using <theme>"
84   echo "        --splash-res=<res>      Select splash theme resolutions to install"
85   echo "        --do-keymap-auto        Forces keymap selection at boot"
86   echo "        --keymap                Enables keymap selection support"
87   echo "        --no-keymap             Disables keymap selection support"
88   echo "        --lvm                   Include LVM support"
89   echo "        --no-lvm                Exclude LVM support"
90   echo "        --mdadm                 Include MDADM/MDMON support"
91   echo "        --no-mdadm              Exclude MDADM/MDMON support"
92   echo "        --mdadm-config=<file>   Use file as mdadm.conf in initramfs"
93   echo "        --dmraid                Include DMRAID support"
94   echo "        --no-dmraid             Exclude DMRAID support"
95   echo "        --e2fsprogs             Include e2fsprogs"
96   echo "        --no-e2fsprogs          Exclude e2fsprogs"
97   echo "        --zfs                   Include ZFS support"
98   echo "        --no-zfs                Exclude ZFS support"
99   echo "        --multipath             Include Multipath support"
100   echo "        --no-multipath  Exclude Multipath support"
101   echo "        --iscsi                 Include iSCSI support"
102   echo "        --no-iscsi              Exclude iSCSI support"
103   echo "        --bootloader=grub       Add new kernel to GRUB configuration"
104   echo "        --linuxrc=<file>        Specifies a user created linuxrc"
105   echo "        --busybox-config=<file> Specifies a user created busybox config"
106   echo "        --genzimage             Make and install kernelz image (PowerPC)"
107   echo "        --disklabel             Include disk label and uuid support in your ramdisk"
108   echo "        --no-disklabel  Exclude disk label and uuid support in your ramdisk"
109   echo "        --luks                  Include LUKS support"
110   echo "                                --> 'emerge cryptsetup-luks' with USE=-dynamic"
111   echo "        --no-luks               Exclude LUKS support"
112   echo "        --gpg                   Include GPG-armored LUKS key support"
113   echo "        --no-gpg                Exclude GPG-armored LUKS key support"
114   echo "        --busybox               Include busybox"
115   echo "        --no-busybox    Exclude busybox"
116   echo "        --unionfs               Include support for unionfs"
117   echo "        --no-unionfs    Exclude support for unionfs"
118   echo "        --netboot               Create a self-contained env in the initramfs"
119   echo "        --no-netboot    Exclude --netboot env"
120   echo "        --real-root=<foo>       Specify a default for real_root="
121   echo "  Internals"
122   echo "        --arch-override=<arch>  Force to arch instead of autodetect"
123   echo "        --cachedir=<dir>        Override the default cache location"
124   echo "        --tempdir=<dir>         Location of Genkernel's temporary directory"
125   echo "        --postclear                     Clear all tmp files and caches after genkernel has run"
126   echo "        --no-postclear          Do not clean up after genkernel has run"
127   echo "  Output Settings"
128   echo "        --kernname=<...>        Tag the kernel and ramdisk with a name:"
129   echo "                                If not defined the option defaults to"
130   echo "                                'genkernel'"
131   echo "        --minkernpackage=<tbz2> File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel and ramdisk:"
132   echo "                                No modules outside of the ramdisk will be"
133   echo "                                included..."
134   echo "        --modulespackage=<tbz2> File to output a .tar.bz2'd modules after the"
135   echo "                                callbacks have run"
136   echo "        --kerncache=<tbz2>      File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel contents"
137   echo "                                of /lib/modules/ and the kernel config"
138   echo "                                NOTE: This is created before the callbacks"
139   echo "                                are run!"
140   echo "        --no-kernel-sources     This option is only valid if kerncache is"
141   echo "                                defined. If there is a valid kerncache no checks"
142   echo "                                will be made against a kernel source tree"
143   echo "        --initramfs-overlay=<dir>"
144   echo "                                Directory structure to include in the initramfs,"
145   echo "                                only available on 2.6 kernels"
146   echo "        --firmware"
147   echo "                                Enable copying of firmware into initramfs"
148   echo "        --firmware-dir=<dir>"
149   echo "                                Specify directory to copy firmware from (defaults"
150   echo "                                to /lib/firmware)"
151   echo "        --firmware-files=<files>"
152   echo "                                Specifies specific firmware files to copy. This"
153   echo "                                overrides --firmware-dir. For multiple files,"
154   echo "                                separate the filenames with a comma"
155   echo "        --integrated-initramfs, --no-integrated-initramfs"
156   echo "                                Include/exclude the generated initramfs in the kernel"
157   echo "                                instead of keeping it as a separate file"
158   echo "        --compress-initramfs, --no-compress-initramfs,"
159   echo "        --compress-initrd, --no-compress-initrd"
160   echo "                                Compress or do not compress the generated initramfs"
161   echo "        --compress-initramfs-type=<arg>"
162   echo "                                Compression type for initramfs (best, xz, lzma, bzip2, gzip, lzop)"
163 }
165 usage() {
166   echo "Gentoo Linux Genkernel ${GK_V}"
167   echo
168   echo "Usage: "
169   echo "        genkernel [options] all"
170   echo
171   echo 'Some useful options:'
172   echo '        --menuconfig            Run menuconfig after oldconfig'
173   echo '        --no-clean              Do not run make clean before compilation'
174   echo '        --no-mrproper           Do not run make mrproper before compilation,'
175   echo '                                this is implied by --no-clean.'
176   echo
177   echo 'For a detailed list of supported options and flags; issue:'
178   echo '        genkernel --help'
179 }
181 parse_optbool() {
182         local opt=${1/--no-*/0} # false
183         opt=${opt/--*/1} # true
184         echo $opt
185 }
187 parse_cmdline() {
188         case "$*" in
189                 --kernel-cc=*)
190                         CMD_KERNEL_CC=`parse_opt "$*"`
191                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_CC: ${CMD_KERNEL_CC}"
192                         ;;
193                 --kernel-ld=*)
194                         CMD_KERNEL_LD=`parse_opt "$*"`
195                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_LD: ${CMD_KERNEL_LD}"
196                         ;;
197                 --kernel-as=*)
198                         CMD_KERNEL_AS=`parse_opt "$*"`
199                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_AS: ${CMD_KERNEL_AS}"
200                         ;;
201                 --kernel-make=*)
202                         CMD_KERNEL_MAKE=`parse_opt "$*"`
203                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_MAKE: ${CMD_KERNEL_MAKE}"
204                         ;;
205                 --kernel-target=*)
206                         KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE_OVERRIDE=`parse_opt "$*"`
207                         print_info 2 "KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE_OVERRIDE: ${KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE_OVERRIDE}"
208                         ;;
209                 --kernel-binary=*)
210                         KERNEL_BINARY_OVERRIDE=`parse_opt "$*"`
211                         print_info 2 "KERNEL_BINARY_OVERRIDE: ${KERNEL_BINARY_OVERRIDE}"
212                         ;;
213                 --kernel-cross-compile=*)
214                         CMD_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE=`parse_opt "$*"`
215                         CMD_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE=$(echo ${CMD_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE}|sed -e 's/.*[^-]$/&-/g')
216                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE: ${CMD_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE}"
217                         ;;
218                 --kernel-outputdir=*)
219                         CMD_KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
220                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR: ${CMD_KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR}"
221                         ;;
222                 --utils-cc=*)
223                         CMD_UTILS_CC=`parse_opt "$*"`
224                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_CC: ${CMD_UTILS_CC}"
225                         ;;
226                 --utils-ld=*)
227                         CMD_UTILS_LD=`parse_opt "$*"`
228                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_LD: ${CMD_UTILS_LD}"
229                         ;;
230                 --utils-as=*)
231                         CMD_UTILS_AS=`parse_opt "$*"`
232                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_AS: ${CMD_UTILS_AS}"
233                         ;;
234                 --utils-make=*)
235                         CMD_UTILS_MAKE=`parse_opt "$*"`
236                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_MAKE: ${CMD_UTILS_MAKE}"
237                         ;;
238                 --utils-cross-compile=*)
239                         CMD_UTILS_CROSS_COMPILE=`parse_opt "$*"`
240                         CMD_UTILS_CROSS_COMPILE=$(echo ${CMD_UTILS_CROSS_COMPILE}|sed -e 's/.*[^-]$/&-/g')
241                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_CROSS_COMPILE: ${CMD_UTILS_CROSS_COMPILE}"
242                         ;;
243                 --utils-arch=*)
244                         CMD_UTILS_ARCH=`parse_opt "$*"`
245                         print_info 2 "CMD_UTILS_ARCH: ${CMD_ARCHOVERRIDE}"
246                         ;;
247                 --makeopts=*)
248                         CMD_MAKEOPTS=`parse_opt "$*"`
249                         print_info 2 "CMD_MAKEOPTS: ${CMD_MAKEOPTS}"
250                         ;;
251                 --mountboot|--no-mountboot)
252                         CMD_MOUNTBOOT=`parse_optbool "$*"`
253                         print_info 2 "CMD_MOUNTBOOT: ${CMD_MOUNTBOOT}"
254                         ;;
255                 --bootdir=*)
256                         CMD_BOOTDIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
257                         print_info 2 "CMD_BOOTDIR: ${CMD_BOOTDIR}"
258                         ;;
259                 --modprobedir=*)
260                         CMD_MODPROBEDIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
261                         print_info 2 "CMD_MODPROBEDIR: ${CMD_MODPROBEDIR}"
262                         ;;
263                 --do-keymap-auto)
264                         CMD_DOKEYMAPAUTO=1
265                         CMD_KEYMAP=1
266                         print_info 2 "CMD_DOKEYMAPAUTO: ${CMD_DOKEYMAPAUTO}"
267                         ;;
268                 --keymap|--no-keymap)
269                         CMD_KEYMAP=`parse_optbool "$*"`
270                         print_info 2 "CMD_KEYMAP: ${CMD_KEYMAP}"
271                         ;;
272                 --lvm|--no-lvm)
273                         CMD_LVM=`parse_optbool "$*"`
274                         print_info 2 "CMD_LVM: ${CMD_LVM}"
275                         ;;
276                 --lvm2|--no-lvm2)
277                         CMD_LVM=`parse_optbool "$*"`
278                         print_info 2 "CMD_LVM: ${CMD_LVM}"
279                         echo
280                         print_warning 1 "Please use --lvm, as --lvm2 is deprecated."
281                         ;;
282                 --mdadm|--no-mdadm)
283                         CMD_MDADM=`parse_optbool "$*"`
284                         print_info 2 "CMD_MDADM: $CMD_MDADM"
285                         ;;
286                 --mdadm-config=*)
287                         CMD_MDADM_CONFIG=`parse_opt "$*"`
288                         print_info 2 "CMD_MDADM_CONFIG: $CMD_MDADM_CONFIG"
289                         ;;
290                 --busybox|--no-busybox)
291                         CMD_BUSYBOX=`parse_optbool "$*"`
292                         print_info 2 "CMD_BUSYBOX: ${CMD_BUSYBOX}"
293                         ;;
294                 --unionfs|--no-unionfs)
295                         CMD_UNIONFS=`parse_optbool "$*"`
296                         print_info 2 "CMD_UNIONFS: ${CMD_UNIONFS}"
297                         ;;
298                 --netboot|--no-netboot)
299                         CMD_NETBOOT=`parse_optbool "$*"`
300                         print_info 2 "CMD_NETBOOT: ${CMD_NETBOOT}"
301                         ;;
302                 --real-root=*)
303                         CMD_REAL_ROOT=`parse_opt "$*"`
304                         print_info 2 "CMD_REAL_ROOT: ${CMD_REAL_ROOT}"
305                         ;;
306                 --dmraid|--no-dmraid)
307                         CMD_DMRAID=`parse_optbool "$*"`
308                         if [ "$CMD_DMRAID" = "1" -a ! -e /usr/include/libdevmapper.h ]
309                         then
310                                 echo 'Error: --dmraid requires LVM2 to be installed'
311                                 echo '           on the host system; try "emerge lvm2".'
312                                 exit 1
313                         fi
314                         print_info 2 "CMD_DMRAID: ${CMD_DMRAID}"
315                         ;;
316                 --e2fsprogs|--no-e2fsprogs)
317                         CMD_E2FSPROGS=`parse_optbool "$*"`
318                         print_info 2 "CMD_E2FSPROGS: ${CMD_E2FSPROGS}"
319                         ;;
320                 --zfs|--no-zfs)
321                         CMD_ZFS=`parse_optbool "$*"`
322                         print_info 2 "CMD_ZFS: ${CMD_ZFS}"
323                         ;;
324                 --multipath|--no-multipath)
325                         CMD_MULTIPATH=`parse_optbool "$*"`
326                         if [ "$CMD_MULTIPATH" = "1" -a ! -e /usr/include/libdevmapper.h ]
327                         then
328                                 echo 'Error: --multipath requires LVM2 to be installed'
329                                 echo '           on the host;system; try "emerge lvm2".'
330                                 exit 1
331                         fi
332                         print_info 2 "CMD_MULTIPATH: ${CMD_MULTIPATH}"
333                         ;;
334                 --bootloader=*)
335                         CMD_BOOTLOADER=`parse_opt "$*"`
336                         print_info 2 "CMD_BOOTLOADER: ${CMD_BOOTLOADER}"
337                         ;;
338                 --iscsi|--no-iscsi)
339                         CMD_ISCSI=`parse_optbool "$*"`
340                         print_info 2 "CMD_ISCSI: ${CMD_ISCSI}"
341                         ;;
342                 --loglevel=*)
343                         CMD_LOGLEVEL=`parse_opt "$*"`
344                         LOGLEVEL="${CMD_LOGLEVEL}"
345                         print_info 2 "CMD_LOGLEVEL: ${CMD_LOGLEVEL}"
346                         ;;
347                 --menuconfig)
348                         TERM_LINES=`stty -a | head -n 1 | cut -d\  -f5 | cut -d\; -f1`
349                         TERM_COLUMNS=`stty -a | head -n 1 | cut -d\  -f7 | cut -d\; -f1`
350                         if [[ TERM_LINES -lt 19 || TERM_COLUMNS -lt 80 ]]
351                         then
352                                 echo "Error: You need a terminal with at least 80 columns"
353                                 echo "           and 19 lines for --menuconfig; try --no-menuconfig..."
354                                 exit 1
355                         fi
356                         CMD_MENUCONFIG=1
357                         print_info 2 "CMD_MENUCONFIG: ${CMD_MENUCONFIG}"
358                         ;;
359                 --no-menuconfig)
360                         CMD_MENUCONFIG=0
361                         print_info 2 "CMD_MENUCONFIG: ${CMD_MENUCONFIG}"
362                         ;;
363                 --gconfig|--no-gconfig)
364                         CMD_GCONFIG=`parse_optbool "$*"`
365                         print_info 2 "CMD_GCONFIG: ${CMD_GCONFIG}"
366                         ;;
367                 --xconfig|--no-xconfig)
368                         CMD_XCONFIG=`parse_optbool "$*"`
369                         print_info 2 "CMD_XCONFIG: ${CMD_XCONFIG}"
370                         ;;
371                 --save-config|--no-save-config)
372                         CMD_SAVE_CONFIG=`parse_optbool "$*"`
373                         print_info 2 "CMD_SAVE_CONFIG: ${CMD_SAVE_CONFIG}"
374                         ;;
375                 --mrproper|--no-mrproper)
376                         CMD_MRPROPER=`parse_optbool "$*"`
377                         print_info 2 "CMD_MRPROPER: ${CMD_MRPROPER}"
378                         ;;
379                 --clean|--no-clean)
380                         CMD_CLEAN=`parse_optbool "$*"`
381                         print_info 2 "CMD_CLEAN: ${CMD_CLEAN}"
382                         ;;
383                 --oldconfig|--no-oldconfig)
384                         CMD_OLDCONFIG=`parse_optbool "$*"`
385                         [ "$CMD_OLDCONFIG" = "1" ] && CMD_CLEAN=0
386                         print_info 2 "CMD_CLEAN: ${CMD_CLEAN}"
387                         print_info 2 "CMD_OLDCONFIG: ${CMD_OLDCONFIG}"
388                         ;;
389                 --gensplash=*)
390                         CMD_SPLASH=1
391                         SPLASH_THEME=`parse_opt "$*"`
392                         print_info 2 "CMD_SPLASH: ${CMD_SPLASH}"
393                         print_info 2 "SPLASH_THEME: ${SPLASH_THEME}"
394                         echo
395                         print_warning 1 "Please use --splash, as --gensplash is deprecated."
396                         ;;
397                 --gensplash|--no-gensplash)
398                         CMD_SPLASH=`parse_optbool "$*"`
399                         SPLASH_THEME='default'
400                         print_info 2 "CMD_SPLASH: ${CMD_SPLASH}"
401                         echo
402                         print_warning 1 "Please use --splash, as --gensplash is deprecated."
403                         ;;
404                 --splash=*)
405                         CMD_SPLASH=1
406                         SPLASH_THEME=`parse_opt "$*"`
407                         print_info 2 "CMD_SPLASH: ${CMD_SPLASH}"
408                         print_info 2 "SPLASH_THEME: ${SPLASH_THEME}"
409                         ;;
410                 --splash|--no-splash)
411                         CMD_SPLASH=`parse_optbool "$*"`
412                         SPLASH_THEME='default'
413                         print_info 2 "CMD_SPLASH: ${CMD_SPLASH}"
414                         ;;
415                 --gensplash-res=*)
416                         SPLASH_RES=`parse_opt "$*"`
417                         print_info 2 "SPLASH_RES: ${SPLASH_RES}"
418                         echo
419                         print_warning 1 "Please use --splash-res, as --gensplash-res is deprecated."
420                         ;;
421                 --splash-res=*)
422                         SPLASH_RES=`parse_opt "$*"`
423                         print_info 2 "SPLASH_RES: ${SPLASH_RES}"
424                         ;;
425                 --install|--no-install)
426                         CMD_INSTALL=`parse_optbool "$*"`
427                         print_info 2 "CMD_INSTALL: ${CMD_INSTALL}"
428                         ;;
429                 --ramdisk-modules|--no-ramdisk-modules)
430                         CMD_RAMDISKMODULES=`parse_optbool "$*"`
431                         print_info 2 "CMD_RAMDISKMODULES: ${CMD_RAMDISKMODULES}"
432                         ;;
433                 --all-ramdisk-modules|--no-all-ramdisk-modules)
434                         CMD_ALLRAMDISKMODULES=`parse_optbool "$*"`
435                         print_info 2 "CMD_ALLRAMDISKMODULES: ${CMD_ALLRAMDISKMODULES}"
436                         ;;
437                 --callback=*)
438                         CMD_CALLBACK=`parse_opt "$*"`
439                         print_info 2 "CMD_CALLBACK: ${CMD_CALLBACK}/$*"
440                         ;;
441                 --static|--no-static)
442                         CMD_STATIC=`parse_optbool "$*"`
443                         print_info 2 "CMD_STATIC: ${CMD_STATIC}"
444                         ;;
445                 --tempdir=*)
446                         TMPDIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
447                         TEMP=${TMPDIR}/$RANDOM.$RANDOM.$RANDOM.$$
448                         print_info 2 "TMPDIR: ${TMPDIR}"
449                         print_info 2 "TEMP: ${TEMP}"
450                         ;;
451                 --postclear|--no-postclear)
452                         CMD_POSTCLEAR=`parse_optbool "$*"`
453                         print_info 2 "CMD_POSTCLEAR: ${CMD_POSTCLEAR}"
454                         ;;
455                 --arch-override=*)
456                         CMD_ARCHOVERRIDE=`parse_opt "$*"`
457                         print_info 2 "CMD_ARCHOVERRIDE: ${CMD_ARCHOVERRIDE}"
458                         ;;
459                 --color|--no-color)
460                         USECOLOR=`parse_optbool "$*"`
461                         print_info 2 "USECOLOR: ${USECOLOR}"
462                         setColorVars
463                         ;;
464                 --logfile=*)
465                         CMD_LOGFILE=`parse_opt "$*"`
466                         LOGFILE=`parse_opt "$*"`
467                         print_info 2 "CMD_LOGFILE: ${CMD_LOGFILE}"
468                         print_info 2 "LOGFILE: ${CMD_LOGFILE}"
469                         ;;
470                 --kerneldir=*)
471                         CMD_KERNEL_DIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
472                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_DIR: ${CMD_KERNEL_DIR}"
473                         ;;
474                 --kernel-config=*)
475                         CMD_KERNEL_CONFIG=`parse_opt "$*"`
476                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_CONFIG: ${CMD_KERNEL_CONFIG}"
477                         ;;
478                 --module-prefix=*)
479                         CMD_INSTALL_MOD_PATH=`parse_opt "$*"`
480                         print_info 2 "CMD_INSTALL_MOD_PATH: ${CMD_INSTALL_MOD_PATH}"
481                         ;;
482                 --cachedir=*)
483                         CACHE_DIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
484                         print_info 2 "CACHE_DIR: ${CACHE_DIR}"
485                         ;;
486                 --minkernpackage=*)
487                         CMD_MINKERNPACKAGE=`parse_opt "$*"`
488                         print_info 2 "MINKERNPACKAGE: ${CMD_MINKERNPACKAGE}"
489                         ;;
490                 --modulespackage=*)
491                         CMD_MODULESPACKAGE=`parse_opt "$*"`
492                         print_info 2 "MODULESPACKAGE: ${CMD_MODULESPACKAGE}"
493                         ;;
494                 --kerncache=*)
495                         CMD_KERNCACHE=`parse_opt "$*"`
496                         print_info 2 "KERNCACHE: ${CMD_KERNCACHE}"
497                         ;;
498                 --kernname=*)
499                         CMD_KERNNAME=`parse_opt "$*"`
500                         print_info 2 "KERNNAME: ${CMD_KERNNAME}"
501                         ;;
502                 --symlink|--no-symlink)
503                         CMD_SYMLINK=`parse_optbool "$*"`
504                         print_info 2 "CMD_SYMLINK: ${CMD_SYMLINK}"
505                         ;;
506                 --kernel-sources|--no-kernel-sources)
507                         CMD_KERNEL_SOURCES=`parse_optbool "$*"`
508                         print_info 2 "CMD_KERNEL_SOURCES: ${CMD_KERNEL_SOURCES}"
509                         ;;
510                 --initramfs-overlay=*)
511                         CMD_INITRAMFS_OVERLAY=`parse_opt "$*"`
512                         print_info 2 "CMD_INITRAMFS_OVERLAY: ${CMD_INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}"
513                         ;;
514                 --linuxrc=*)
515                         CMD_LINUXRC=`parse_opt "$*"`
516                         print_info 2 "CMD_LINUXRC: ${CMD_LINUXRC}"
517                         ;;
518                 --busybox-config=*)
519                         CMD_BUSYBOX_CONFIG=`parse_opt "$*"`
520                         print_info 2 "CMD_BUSYBOX_CONFIG: ${CMD_BUSYBOX_CONFIG}"
521                         ;;
522                 --genzimage)
523                         KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE_2='zImage.initrd'
524                         KERNEL_BINARY_2='arch/powerpc/boot/zImage.initrd'
525                         CMD_GENZIMAGE="yes"
526 #                       ENABLE_PEGASOS_HACKS="yes"
527 #                       print_info 2 "ENABLE_PEGASOS_HACKS: ${ENABLE_PEGASOS_HACKS}"
528                         ;;
529                 --disklabel|--no-disklabel)
530                         CMD_DISKLABEL=`parse_optbool "$*"`
531                         print_info 2 "CMD_DISKLABEL: ${CMD_DISKLABEL}"
532                         ;;
533                 --luks|--no-luks)
534                         CMD_LUKS=`parse_optbool "$*"`
535                         print_info 2 "CMD_LUKS: ${CMD_LUKS}"
536                         ;;
537                 --gpg|--no-gpg)
538                         CMD_GPG=`parse_optbool "$*"`
539                         print_info 2 "CMD_GPG: ${CMD_GPG}"
540                         ;;
541                 --firmware|--no-firmware)
542                         CMD_FIRMWARE=`parse_optbool "$*"`
543                         print_info 2 "CMD_FIRMWARE: ${CMD_FIRMWARE}"
544                         ;;
545                 --firmware-dir=*)
546                         CMD_FIRMWARE_DIR=`parse_opt "$*"`
547                         CMD_FIRMWARE=1
548                         print_info 2 "CMD_FIRMWARE_DIR: ${CMD_FIRMWARE_DIR}"
549                         ;;
550                 --firmware-files=*)
551                         CMD_FIRMWARE_FILES=`parse_opt "$*"`
552                         CMD_FIRMWARE=1
553                         print_info 2 "CMD_FIRMWARE_FILES: ${CMD_FIRMWARE_FILES}"
554                         ;;
555                 --integrated-initramfs|--no-integrated-initramfs)
556                         CMD_INTEGRATED_INITRAMFS=`parse_optbool "$*"`
557                         print_info 2 "CMD_INTEGRATED_INITRAMFS=${CMD_INTEGRATED_INITRAMFS}"
558                         ;;
559                 --compress-initramfs|--no-compress-initramfs|--compress-initrd|--no-compress-initrd)
560                         CMD_COMPRESS_INITRD=`parse_optbool "$*"`
561                         print_info 2 "CMD_COMPRESS_INITRD=${CMD_COMPRESS_INITRD}"
562                         ;;
563                 --compress-initramfs-type=*|--compress-initrd-type=*)
564                         COMPRESS_INITRD_TYPE=`parse_opt "$*"`
565                         print_info 2 "CMD_COMPRESS_INITRD_TYPE: ${CMD_LINUXRC}"
566                         ;;
567                 --config=*)
568                         print_info 2 "CMD_GK_CONFIG: `parse_opt "$*"`"
569                         ;;
570                 all)
571                         BUILD_KERNEL=1
572                         BUILD_MODULES=1
573                         BUILD_RAMDISK=1
574                         ;;
575                 ramdisk|initramfs)
576                         BUILD_RAMDISK=1
577                         ;;
578                 kernel)
579                         BUILD_KERNEL=1
580                         BUILD_MODULES=1
581                         BUILD_RAMDISK=0
582                         ;;
583                 bzImage)
584                         BUILD_KERNEL=1
585                         BUILD_MODULES=0
586                         BUILD_RAMDISK=1
587                         CMD_RAMDISKMODULES=0
588                         print_info 2 "CMD_RAMDISKMODULES: ${CMD_RAMDISKMODULES}"
589                         ;;
590                 --help)
591                         longusage
592                         exit 1
593                         ;;
594                 --version)
595                         echo "${GK_V}"
596                         exit 0
597                         ;;
598                 *)
599                         echo "Error: Unknown option '$*'!"
600                         exit 1
601                         ;;
602         esac
603 }