descriptionExample of Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and threading for multi-core processing.
last changeWed, 17 Apr 2013 16:27:58 +0000 (12:27 -0400)
2013-04-17 W. Trevor KingCOPYING: Everything I've done is CC0 master
2013-04-17 W. Trevor KingREADME.rst: Add a symlink for GitHub rendering.
2013-04-17 W. Trevor KingREADME: Explain what this test is for and how it works
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Use threading.Thread to call spam.busy
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingspammify.c: Require a certain count instead of elapsed...
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingspammify.c: Convert spam.system to spam.busy for a...
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Oops, the module name is 'spam' not 'spammify'
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingspammify.c: Replace spam_doc with NULL
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Add basic for a C extension
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingspammify.c: Add the basic extension code
11 years ago master