2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingsrc/figures/cantilever-data/ print ->...
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingsrc/figures/cantilever-data/ Vs.sort()...
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingsrc/figures/cantilever-data: Modernize print statements
2013-04-17 W. Trevor Kingsrc/figures: Use open() instead of file() in Python...
2012-11-17 W. Trevor Kingroot.bib: add roman12 entry for Marisa's thesis
2012-07-02 W. Trevor KingStub out pyafm and calibcant chapters.
2012-06-29 W. Trevor KingMerge unfolding and tension chapters back into sawsim...
2012-06-28 W. Trevor KingShrink expt-sawtooth.asy to a more reasonable size.
2012-06-28 W. Trevor KingConsolidate fig:afm-schematic and fig:piezo-schematic...
2012-06-28 W. Trevor KingLimit default graphMatrixFile palette to 8192 colors.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingUse 1/3 instead of 0.\bar{3} in monte-carlo.asy.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingUse kappa for spring constants (k is for rates).
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingExcape the hash symbol (#) in agilent-sure2 bib entry.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingThere is no way to comment out BibTeX values, just...
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingAdd WKing @string to packaging/main.bib.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingAdd a missing comma after the url entry for agilent...
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingSet Asymptote fontsize to 10pt globally, not just for...
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingAdd packaging bibliography.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingUse \subref in unfolding schematic image.
2012-06-27 W. Trevor KingAdd I27 length to fig:I27 caption.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingUse \subref in unfolding pathway vs. landscape image.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingConsolidate duplicate I27 nomenclature entries.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingAdd schematics for Kramers' integrand and the unfolding...
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingClean up lattice and off-latice references in the sawsi...
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingDon't wrap lu99 url in root.bib.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingAdd citations for lu98 and lu99 to introduction MD...
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingAdd script to build Asymptote figures.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingAdd figure 2 from kempe85.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingInclude apparatus/main.bib bibliography (equipment).
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingComment out some personal stuff to make shorter drafts.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingBump copyright year in root.tex.
2012-06-26 W. Trevor KingPoint out some early DNA work before introducing titin.
2012-06-25 W. Trevor KingFlesh out apparatus chapter.
2012-06-25 W. Trevor KingMake piezo schematic smaller.
2012-06-25 W. Trevor KingAdd berkemeier11 as another paper discussing molecular...
2012-06-25 W. Trevor KingAdd several new citations to root.bib (mostly for the...
2012-06-25 W. Trevor KingAdd \diNaHPO (Na2HPO4) and \NadiHPO (NaH2PO4) commands...
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingFix redundant 'review' and 'discussed' in apparatus...
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingFlesh out motivation to distinguish pathway vs. funnel...
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd citealiases and shorthand commands for a bunch...
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd abstract text.
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd labeit95 and sandal09 to root.bib.
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd apparatus/main.bib with vendor references.
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd piezo.asy for explaining how a tubular piezo works.
2012-06-24 W. Trevor KingAdd skeletal_muscle.jpg (modified from Wikipedia).
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingWhitespace cleanups in the rest of the figures/*/*...
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingWhitespace cleanups in base_afm.asy and monte-carlo...
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingConvert tabs to spaces in expt-sawtooth.asy.
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingRelabel unfolding/rate.tex to sec:rate.
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingRemove asyprocess references from SConscript files.
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingWhitespace cleanups in schematic/unfolding.asy.
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingFix sec:cantilever-calib-intro -> sec:cantilever-calib...
2012-06-17 W. Trevor KingRemove unused asyprocess script (leftover from asyfig...
2012-06-16 W. Trevor KingCreate figures/scratch immediately, so it's there by...
2012-06-16 W. Trevor KingRemove unused asyfig packages.
2012-06-16 W. Trevor KingAdd hong10, zhao10, liu10, measey09, shan09, yuan08...
2012-04-18 W. Trevor KingChange my email address from to
2012-02-02 W. Trevor KingAdd new citation ng07b and change ng07 to ng07a.
2012-02-02 W. Trevor KingAdd comments referenceing Brockwell's 2002 paper with...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingRemove src/unfolding-distributions/* which were moved...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingUpdate to \DUTmonth and \DUTyear to work with >=drexel...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingRemove silly tex/ directory.
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingAdd a PyMOL builder to SCons and generalize PYMOL_PATH...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingAdjust asymptote and gnuplot doctests to be directory...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingCorrect GNUPLOTLAGS -> GNUPLOTFLAGS typo in site_cons...
2011-05-14 W. Trevor KingTransition from \asyfig to the stock \asyinclude.
2011-04-23 W. Trevor KingWork around null-dereference bug in some versions of...
2011-03-29 W. Trevor KingFix (a^2-z^2)^2 typo in integrals.tex.
2011-02-23 W. Trevor KingBegin rearranging chapters and sections following Prof...
2010-10-23 W. Trevor KingConvert author macro JFernandez -> JMFernandez.
2010-10-23 W. Trevor KingCondense author aliases for MSZKellermayer and SBSmith.
2010-10-23 W. Trevor KingAdded dates to rief97* which swapped a <-> b.
2010-10-23 W. Trevor KingAdded dates to carrion-vazques99* which swapped a ...
2010-10-23 W. Trevor KingFix some long URLs that had been wrapped by pybtex.
2010-10-17 W. Trevor KingMerge branch 'master' of ssh://einstein/~/public_html...
2010-10-17 W. Trevor KingMove src/packages/ to src/package/.
2010-10-17 W. Trevor KingStandardize figure size (15cmx10cm) for fit-space/
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingGive root.bib a final run through pybtex.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingConsolidate macros in root.bib.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingReformatted root.bib with pybtex and rekeyed LaTeX...
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingMore key/name tuning in root.bib.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingSet custom key for NIST:gumbel entry.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingAdditional field name cleanups in root.bib.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingSet custom keys for codata entries.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingSet custom keys for uniprot entries.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingDifferentiate Best2008 bibtex entries.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingRemoved duplicate keywords fields from staple08.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingRemove duplicate note field from ciccotti86.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingRemove duplicate note field from ryckaert77.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingConsolitate duplicate schlierf04 entries.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingCorrect DeGrado -> WDeGrado typo.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingCorrect <X>BrowerToland -> BDBrowerToland typos.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingCorrect VMontant -> VMontana typo.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingCorrect MGau -> MGao typo.
2010-10-16 W. Trevor KingCorrections to root.bib before reformating with pybtex.
2010-06-13 W. Trevor Kingunfolding.asy also needs base_afm.asy.
2010-06-13 W. Trevor KingUse \text intead of \mathrm in \supScript.
2010-06-13 W. Trevor KingDedicate to Heaven.
2010-05-02 W. Trevor KingAdded open source highlights to acknowledgments
2010-05-02 W. Trevor KingMoved remaining text portions of root.tex into src...