Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.82, Repoman-2.3.20
Signed-off-by: Andrew Savchenko <>
A set of modules for analyzing and playing with the mechanics of python pickles.
+ Features:
+ * Forgiving: Extracts as much data as possible from the pickle, even if class definitions are unavailable.
+ * Safe: You can safely unpickle data structures from unknown sources
+ * Easy to use: Tools are provided which make it possible to code around the unpickled datastructures as if they were created from the actual class definitions.
+ * Customizeable: Most functionality is easily subclassable to suit your needs.
+ * Create pickles as if you were writing python: Via a few constructs it's possible to create custom pickles with the ease of writing normal python.
+ * Works in both python 2 and 3
<remote-id type="github">CensoredUsername/picklemagic</remote-id>
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="A library for analysing python pickles safely "
+DESCRIPTION="A library for analysing python pickles safely"
BDEPEND="doc? ( dev-python/sphinx )"
src_compile() {
use doc && emake -C doc html