had been calculated as $P_N=NP_1$, rather than $P_N=1-(1-P_1)^N$.
However, for small $P$ the two are equivalent.
-Version 0.9 the -P option to sawsim now sets the target probability
-for the per-state transition $P_N$, not the per-domain transisiton
+Version 0.9 added the [[-P]] option to sawsim, setting the target
+probability for the per-state transition $P_N$, not the per-domain
+transisiton $P_1$.
+Version 0.10 added the [[-F]] option to sawsim, setting a limit on the
+force change $dF$ in a single timestep for continuous pulling
+simulations. It also added the piston tension model (Section
+\ref{sec.piston_tension}), and adjusted the stiffness calculations to
+handle domains with undefined stiffness.
<<version definition>>=
-#define VERSION "0.9"
+#define VERSION "0.10"