typedef struct _krb5_checksum {
krb5_cksumtype checksum_type; /* checksum type */
+ int length;
octet contents[1]; /* actually can be more, depending
on length */
} krb5_checksum;
key schedules */
} krb5_encrypt_block;
+/* could be used in a table to find a sumtype */
+typedef struct _krb5_checksum_entry {
+ void * (*sum_func)(/* void *in, void *out, void *seed,
+ size_t in_length, size_t seed_length */);
+ int checksum_length; /* length of stuff returned by
+ sum_func */
+} krb5_checksum_entry;
/* per Kerberos v5 protocol spec */
#define KEYTYPE_NULL 0x0000
#define KEYTYPE_DES 0x0001 /* Data Encryption Standard,