--- /dev/null
+Copyright 1990, Daniel J. Bernstein. All rights reserved.
+Please address any questions or comments to the author at brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+extern int free(char *);
+#define FREE(x) ((void) free((char *) (x)))
+#include "krb5/krb5.h"
+krb5_error_code krb5_timeofday PROTOTYPE((krb5_int32 *)); /* aargh */
+#include "rc_base.h"
+#include "rc_dfl.h"
+#include "rc_io.h"
+#include "rc_err.h"
+#include "rc_io_err.h"
+If NOIOSTUFF is defined at compile time, dfl rcaches will be per-process.
+Local stuff:
+struct auth_replay
+ exactly that info which must not be replayed---by this cache type, that is
+static int hash(struct auth_replay *rep,int hsize)
+ returns hash value of *rep, between 0 and hsize - 1
+ size of hash table (constant), can be preset
+static int auth_to_rep(krb5_tkt_authent *auth,struct auth_replay *rep)
+ given auth, take important information and make rep; return -1 if failed
+static int cmp(struct auth_replay *old,struct auth_replay *new,krb5_deltat t)
+ compare old and new; return CMP_REPLAY or CMP_HOHUM
+static int alive(struct auth_replay *new,krb5_deltat t)
+ see if new is still alive; return CMP_EXPIRED or CMP_HOHUM
+ return codes from cmp(), alive(), and store()
+struct dfl_data
+ data stored in this cache type, namely "dfl"
+struct authlist
+ multilinked list of reps
+static int store(krb5_RC id,struct auth_replay *rep)
+ store rep in cache id; return CMP_REPLAY if replay, else CMP_MALLOC/CMP_HOHUM
+#ifndef HASHSIZE
+#define HASHSIZE 997 /* a convenient prime */
+#define EXCESSREPS 30
+/* The rcache will be automatically expunged when the number of expired
+auth_replays encountered incidentally in searching exceeds the number
+of live auth_replays by EXCESSREPS. With the defaults here, a typical
+cache might build up some 10K of expired auth_replays before an automatic
+expunge, with the waste basically independent of the number of stores per
+minute. */
+struct auth_replay
+ {
+ char *server; /* null-terminated */
+ char *client; /* null-terminated */
+ krb5_ui_2 cmsec;
+ krb5_timestamp ctime;
+ }
+static int hash(struct auth_replay *rep,int hsize)
+ return (((rep->cmsec + rep->ctime + *rep->server + *rep->client)
+ % hsize) + hsize) % hsize;
+ /* We take this opportunity to once again complain about C's idiotic %. */
+static int auth_to_rep(krb5_tkt_authent *auth,struct auth_replay *rep)
+ rep->cmsec = auth->authenticator->cmsec;
+ rep->ctime = auth->authenticator->ctime;
+ if (krb5_unparse_name(auth->ticket->server,&rep->server))
+ return -1; /* shouldn't happen */
+ if (krb5_unparse_name(auth->authenticator->client,&rep->client))
+ return -1; /* shouldn't happen. */
+ return 0;
+#define CMP_MALLOC -3
+#define CMP_EXPIRED -2
+#define CMP_REPLAY -1
+#define CMP_HOHUM 0
+static int cmp(struct auth_replay *old,struct auth_replay *new,krb5_deltat t)
+ if ((old->cmsec == new->cmsec) && /* most likely to distinguish */
+ (old->ctime == new->ctime) &&
+ (strcmp(old->client,new->client) == 0) &&
+ (strcmp(old->server,new->server) == 0)) /* always true */
+ return CMP_REPLAY;
+ return CMP_HOHUM;
+static int alive(struct auth_replay *new,krb5_deltat t)
+ krb5_int32 time;
+ if (krb5_timeofday(&time))
+ return CMP_HOHUM; /* who cares? */
+ if (new->ctime + t < time) /* I hope we don't have to worry about overflow */
+ return CMP_EXPIRED;
+ return CMP_HOHUM;
+struct dfl_data
+ {
+ char *name;
+ krb5_deltat lifespan;
+ int hsize;
+ int numhits;
+ int nummisses;
+ struct authlist **h;
+ struct authlist *a;
+#ifndef NOIOSTUFF
+ krb5_rc_iostuff d;
+ }
+struct authlist
+ {
+ struct auth_replay rep;
+ struct authlist *na;
+ struct authlist *nh;
+ }
+/* of course, list is backwards from file */
+/* hash could be forwards since we have to search on match, but naaaah */
+static int store(krb5_RC id,struct auth_replay *rep)
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ int rephash;
+ struct authlist *ta;
+ rephash = hash(rep,t->hsize);
+ for (ta = t->h[rephash];ta;ta = ta->nh)
+ switch(cmp(&ta->rep,rep,t->lifespan))
+ {
+ case CMP_REPLAY: return CMP_REPLAY;
+ case CMP_HOHUM: if (alive(&ta->rep,t->lifespan) == CMP_EXPIRED)
+ t->nummisses++;
+ else
+ t->numhits++;
+ break;
+ default: ; /* wtf? */
+ }
+ if (!(ta = (struct authlist *) malloc(sizeof(struct authlist))))
+ return CMP_MALLOC;
+ ta->na = t->a; t->a = ta;
+ ta->nh = t->h[rephash]; t->h[rephash] = ta;
+ ta->rep = *rep;
+ return CMP_HOHUM;
+char *krb5_rc_dfl_get_name(krb5_RC id)
+ return ((struct dfl_data *) (id->data))->name;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_get_span(krb5_RC id,krb5_deltat *lifespan)
+ *lifespan = ((struct dfl_data *) (id->data))->lifespan;
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_init(krb5_RC id,krb5_deltat lifespan)
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ int i;
+ t->lifespan = lifespan;
+#ifndef NOIOSTUFF
+ if (krb5_rc_io_creat(&t->d,&t->name))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &t->lifespan,sizeof(t->lifespan)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ t->numhits = t->nummisses = 0;
+ t->hsize = HASHSIZE; /* could be variable, but naaaah */
+ if (!(t->h = (struct authlist **) malloc(t->hsize*sizeof(struct authlist *))))
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ for (i = 0;i < t->hsize;i++)
+ t->h[i] = (struct authlist *) 0;
+ t->a = (struct authlist *) 0;
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_close(krb5_RC id)
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ struct authlist *q;
+ FREE(t->h);
+ while (q = t->a)
+ {
+ t->a = q->na;
+ FREE(q->rep.client);
+ FREE(q->rep.server);
+ FREE(q);
+ }
+#ifndef NOIOSTUFF
+ (void) krb5_rc_io_close(&t->d);
+ FREE(t);
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_destroy(krb5_RC id)
+#ifndef NOIOSTUFF
+ if (krb5_rc_io_destroy(&((struct dfl_data *) (id->data))->d))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ return krb5_rc_dfl_close(id);
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_resolve(krb5_RC *id,char *name)
+ struct dfl_data *t;
+ /* allocate id? no */
+ if (!(t = (struct dfl_data *) malloc(sizeof(struct dfl_data))))
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ (*id)->data = t;
+ t->name = name; /* gee, difficult... */
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_recover(krb5_RC id)
+ return KRB5_RC_NOIO;
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ int i;
+ struct auth_replay *rep;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_open(&t->d,t->name))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &t->lifespan,sizeof(t->lifespan)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ t->numhits = t->nummisses = 0;
+ t->hsize = HASHSIZE; /* no need to store---it's memory-only */
+ if (!(t->h = (struct authlist **) malloc(t->hsize*sizeof(struct authlist *))))
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ for (i = 0;i < t->hsize;i++)
+ t->h[i] = (struct authlist *) 0;
+ t->a = (struct authlist *) 0;
+ /* now read in each auth_replay and insert into table */
+ for (;;)
+ {
+#define FREE1 FREE(rep);
+#define FREE2 FREE(rep->client); FREE(rep);
+#define FREE3 FREE(rep->server); FREE(rep->client); FREE(rep);
+ if (krb5_rc_io_mark(&t->d))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (!(rep = (struct auth_replay *) malloc(sizeof(struct auth_replay))))
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE1; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE1; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ if (!(rep->client = malloc(i)))
+ { FREE1; return KRB5_RC_MALLOC; }
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) rep->client,i))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE2; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE2; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE2; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE2; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ if (!(rep->server = malloc(i)))
+ { FREE2; return KRB5_RC_MALLOC; }
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) rep->server,i))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE3; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE3; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &rep->cmsec,sizeof(rep->cmsec)))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE3; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE3; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ switch(krb5_rc_io_read(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &rep->ctime,sizeof(rep->ctime)))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_IO_EOF: FREE3; goto end_loop;
+ case 0: break; default: FREE3; return KRB5_RC_IO; break;
+ }
+ if (alive(rep,t->lifespan) != CMP_EXPIRED)
+ if (store(id,rep) == CMP_MALLOC) /* can't be a replay */
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ }
+ end_loop: krb5_rc_io_unmark(&t->d);
+/* An automatic expunge here could remove the need for mark/unmark but
+would be inefficient. */
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_store(krb5_RC id,krb5_tkt_authent *auth)
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ struct auth_replay *rep;
+ int i;
+ if (!(rep = (struct auth_replay *) malloc(sizeof(struct auth_replay))))
+ return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ if (auth_to_rep(auth,rep))
+ { FREE(rep); return KRB5_RC_UNKNOWN; }
+ switch(store(id,rep))
+ {
+ case CMP_MALLOC: FREE(rep); return KRB5_RC_MALLOC; break;
+ case CMP_REPLAY: FREE(rep); return KRB5_RC_REPLAY; break;
+ case 0: break;
+ default: /* wtf? */ ;
+ }
+#ifndef NOIOSTUFF
+ i = strlen(rep->client) + 1;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) rep->client,i))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ i = strlen(rep->server) + 1;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) rep->server,i))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &rep->cmsec,sizeof(rep->cmsec)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&t->d,(krb5_pointer) &rep->ctime,sizeof(rep->ctime)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ /* Shall we automatically expunge? */
+ if (t->nummisses > t->numhits + EXCESSREPS)
+ return krb5_rc_dfl_expunge(id);
+ return 0;
+krb5_error_code krb5_rc_dfl_expunge(krb5_RC id)
+ struct dfl_data *t = id->data;
+ int i;
+ struct authlist **q;
+ struct authlist **qt;
+ struct authlist *r;
+ struct authlist *rt;
+ for (q = &t->a;*q;q = qt)
+ {
+ qt = &(*q)->na;
+ if (alive(&(*q)->rep,t->lifespan) == CMP_EXPIRED)
+ {
+ FREE((*q)->rep.client);
+ FREE((*q)->rep.server);
+ FREE(*q);
+ *q = *qt; /* why doesn't this feel right? */
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < t->hsize;i++)
+ t->h[i] = (struct authlist *) 0;
+ for (r = t->a;r;r = r->na)
+ {
+ i = hash(&r->rep,t->hsize);
+ rt = t->h[i];
+ t->h[i] = r;
+ r->nh = rt;
+ }
+ struct krb5_rc_iostuff tmp;
+ struct authlist *q;
+ (void) krb5_rc_dfl_close(id);
+ switch(krb5_rc_dfl_recover(id))
+ {
+ case KRB5_RC_MALLOC: return KRB5_RC_MALLOC;
+ case KRB5_RC_IO: return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ default: ;
+ }
+ if (krb5_rc_io_creat(&tmp,(char **) 0))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) &t->lifespan,sizeof(t->lifespan)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ for (q = t->a;q;q = q->na)
+ {
+ i = strlen(q->rep.client) + 1;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) q->rep.client,i))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ i = strlen(q->rep.server) + 1;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) &i,sizeof(i)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) q->rep.server,i))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) &q->rep.cmsec,sizeof(q->rep.cmsec)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ if (krb5_rc_io_write(&tmp,(krb5_pointer) &q->rep.ctime,sizeof(q->rep.ctime)))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ }
+ if (krb5_rc_io_move(&t->d,&tmp))
+ return KRB5_RC_IO;
+ return 0;
+struct krb5_rc_type krb5_rc_dfl_ops =
+ {
+ "dfl",
+ krb5_rc_dfl_init,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_recover,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_destroy,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_close,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_store,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_expunge,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_get_span,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_get_name,
+ krb5_rc_dfl_resolve
+ }