+++ /dev/null
-%module aubiowrapper
-#include "aubio.h"
-/* type aliases */
-typedef unsigned int uint_t;
-typedef int sint_t;
-typedef float smpl_t;
-typedef char char_t;
-/* fvec */
-fvec_t * new_fvec(uint_t length);
-void del_fvec(fvec_t *s);
-smpl_t fvec_read_sample(fvec_t *s, uint_t position);
-void fvec_write_sample(fvec_t *s, smpl_t data, uint_t position);
-smpl_t * fvec_get_data(fvec_t *s);
-/* cvec */
-cvec_t * new_cvec(uint_t length);
-void del_cvec(cvec_t *s);
-void cvec_write_norm(cvec_t *s, smpl_t data, uint_t position);
-void cvec_write_phas(cvec_t *s, smpl_t data, uint_t position);
-smpl_t cvec_read_norm(cvec_t *s, uint_t position);
-smpl_t cvec_read_phas(cvec_t *s, uint_t position);
-smpl_t * cvec_get_norm(cvec_t *s);
-smpl_t * cvec_get_phas(cvec_t *s);
-/* fft */
-aubio_fft_t * new_aubio_fft(uint_t size);
-void del_aubio_fft(aubio_fft_t * s);
-void aubio_fft_do (aubio_fft_t *s, fvec_t * input, cvec_t * spectrum);
-void aubio_fft_rdo (aubio_fft_t *s, cvec_t * spectrum, fvec_t * output);
-void aubio_fft_do_complex (aubio_fft_t *s, fvec_t * input, fvec_t * compspec);
-void aubio_fft_rdo_complex (aubio_fft_t *s, fvec_t * compspec, fvec_t * output);
-void aubio_fft_get_spectrum(fvec_t * compspec, cvec_t * spectrum);
-void aubio_fft_get_realimag(cvec_t * spectrum, fvec_t * compspec);
-void aubio_fft_get_phas(fvec_t * compspec, cvec_t * spectrum);
-void aubio_fft_get_imag(cvec_t * spectrum, fvec_t * compspec);
-void aubio_fft_get_norm(fvec_t * compspec, cvec_t * spectrum);
-void aubio_fft_get_real(cvec_t * spectrum, fvec_t * compspec);
-/* filter */
-aubio_filter_t * new_aubio_filter(uint_t order);
-void aubio_filter_do(aubio_filter_t * b, fvec_t * in);
-void aubio_filter_do_outplace(aubio_filter_t * b, fvec_t * in, fvec_t * out);
-void aubio_filter_do_filtfilt(aubio_filter_t * b, fvec_t * in, fvec_t * tmp);
-void del_aubio_filter(aubio_filter_t * b);
-/* a_weighting */
-aubio_filter_t * new_aubio_filter_a_weighting (uint_t samplerate);
-uint_t aubio_filter_set_a_weighting (aubio_filter_t * b, uint_t samplerate);
-/* c_weighting */
-aubio_filter_t * new_aubio_filter_c_weighting (uint_t samplerate);
-uint_t aubio_filter_set_c_weighting (aubio_filter_t * b, uint_t samplerate);
-/* biquad */
-aubio_filter_t * new_aubio_filter_biquad(lsmp_t b1, lsmp_t b2, lsmp_t b3, lsmp_t a2, lsmp_t a3);
-uint_t aubio_filter_set_biquad (aubio_filter_t * b, lsmp_t b1, lsmp_t b2, lsmp_t b3, lsmp_t a2, lsmp_t a3);
-/* mathutils */
-fvec_t * new_aubio_window(char * wintype, uint_t size);
-smpl_t aubio_unwrap2pi (smpl_t phase);
-smpl_t aubio_bintomidi(smpl_t bin, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
-smpl_t aubio_miditobin(smpl_t midi, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
-smpl_t aubio_bintofreq(smpl_t bin, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
-smpl_t aubio_freqtobin(smpl_t freq, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
-smpl_t aubio_freqtomidi(smpl_t freq);
-smpl_t aubio_miditofreq(smpl_t midi);
-uint_t aubio_silence_detection(fvec_t * ibuf, smpl_t threshold);
-smpl_t aubio_level_detection(fvec_t * ibuf, smpl_t threshold);
-smpl_t aubio_zero_crossing_rate(fvec_t * input);
-/* mfcc */
-aubio_mfcc_t * new_aubio_mfcc (uint_t win_s, uint_t samplerate, uint_t n_filters, uint_t n_coefs);
-void del_aubio_mfcc(aubio_mfcc_t *mf);
-void aubio_mfcc_do(aubio_mfcc_t *mf, cvec_t *in, fvec_t *out);
-/* resampling */
-aubio_resampler_t * new_aubio_resampler(float ratio, uint_t type);
-void aubio_resampler_do (aubio_resampler_t *s, fvec_t * input, fvec_t * output);
-void del_aubio_resampler(aubio_resampler_t *s);
-#endif /* HAVE_SAMPLERATE */
-/* pvoc */
-aubio_pvoc_t * new_aubio_pvoc (uint_t win_s, uint_t hop_s);
-void del_aubio_pvoc(aubio_pvoc_t *pv);
-void aubio_pvoc_do(aubio_pvoc_t *pv, fvec_t *in, cvec_t * fftgrain);
-void aubio_pvoc_rdo(aubio_pvoc_t *pv, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t *out);
-/* pitch detection */
-aubio_pitch_t *new_aubio_pitch (char *pitch_mode,
- uint_t bufsize, uint_t hopsize, uint_t samplerate);
-void aubio_pitch_do (aubio_pitch_t * p, fvec_t * ibuf, fvec_t * obuf);
-uint_t aubio_pitch_set_tolerance(aubio_pitch_t *p, smpl_t thres);
-uint_t aubio_pitch_set_unit(aubio_pitch_t *p, char * pitch_unit);
-void del_aubio_pitch(aubio_pitch_t * p);
-/* tempo */
-aubio_tempo_t * new_aubio_tempo (char_t * mode,
- uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate);
-void aubio_tempo_do (aubio_tempo_t *o, fvec_t * input, fvec_t * tempo);
-uint_t aubio_tempo_set_silence(aubio_tempo_t * o, smpl_t silence);
-uint_t aubio_tempo_set_threshold(aubio_tempo_t * o, smpl_t threshold);
-smpl_t aubio_tempo_get_bpm(aubio_tempo_t * bt);
-smpl_t aubio_tempo_get_confidence(aubio_tempo_t * bt);
-void del_aubio_tempo(aubio_tempo_t * o);
-/* specdesc */
-void aubio_specdesc_do (aubio_specdesc_t * o, cvec_t * fftgrain,
- fvec_t * desc);
-aubio_specdesc_t *new_aubio_specdesc (char_t * method, uint_t buf_size);
-void del_aubio_specdesc (aubio_specdesc_t * o);
-/* peak picker */
-aubio_peakpicker_t * new_aubio_peakpicker();
-void aubio_peakpicker_do(aubio_peakpicker_t * p, fvec_t * in, fvec_t * out);
-fvec_t * aubio_peakpicker_get_thresholded_input(aubio_peakpicker_t * p);
-void del_aubio_peakpicker(aubio_peakpicker_t * p);
-uint_t aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold(aubio_peakpicker_t * p, smpl_t threshold);
-/* sndfile */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "sndfileio.h"
-aubio_sndfile_t * new_aubio_sndfile_ro (const char * inputfile);
-aubio_sndfile_t * new_aubio_sndfile_wo(aubio_sndfile_t * existingfile, const char * outputname);
-void aubio_sndfile_info(aubio_sndfile_t * file);
-int aubio_sndfile_write(aubio_sndfile_t * file, int frames, fvec_t ** write);
-int aubio_sndfile_read(aubio_sndfile_t * file, int frames, fvec_t ** read);
-int aubio_sndfile_read_mono(aubio_sndfile_t * file, int frames, fvec_t * read);
-int del_aubio_sndfile(aubio_sndfile_t * file);
-uint_t aubio_sndfile_channels(aubio_sndfile_t * file);
-uint_t aubio_sndfile_samplerate(aubio_sndfile_t * file);
-#endif /* HAVE_SNDFILE */
+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: UTF-8
-# Petar Forai
-# Thomas Nagy 2008
-import re
-import Task, Utils, Logs
-from TaskGen import extension
-from Configure import conf
-import preproc
-SWIG_EXTS = ['.swig', '.i']
-swig_str = '${SWIG} ${SWIGFLAGS} ${SRC}'
-cls = Task.simple_task_type('swig', swig_str, color='BLUE', before='cc cxx')
-re_module = re.compile('%module(?:\s*\(.*\))?\s+(.+)', re.M)
-re_1 = re.compile(r'^%module.*?\s+([\w]+)\s*?$', re.M)
-re_2 = re.compile('%include "(.*)"', re.M)
-re_3 = re.compile('#include "(.*)"', re.M)
-def scan(self):
- "scan for swig dependencies, climb the .i files"
- env = self.env
- lst_src = []
- seen = []
- to_see = [self.inputs[0]]
- while to_see:
- node = to_see.pop(0)
- if node.id in seen:
- continue
- seen.append(node.id)
- lst_src.append(node)
- # read the file
- code = node.read(env)
- code = preproc.re_nl.sub('', code)
- code = preproc.re_cpp.sub(preproc.repl, code)
- # find .i files and project headers
- names = re_2.findall(code) + re_3.findall(code)
- for n in names:
- for d in self.generator.swig_dir_nodes + [node.parent]:
- u = d.find_resource(n)
- if u:
- to_see.append(u)
- break
- else:
- Logs.warn('could not find %r' % n)
- # list of nodes this one depends on, and module name if present
- if Logs.verbose:
- Logs.debug('deps: deps for %s: %s' % (str(self), str(lst_src)))
- return (lst_src, [])
-cls.scan = scan
-# provide additional language processing
-swig_langs = {}
-def swig(fun):
- swig_langs[fun.__name__.replace('swig_', '')] = fun
-def swig_python(tsk):
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.py'))
-def swig_ocaml(tsk):
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.ml'))
- tsk.set_outputs(tsk.inputs[0].parent.find_or_declare(tsk.module + '.mli'))
-def add_swig_paths(self):
- if getattr(self, 'add_swig_paths_done', None):
- return
- self.add_swig_paths_done = True
- self.swig_dir_nodes = []
- for x in self.to_list(self.includes):
- node = self.path.find_dir(x)
- if not node:
- Logs.warn('could not find the include %r' % x)
- continue
- self.swig_dir_nodes.append(node)
- # add the top-level, it is likely to be added
- self.swig_dir_nodes.append(self.bld.srcnode)
- for x in self.swig_dir_nodes:
- self.env.append_unique('SWIGFLAGS', '-I%s' % x.abspath(self.env)) # build dir
- self.env.append_unique('SWIGFLAGS', '-I%s' % x.abspath()) # source dir
-def i_file(self, node):
- flags = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'swig_flags', []))
- ext = '.swigwrap_%d.c' % self.idx
- if '-c++' in flags:
- ext += 'xx'
- # the user might specify the module directly
- module = getattr(self, 'swig_module', None)
- if not module:
- # else, open the files and search
- txt = node.read(self.env)
- m = re_module.search(txt)
- if not m:
- raise "for now we are expecting a module name in the main swig file"
- module = m.group(1)
- out_node = node.parent.find_or_declare(module + ext)
- # the task instance
- tsk = self.create_task('swig')
- tsk.set_inputs(node)
- tsk.set_outputs(out_node)
- tsk.module = module
- tsk.env['SWIGFLAGS'] = flags
- if not '-outdir' in flags:
- flags.append('-outdir')
- flags.append(node.parent.abspath(self.env))
- if not '-o' in flags:
- flags.append('-o')
- flags.append(out_node.abspath(self.env))
- # add the language-specific output files as nodes
- # call funs in the dict swig_langs
- for x in flags:
- # obtain the language
- x = x[1:]
- try:
- fun = swig_langs[x]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- fun(tsk)
- self.allnodes.append(out_node)
- add_swig_paths(self)
-def check_swig_version(conf, minver=None):
- """Check for a minimum swig version like conf.check_swig_version('1.3.28')
- or conf.check_swig_version((1,3,28)) """
- reg_swig = re.compile(r'SWIG Version\s(.*)', re.M)
- swig_out = Utils.cmd_output('%s -version' % conf.env['SWIG'])
- swigver = [int(s) for s in reg_swig.findall(swig_out)[0].split('.')]
- if isinstance(minver, basestring):
- minver = [int(s) for s in minver.split(".")]
- if isinstance(minver, tuple):
- minver = [int(s) for s in minver]
- result = (minver is None) or (minver[:3] <= swigver[:3])
- swigver_full = '.'.join(map(str, swigver))
- if result:
- conf.env['SWIG_VERSION'] = swigver_full
- minver_str = '.'.join(map(str, minver))
- if minver is None:
- conf.check_message_custom('swig version', '', swigver_full)
- else:
- conf.check_message('swig version', '>= %s' % (minver_str,), result, option=swigver_full)
- return result
-def detect(conf):
- swig = conf.find_program('swig', var='SWIG', mandatory=True)