--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 1995, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+/* XXX: I know where to find this header, but it really is using a
+ * private interface. I dont want to export the gss_mechanism
+ * structure, so I hide it in a non-published header. Thats ok,
+ * we know where to find it.
+ */
+#include "../mechglue/mglueP.h"
+ * These are the extern declarations, one group per mechanism. They are
+ * contained in the files named <mech>_gssd_extern_srvr.conf.
+ */
+/* ident "@(#)krb5_gssd_extern_srvr.conf 1.10 95/08/01 SMI" */
+/** declarations of internal name mechanism functions **/
+/* This should somehow be generated by the internal mechanism
+ * routine library... But for now I've hand-copied over from
+ * gssapiP_krb5.h
+ */
+/* XXX: Should replace these with #include "gssapiP_krb5.h" , once
+ * the function prototypes are fixed (e.g., need a void*, not a
+ * krb5_context.
+ */
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_acquire_cred
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
+ OM_uint32, /* time_req */
+ gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */
+ int, /* cred_usage */
+ gss_cred_id_t*, /* output_cred_handle */
+ gss_OID_set*, /* actual_mechs */
+ OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_release_cred
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_cred_id_t* /* cred_handle */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_init_sec_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_cred_id_t, /* claimant_cred_handle */
+ gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
+ gss_name_t, /* target_name */
+ gss_OID, /* mech_type */
+ int, /* req_flags */
+ OM_uint32, /* time_req */
+ gss_channel_bindings_t,
+ /* input_chan_bindings */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* input_token */
+ gss_OID*, /* actual_mech_type */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */
+ int*, /* ret_flags */
+ OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_accept_sec_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
+ gss_cred_id_t, /* verifier_cred_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* input_token_buffer */
+ gss_channel_bindings_t,
+ /* input_chan_bindings */
+ gss_name_t*, /* src_name */
+ gss_OID*, /* mech_type */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */
+ int*, /* ret_flags */
+ OM_uint32*, /* time_rec */
+ gss_cred_id_t* /* delegated_cred_handle */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_process_context_token
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t /* token_buffer */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_delete_sec_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t /* output_token */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_context_time
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_sign
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ int, /* qop_req */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */
+ gss_buffer_t /* message_token */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_verify
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* token_buffer */
+ int* /* qop_state */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_seal
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ int, /* conf_req_flag */
+ int, /* qop_req */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */
+ int*, /* conf_state */
+ gss_buffer_t /* output_message_buffer */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_unseal
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* output_message_buffer */
+ int*, /* conf_state */
+ int* /* qop_state */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_display_status
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ OM_uint32, /* status_value */
+ int, /* status_type */
+ gss_OID, /* mech_type */
+ int*, /* message_context */
+ gss_buffer_t /* status_string */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_indicate_mechs
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_OID_set* /* mech_set */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_compare_name
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_name_t, /* name1 */
+ gss_name_t, /* name2 */
+ int* /* name_equal */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_display_name
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_name_t, /* input_name */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* output_name_buffer */
+ gss_OID* /* output_name_type */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_import_name
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* input_name_buffer */
+ gss_OID, /* input_name_type */
+ gss_name_t* /* output_name */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_release_name
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_name_t* /* input_name */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_inquire_cred
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */
+ gss_name_t *, /* name */
+ OM_uint32 *, /* lifetime */
+ int *, /* cred_usage */
+ gss_OID_set * /* mechanisms */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_inquire_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
+ gss_name_t*, /* initiator_name */
+ gss_name_t*, /* acceptor_name */
+ OM_uint32*, /* lifetime_rec */
+ gss_OID*, /* mech_type */
+ int*, /* ret_flags */
+ int* /* locally_initiated */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_add_cred
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_cred_id_t, /* input_cred_handle */
+ gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
+ gss_OID, /* desired_mech */
+ gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
+ OM_uint32, /* initiator_time_req */
+ OM_uint32, /* acceptor_time_req */
+ gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
+ gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
+ OM_uint32 *, /* initiator_time_rec */
+ OM_uint32 * /* acceptor_time_rec */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_export_sec_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_ctx_id_t *, /* context_handle */
+ gss_buffer_t /* interprocess_token */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_import_sec_context
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_buffer_t, /* interprocess_token */
+ gss_ctx_id_t * /* context_handle */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_inquire_cred_by_mech
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */
+ gss_OID, /* mech_type */
+ gss_name_t *, /* name */
+ OM_uint32 *, /* initiator_lifetime */
+ OM_uint32 *, /* acceptor_lifetime */
+ gss_cred_usage_t * /* cred_usage */
+ );
+OM_uint32 krb5_gss_inquire_names_for_mech
+ (void *,
+ OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_OID, /* mechanism */
+ gss_OID_set * /* name_types */
+ );
+extern OM_uint32 krb5_gss_get_context
+ (void**
+ );
+extern int krb5_pname_to_uid
+ (char *, /* minor_status */
+ gss_OID, /* name_type */
+ gss_OID, /* mech_type */
+ uid_t * /* input_name */
+ );
+ * This is the declaration of the mechs_array table for Kerberos V5.
+ * If the gss_mechanism structure changes, so should this array! I
+ * told you it was a private interface!
+ */
+/* ident "@(#)krb5_gssd_init_srvr.conf 1.16 95/08/07 SMI" */
+static struct gss_config krb5_mechanism =
+ {{5,"\053\005\001\005\002"},
+ 0, /* context, to be filled */
+ krb5_gss_acquire_cred,
+ krb5_gss_release_cred,
+ krb5_gss_init_sec_context,
+ krb5_gss_accept_sec_context,
+ krb5_gss_process_context_token,
+ krb5_gss_delete_sec_context,
+ krb5_gss_context_time,
+ krb5_gss_sign,
+ krb5_gss_verify,
+ krb5_gss_seal,
+ krb5_gss_unseal,
+ krb5_gss_display_status,
+ krb5_gss_indicate_mechs,
+ krb5_gss_compare_name,
+ krb5_gss_display_name,
+ krb5_gss_import_name,
+ krb5_gss_release_name,
+ krb5_gss_inquire_cred,
+ krb5_gss_add_cred,
+ krb5_gss_export_sec_context,
+ krb5_gss_import_sec_context,
+ krb5_gss_inquire_cred_by_mech,
+ krb5_gss_inquire_names_for_mech,
+ krb5_pname_to_uid,
+ };
+#include "k5-int.h"
+ * Do we want to allocate a new kg_context everytime we call this?
+ * I don't know -- for now, just allocate one of them.
+ */
+static krb5_context kg_context;
+void ** context;
+ if (context == NULL)
+ return GSS_S_FAILURE;
+ if (kg_context)
+ *context = kg_context;
+ else {
+ if (krb5_init_context(&kg_context))
+ return GSS_S_FAILURE;
+ else
+ *context = kg_context;
+ }
+ return GSS_S_COMPLETE;
+ krb5_gss_get_context(&(krb5_mechanism.context));
+ return (&krb5_mechanism);