if(ctx.scope == KHUI_SCOPE_NONE) {
return FALSE;
- /* While it seems like a good idea, doing this is not */
-#if 0
- /* try to establish a context based on the current cursor
- position */
- if(tbl->cursor_row >= 0 && tbl->cursor_row < (int) tbl->n_rows) {
- if(tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].flags & KHUI_CW_ROW_HEADER) {
- if(tbl->cols[tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].col].attr_id == KCDB_ATTR_ID_NAME) {
- /* identity context */
- ctx.ctx = KHUI_SCOPE_IDENT;
- ctx.identity = (khm_handle)
- ((khui_credwnd_outline *) tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].data)->data;
- } else if(tbl->cols[tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].col].attr_id == KCDB_ATTR_TYPE_NAME) {
- ctx.cred_type = (khm_int32) (DWORD_PTR)
- ((khui_credwnd_outline *) tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].data)->data;
- } else {
- ctx.ctx = KHUI_SCOPE_GROUP;
- //ctx.parm = (khm_lparm) tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].data;
- /* TODO: Figure out method of establishing a credgroup */
- }
- } else {
- /* a credential context */
- ctx.ctx = KHUI_SCOPE_CRED;
- ctx.cred = (khm_handle) tbl->rows[tbl->cursor_row].data;
- }
- }
/* if still no context, then we can't show a property sheet */