#include "mathutils.h"
#include "onset.h"
-/* structure to store object state */
+/** structure to store object state */
struct _aubio_onset_t {
- aubio_pvoc_t * pv; /** phase vocoder */
- aubio_onsetdetection_t * od; /** onset detection */
- aubio_pickpeak_t * pp; /** peak picker */
- cvec_t * fftgrain; /** phase vocoder output */
- fvec_t * of; /** onset detection function */
- smpl_t threshold; /** onset peak picking threshold */
- smpl_t silence; /** silence threhsold */
- uint_t minioi; /** minimum inter onset interval */
- uint_t wasonset; /** number of frames since last onset */
+ aubio_pvoc_t * pv; /**< phase vocoder */
+ aubio_onsetdetection_t * od; /**< onset detection */
+ aubio_pickpeak_t * pp; /**< peak picker */
+ cvec_t * fftgrain; /**< phase vocoder output */
+ fvec_t * of; /**< onset detection function */
+ smpl_t threshold; /**< onset peak picking threshold */
+ smpl_t silence; /**< silence threhsold */
+ uint_t minioi; /**< minimum inter onset interval */
+ uint_t wasonset; /**< number of frames since last onset */
/* execute onset detection function on iput buffer */