Commit the Windows version of the ccache dll and its interface header
authorTheodore Tso <>
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 04:23:55 +0000 (04:23 +0000)
committerTheodore Tso <>
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 04:23:55 +0000 (04:23 +0000)

git-svn-id: svn:// dc483132-0cff-0310-8789-dd5450dbe970

src/windows/lib/KrbCC32.lib [new file with mode: 0644]
src/windows/lib/cacheapi.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/windows/lib/KrbCC32.lib b/src/windows/lib/KrbCC32.lib
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e82506f
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/windows/lib/KrbCC32.lib differ
diff --git a/src/windows/lib/cacheapi.h b/src/windows/lib/cacheapi.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d23b8d4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+ *  $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright 1997 by the Regents of the University of Michigan
+ *
+ * This software is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by the 
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+ * that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and 
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+ * Copyright 1997 by the Regents of the University of Michigan.  
+ * All rights reserved.  
+ * 
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+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software.
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+ * 
+ * The University of Michigan
+ * c/o Steve Rothwell <>
+ * 535 W. William Street
+ * Ann Arbor, Michigan 48013-4943
+ * U.S.A.
+ */
+**  CacheAPI.h 
+**      The externally visible functions and data structures
+**      for the Kerberos Common Cache DLL
+**      This should be the ONLY externally visible file.
+**      This is ALL anyone should need to call the API.
+#include <krb5.h>
+#ifndef Krb_CCacheAPI_h_
+#define Krb_CCacheAPI_h_
+#include <windows.h>
+#define CC_API_VER_1    1
+#define CCACHE_API __declspec(dllexport) cc_int32
+//#define CCACHE_API __declspec( dllexport ) cc_int32 __stdcall 
+** Decisions I haven't nailed down yet
+// determines if cred_type precedes ptrs to creds in cred_union
+// JENNYEXT - modifications Jenny made to cacheapi for MIT code
+//                       not blessed, but reproduced temporarily
+#ifndef JENNYEXT
+#define JENNYEXT
+** The Official Error Codes
+#define CC_NOERROR  0
+#define CC_BADNAME  1
+#define CC_NOTFOUND 2
+#define CC_END      3
+#define CC_IO       4
+#define CC_WRITE    5
+#define CC_NOMEM    6
+#define CC_FORMAT   7
+#define CC_LOCKED   8
+#define CC_BAD_API_VERSION  9
+#define CC_NO_EXIST 10
+#define CC_NOT_SUPP 11
+#define CC_BAD_PARM 12
+#define CC_ERR_CACHE_RELEASE    14
+#define CC_ERR_CACHE_FULL   15
+** types, structs, & constants
+typedef int cc_int32;
+typedef cc_int32 cc_time_t;
+// Flag bits promised by Ted "RSN"
+typedef cc_int32 cc_nc_flags;       // set via constants above
+typedef struct opaque_ccache_pointer_type* ccache_p;
+typedef struct opaque_dll_control_block_type* apiCB;
+typedef struct opaque_credential_iterator_type* ccache_cit;
+enum { KRB5_CLIENT_SZ = 256};
+enum { KRB5_SERVER_SZ = 256};
+enum { KRB5_DATA_SZ = 1024};
+enum { KRB5_DATA_CNT = 20};
+enum _cc_data_type { 
+    type_ticket = 0,                // 0 for ticket, second_ticket
+    /* Ted's draft spec says these are to be 
+       "as defined in the Kerberos V5 protocol"
+       all I can find are typdefs, 
+       can't find an enumerated type or #define
+    */
+    type_address,           /* =  <"as defined in the Kerberos V5 protocol"> */
+    type_authdata,          /* = <"as defined in the Kerberos V5 protocol"> */
+    type_encryption,        /* = <"as defined in the Kerberos V5 protocol"> */
+    cc_data_type_max };             // for validation
+typedef struct _cc_data
+    cc_int32        type;           // should be one of _cc_data_type
+    cc_int32        length; 
+    unsigned char*  data;           // the proverbial bag-o-bits
+} cc_data;
+typedef struct _cc_data1
+    cc_int32        type;           // should be one of _cc_data_type
+    cc_int32        length; 
+    unsigned char      data[KRB5_DATA_SZ];           // the proverbial bag-o-bits
+} cc_data1;
+// V5 Credentials
+typedef struct _cc_creds {
+    char*           client;
+    char*           server;
+    cc_data         keyblock;
+    cc_time_t       authtime;
+    cc_time_t       starttime;
+    cc_time_t       endtime;
+    cc_time_t       renew_till;
+    cc_int32        is_skey;
+    cc_int32        ticket_flags;
+    cc_data FAR **  addresses;
+    cc_data         ticket;
+    cc_data         second_ticket;
+    cc_data FAR **  authdata;
+} cc_creds;
+typedef struct _cc_cache_creds {
+    char            client[KRB5_CLIENT_SZ];
+    char            server[KRB5_SERVER_SZ];
+    cc_data1           keyblock;
+    cc_time_t       authtime;
+    cc_time_t       starttime;
+    cc_time_t       endtime;
+    cc_time_t       renew_till;
+    cc_int32        is_skey;
+    cc_int32        ticket_flags;
+       cc_data1                addresses[KRB5_DATA_CNT];
+    cc_data1        ticket;
+    cc_data1        second_ticket;
+    cc_data1           authdata[KRB5_DATA_CNT];
+} cc_cache_creds;
+// begin V4 stuff
+enum { KRB_PRINCIPAL_SZ = 40 };
+enum { KRB_SERVICE_SZ = 40};
+enum { KRB_INSTANCE_SZ = 40};
+enum { KRB_REALM_SZ = 40};
+#ifndef ADDR_SZ
+enum { ADDR_SZ = 16};
+// use an enumerated type so all callers infer the same meaning
+// these values are what krbv4win uses internally.
+enum StringToKey_Type { STK_AFS = 0, STK_DES = 1 };
+// K4 uses a MAX_KTXT_LEN of 1250 to hold a ticket
+// K95 uses 256
+// To be safe I'll use the larger number, but a factor of 5!!!
+enum { MAX_V4_CRED_LEN = 1250 };
+// V4 Credentials
+typedef struct cc_V4credential {
+    unsigned char      kversion;
+    char                       principal[KRB_PRINCIPAL_SZ];
+    char                       principal_instance[KRB_INSTANCE_SZ];
+    char                       service[KRB_SERVICE_SZ];
+    char                       service_instance[KRB_INSTANCE_SZ];
+    char                       realm[KRB_REALM_SZ];
+    unsigned char      session_key[8];
+    cc_int32           kvno;                   // k95 used BYTE skvno
+    enum StringToKey_Type 
+                                       str_to_key;                             // k4 infers dynamically, k95 stores
+    long                       issue_date;             // k95 called this issue_time
+    cc_int32           lifetime;               // k95 used LONG expiration_time
+    char                       address[ADDR_SZ];       // IP Address of local host
+    cc_int32           ticket_sz;              // k95 used BYTE, k4 ktext uses int to hold up to 1250
+    unsigned char      ticket[MAX_V4_CRED_LEN];
+    unsigned long      oops;                   // zero to catch runaways
+} V4Cred_type;
+#ifdef JENNYEXT
+typedef struct cc_V4credential CCV4CREDENTIALS;        // JENNYEXT
+enum cc_cred_vers {  
+    CC_CRED_VUNKNOWN = 0,       // For validation
+    CC_CRED_V4 = 1,
+    CC_CRED_V5 = 2,
+    CC_CRED_VMAX = 3            // For validation
+typedef union cred_ptr_union_type {
+    V4Cred_type*       pV4Cred;
+    cc_creds*  pV5Cred;
+} cred_ptr_union;
+typedef struct cred_union_type {
+    enum cc_cred_vers cred_type;
+    cred_ptr_union cred;
+} cred_union;
+** The official (externally visible) API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" /* this entire list of functions */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+** Main cache routines : initialize, shutdown, get_cache_names, & get_change_time
+cc_initialize(apiCB** cc_ctx,           // <  DLL's primary control structure. 
+                                        //    returned here, passed everywhere else
+              const cc_int32 api_version,// > ver supported by caller (use CC_API_VER_1)
+              cc_int32*  api_supported, // <  if ~NULL, max ver supported by DLL
+              const char** vendor);     // <  if ~NULL, vendor name in read only C string
+cc_shutdown(apiCB** cc_ctx);            // <> DLL's primary control structure. NULL after call.
+cc_get_change_time(apiCB* cc_ctx,       // >  DLL's primary control structure
+                   cc_time_t* time);    // <  time of last change to main cache
+** Named Cache (NC) routines
+** create, open, close, destroy, get_principal, get_cred_version, & lock_request
+** Multiple NCs are allowed within the main cache.  Each has a Name and kerberos
+** version # (V4 or V5).  Caller gets "ccache_ptr"s for NCs.
+cc_create(apiCB* cc_ctx,                // >  DLL's primary control structure
+          const char* name,             // >  name of cache to be [destroyed if exists, then] created
+          const char* principal,        // >  name of principal associated with NC
+          const enum cc_cred_vers vers, // >  ticket version (CC_CRED_V4 or CC_CRED_V5)
+          const cc_int32 cc_flags,      // >  options
+          ccache_p** ccache_ptr);       // <  NC control structure
+cc_open(apiCB* cc_ctx,                  // >  DLL's primary control structure
+        const char* name,               // >  name of pre-created cache
+        const enum cc_cred_vers vers,   // >  ticket version (CC_CRED_V4 or CC_CRED_V5)
+        const cc_int32 cc_flags,        // >  options
+        ccache_p** ccache_ptr);         // <  NC control structure
+cc_close(apiCB* cc_ctx,                 // >  DLL's primary control structure
+         ccache_p** ccache_ptr);        // <> NC control structure. NULL after call.
+cc_destroy(apiCB* cc_ctx,               // >  DLL's primary control structure
+           ccache_p** ccache_ptr);      // <> NC control structure. NULL after call.
+** Ways to get information about the NCs
+cc_seq_fetch_NCs(apiCB* cc_ctx,         // >  DLL's primary control structure
+                 ccache_p** ccache_ptr, // <  NC control structure (free via cc_close())
+                 ccache_cit** itNCs);   // <> iterator used by DLL, 
+                                        //    set to NULL before first call
+                                        //    returned NULL at CC_END
+typedef struct _infoNC {
+    char*   name;
+    enum cc_cred_vers vers;
+} infoNC;
+cc_get_NC_info(apiCB* cc_ctx,           // >  DLL's primary control structure
+            struct _infoNC*** ppNCi);   // <  (NULL before call) null terminated, 
+                                        //    list of a structs (free via cc_free_infoNC())
+cc_free_NC_info(apiCB* cc_ctx,
+            struct _infoNC*** ppNCi);   // <  free list of structs returned by cc_get_cache_names()
+                                        //    set to NULL on return
+** Functions that provide distinguishing characteristics of NCs.
+cc_get_name(apiCB* cc_ctx,                             // > DLL's primary control structure
+            const ccache_p* ccache_ptr, // > NC control structure
+            char** name);               // < name of NC associated with ccache_ptr (free via cc_free_name())
+cc_set_principal(apiCB* cc_ctx,                 // > DLL's primary control structure
+                                const ccache_p* ccache_pointer,// < name of principal associated with NC
+                                const enum cc_cred_vers vers,       //   Free via cc_free_principal()
+                                const char* principal);        
+cc_get_principal(apiCB* cc_ctx,             // > DLL's primary control structure
+                 ccache_p* ccache_pointer,  // < name of principal associated with NC
+                 char** principal);         //   Free via cc_free_principal()
+#ifdef JENNYEXT
+cc_set_instance(apiCB* cc_ctx,          // > DLL's primary control structure
+                const char* instance);  // < name of principal_instance associated with NC
+                                        //   Free via cc_free_instance()
+cc_get_instance(apiCB* cc_ctx,          // > DLL's primary control structure
+                char** instance);              // < name of principal_instance associated with NC
+                                        //   Free via cc_free_instance()
+#endif /* JENNYEXT */
+cc_get_cred_version(apiCB* cc_ctx,             // > DLL's primary control structure
+                const ccache_p* ccache_ptr,// > NC control structure
+                enum cc_cred_vers* vers);// < ticket version associated with NC
+#define CC_LOCK_UNLOCK   1
+#define CC_LOCK_READER   2
+#define CC_LOCK_WRITER   3
+#define CC_LOCK_NOBLOCK 16
+cc_lock_request(apiCB* cc_ctx,                 // > DLL's primary control structure
+               const ccache_p* ccache_ptr,// > NC control structure
+               const cc_int32 lock_type);// > one (or combination) of above defined lock types
+** Credentials routines (work within an NC)
+** store, remove_cred, seq_fetch_creds 
+cc_store(apiCB* cc_ctx,                     // > DLL's primary control structure
+         const ccache_p* ccache_ptr,        // > NC control structure
+         const cred_union creds);           // > credentials to be copied into NC
+cc_remove_cred(apiCB* cc_ctx,               // > DLL's primary control structure
+               const ccache_p* ccache_ptr,  // > NC control structure
+               const cred_union cred);      // > credentials to remove from NC
+cc_seq_fetch_creds(apiCB* cc_ctx,           // > DLL's primary control structure
+                   const ccache_p* ccache_ptr, // > NC control structure
+                   cred_union** creds,       // < filled in by DLL, free via cc_free_creds()
+                   ccache_cit** itCreds);   // <> iterator used by DLL, set to NULL before first call
+                                            //    Also NULL for final call if loop ends before CC_END
+** methods of liberation, 
+** or freeing space via the free that goes with the malloc used to get it
+** It's important to use the free carried in the DLL, not the one supplied
+** by your compiler vendor.
+** freeing a NULL pointer is not treated as an error
+cc_free_principal(apiCB* cc_ctx,               // > DLL's primary control structure
+                  char** principal);   // <> ptr to principal to be freed, returned as NULL
+                                                                               //   (from cc_get_principal())
+#ifdef JENNYEXT
+cc_free_instance(apiCB* cc_ctx,                        // > DLL's primary control structure
+                  char** instance);            // <> ptr to instance to be freed, returned as NULL
+                                                                               //   (from cc_get_instance())
+cc_free_name(apiCB* cc_ctx,                            // > DLL's primary control structure
+             char** name);                             // <> ptr to name to be freed, returned as NULL
+                                                                               //   (from cc_get_name())
+cc_free_name_list(apiCB* cc_ctx,               // > DLL's primary control structure
+             char*** name_list);               // <> ptr to null terminated list of names to be freed
+                                                                               //   (from cc_get_cache_names()), returned as NULL
+cc_free_creds(apiCB* cc_ctx,                   // > DLL's primary control structure
+              cred_union** pCred);             // <> cred (from cc_seq_fetch_creds()) to be freed
+                                                                               //    Returned as NULL.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* end extern "C" */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* Krb_CCacheAPI_h_ */