<!-- BKW: Build Kerberos for Windows -->\r
- <!-- The most changeable parameters can be specified on the command line.\r
- Less changeable params are in section Config, below. -->\r
+ <!-- The most changeable parameters can be specified on the command line. -->\r
- <cvs value=""/>\r
-<!-- <svn value=""/> -->\r
- </Tags>\r
+ <cvs value="" />\r
+ <svn value=""/>\r
+ </Tags>\r
<!-- Sources will be checked out of repositories into <src>. The structure\r
of the repositories will cause pismere/athena to be created under <src>. -->\r
- <src path="C:\projects\" />\r
- \r
- <!-- The sample config distributed as a zip must be unzipped into this directory before running the build: -->\r
- <extras path="\auth\krb5\package-extras" /> <!-- Relative to <src>\pismere\athena -->\r
- \r
- <out path="path4" />\r
- </Directories>\r
+ <src path ="C:\projects\Autobuild" />\r
+ <out path ="public" /> <!-- Relative to src. -->\r
+ <unixfind path ="c:\cygwin\bin" />\r
+ </Directories>\r
- <debug value="0" />\r
- <logfile value="1" path="bkw.pl.log" />\r
- <repository value="skip" />\r
- <clean value="0" />\r
- <nomake value="0" />\r
- <nopackage value="0" />\r
- <verbose value="0" />\r
- <vverbose value="0" />\r
- </Options>\r
- </CommandLine>\r
- <Config>\r
- <CVSROOT name=":kserver:cvs.mit.edu:/cvs/pismere" />\r
- <SVNURL name="svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/" />\r
- </Config>\r
+ <debug value="0" />\r
+ <logfile value="1" path="bkw.pl.log" />\r
+ <repository value="skip" />\r
+ <clean value="0" />\r
+ <nomake value="0" />\r
+ <nopackage value="0" />\r
+ <verbose value="0" />\r
+ <vverbose value="0" />\r
+ </Options>\r
+ </CommandLine>\r
- <FetchSources></FetchSources>\r
- <Make></Make>\r
+ <FetchSources>\r
+ <Config>\r
+ <CVSROOT name=":kserver:cvs.mit.edu:/cvs/pismere" />\r
+ <SVNURL name="svn.mit.edu" /> <!-- NB: No protocol or slashes!! -->\r
+ <KERBEROS_ID name="kpkoch" />\r
+ <KRB_PLINK name="c:\downloads\plink.exe" /> <!-- Path to a kerberized plink, needed for svn. -->\r
+ </Config>\r
+ </FetchSources>\r
+ <Make>\r
+ <Prunes> <!-- Files to be removed from current build to match what is in the 3.1 distribution: -->\r
+ <Prune dummy="foo" />\r
+ <Prune name="afsauth" />\r
+ <Prune name="aklog" />\r
+ <Prune name="vs" />\r
+ </Prunes>\r
+ </Make>\r
The otherwise identical paths differ in one section. For example:\r
.../target/bin/i386/bin/rel/filename and .../target/bin/i386/dbg/filename.\r
Here we define the two differing sections: -->\r
- <DebugArea value="dbg" />\r
- <ReleaseArea value="rel" />\r
+ <DebugArea value="dbg" />\r
+ <ReleaseArea value="rel" />\r
<!-- Paths in the file list that include <AlwaysTag> will always have the tag replaced \r
with <DebugArea> or <ReleaseArea>, depending on the type of build.\r
Paths that include <DebugTag> (or <ReleaseTag>) will only have the tag substituted \r
Will always be copied, from a build-independent directory:\r
<File name="des.h" from="auth\krb4\include\" to="\inc\krb4" newname="foo.h"/>\r
- <AlwaysTag value="%bldtype%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
- <DebugTag value="%debug%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
- <ReleaseTag value="%release%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
- </Config>\r
+ <AlwaysTag value="%bldtype%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ <DebugTag value="%debug%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ <ReleaseTag value="%release%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ </Config>\r
- <Include path="copyfiles.xml" /> <!-- Relative to location of bkw.pl. -->\r
- </Files>\r
+ <Include path="copyfiles.xml" />\r
+ </Files> <!-- Relative to location of bkw.pl. -->\r
- <Package></Package>\r
- <PostPackage></PostPackage>\r
+ <Package>\r
+ <MSI></MSI>\r
+ <NSIS></NSIS> <!-- NB: Most config is done in site-local.nsi. -->\r
+ <!-- Theoretically, writing site-local.nsi from xml settings could be done, but isn't. -->\r
+ </Package>\r
+ <PostPackage>\r
+ <Config> <!-- This config info will be copied into each CopyList in PostPackage. -->\r
+ <FileStem name="kfw-3-2-0" /> <!-- <FileStem> will be substituted for %filestem%. -->\r
+ </Config>\r
+ <Zips>\r
+ <Zip dummy="foo" /> <!-- To force desired XML::Simple behavior -->\r
+ <!-- Files will be copied into directory <topdir>; <topdir> will appear in the paths of the files. -->\r
+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <Zip name="Core Binaries" filename="%filestem%.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">\r
+ <CopyList>\r
+ <Config>\r
+ <DebugArea value="dbg" />\r
+ <ReleaseArea value="rel" />\r
+ <AlwaysTag value="%bldtype%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ <DebugTag value="%debug%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ <ReleaseTag value="%release%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->\r
+ </Config>\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <Include path="corebinaryfiles.xml" />\r
+ </Files> <!-- Relative to location of bkw.pl. -->\r
+ </CopyList>\r
+ </Zip>\r
+ <Zip name="SDK" filename="%filestem%-sdk.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">\r
+ <CopyList>\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <Include path="sdkfiles.xml" />\r
+ </Files> <!-- Relative to location of bkw.pl. -->\r
+ </CopyList>\r
+ </Zip>\r
+ <Zip name="SRC" filename="%filestem%-src.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">\r
+ <CopyList>\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior -->\r
+ <!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->\r
+ <File name="*.*" from="athena" to="src\athena" />\r
+ <File name="*.*" from="doc" to="src\doc" />\r
+ <File name="*.*" from="scripts" to="src\scripts" />\r
+ </Files>\r
+ </CopyList>\r
+ <Prunes> <!-- Files to be removed from current build to match what is in the 3.1 distribution: -->\r
+ <Prune dummy="foo" />\r
+ <Prune name="CVS" />\r
+ <Prune name=".cvsignore" flags="i" />\r
+ <Prune name="Changelog" flags="i" />\r
+ <Prune name="obj" />\r
+ <Prune name="site" />\r
+ </Prunes>\r
+ <Requires>\r
+ <Switch dummy="foo" />\r
+ <Switch name="REPOSITORY" value="CHECKOUT"/>\r
+ <ErrorMsg text="Can't build source zip unless both /REPOSITORY CHECKOUT is specified." />\r
+ </Requires>\r
+ </Zip>\r
+ </Zips> \r
+ <CopyList> <!-- Copied at end of post-package step. -->\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <File dummy="foo" />\r
+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <File name="msi-deployment-guide.txt" from="staging\install\wix\" to="" />\r
+ <File name="netidmgr_userdoc.pdf" from="staging\doc" to="." />\r
+ <File name="kfw.msi" from="staging\install\wix\" to="" newname="%filestem%.msi" />\r
+ <File name="MITKerberosForWindows.exe" from="staging\install\nsis" to="" newname="%filestem%.exe" />\r
+ </Files>\r
+ </CopyList>\r
+ </PostPackage>\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+package Logger;\r
+use strict;\r
+use IO::File;\r
+use FindBin;\r
+my $bStarted = 0;\r
+sub new {\r
+ my $class = shift;\r
+ my $file = shift;\r
+ my $append = shift;\r
+ $file || die "Usage: \$foo = new Logger filename [append]\n";\r
+ my $self = {};\r
+ bless $self, $class;\r
+ $self->{FILE} = $file;\r
+ $self->{APPEND} = $append?'-a':'';\r
+ return $self;\r
+sub start {\r
+ my $self = shift;\r
+ return 1 if $self->{PIPE};\r
+ STDOUT->flush;\r
+ STDERR->flush;\r
+ my $fh_out = new IO::File;\r
+ my $fh_err = new IO::File;\r
+ my $fh_pipe = new IO::File;\r
+ $self->{OUT} = $fh_out;\r
+ $self->{ERR} = $fh_err;\r
+ $self->{PIPE} = $fh_pipe;\r
+ $fh_out->open(">&STDOUT") || die;\r
+ $fh_err->open(">&STDERR") || die;\r
+ $fh_pipe->open("|$^X $FindBin::Bin/tee.pl $self->{APPEND} $self->{FILE}") || die;\r
+ STDOUT->fdopen(fileno $fh_pipe, "w") || die;\r
+ STDERR->fdopen(fileno $fh_pipe, "w") || die;\r
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1);\r
+ STDERR->autoflush(1);\r
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {\r
+ print STDERR $_[0];\r
+ $self->stop;\r
+ die "\n";\r
+ };\r
+ $bStarted = 1;\r
+ return 1;\r
+# 20070314 kpkoch: \r
+# There appears to be a bug in ActivePerl where Logger's games with streams\r
+# and the SIG DIE handler cause eval to throw exceptions. By deleting the DIE handler,\r
+# subsequent evals do not fail.\r
+sub no_die_handler {\r
+ delete $SIG{__DIE__};\r
+ }\r
+sub stop {\r
+ my $self = shift;\r
+ return 0 if !$self->{PIPE};\r
+ STDOUT->close;\r
+ STDERR->close;\r
+ $self->{PIPE}->close;\r
+ STDOUT->fdopen(fileno $self->{OUT}, "w");\r
+ STDERR->fdopen(fileno $self->{ERR}, "w");\r
+ delete $self->{OUT};\r
+ delete $self->{ERR};\r
+ delete $self->{PIPE};\r
+ $bStarted = 0;\r
+ return 1;\r
+sub DESTROY {\r
+ my $self = shift;\r
+ $self->stop if ($bStarted);\r
+ }\r
<H2><FONT face="Verdana">Remaining work / bug list</FONT></H2>\r
<P>This is a work in progress. What's left:</P>\r
- <LI>\r
- <FONT face="Verdana">Add subversion for checking out krb5. </FONT>\r
- <LI>\r
- <FONT face="Verdana">Allow empty cvs/svn tags to refer to the trunk. </FONT>\r
- <LI>\r
- <FONT face="Verdana">Implement ways to skip full checkouts - doing updates or \r
- skipping the repository step completely. </FONT>\r
- <LI>\r
- <FONT face="Verdana">Figure out which logging package to use and restore original \r
- build.pl logging functionality. </FONT>\r
- <LI>\r
- <FONT face="Verdana">Pick an unzip package and add the unzip step for the sample \r
- config. Eliminate manual step. </FONT>\r
<FONT face="Verdana">Produce the remainder of the distribution components. [Listed \r
above.] </FONT>\r
use File::Spec;\r
use File::Basename;\r
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/build/lib";\r
-use ActivePerl::PPM::Logger;\r
use Getopt::Long;\r
use Cwd;\r
use XML::Simple;\r
use Data::Dumper;\r
+use Archive::Zip;\r
+use Logger;\r
+require "copyfiles.pl";\r
my $BAIL;\r
$0 = fileparse($0);\r
my $OPT = {foo => 'bar'};\r
my $MAKE = 'NMAKE';\r
+our $config;\r
sub get_info\r
Options are case insensitive.\r
- /help /? usage information (what you now see)\r
- /srcdir dir Source directory to use. Should contain \r
- pismere/athena. If cvstag or svntag is null, \r
- the directory should be prepopulated.\r
- /outdir dir Directory to be created where build results will go\r
+ /help /? usage information (what you now see).\r
+ /config path Path to config file.\r
+ /srcdir dir Source directory to use. Should contain \r
+ pismere/athena. If cvstag or svntag is null, \r
+ the directory should be prepopulated.\r
+ /outdir dir Directory to be created where build results will go\r
/repository checkout | co \\ What repository action to take.\r
update | up ) Options are to checkout, update or \r
skip / take no action [skip].\r
- /cvstag tag \\ For whichever of these tags is specified,\r
- /svntag tag / the repository action will be done into srcdir\r
- /debug Do debug make instead of release make\r
- /nomake Skip make step\r
- /nopackage Skip packaging step\r
- /clean Build clean target\r
- /verbose Debug mode - verbose output\r
- /config path Path to config file\r
- /logfile path Where to write output. If omitted, ...\r
+ /kerberos_id id kerberos id used to access svn if checking out.\r
+ /cvstag tag \\ If non-empty, the tag is appended to cvs and svn\r
+ /svntag tag / commands to select the rev to fetch.\r
+ /debug Do debug make instead of release make.\r
+ /nomake Skip make step.\r
+ /clean Build clean target.\r
+ /nopackage Skip packaging step.\r
+ /verbose Debug mode - verbose output.\r
+ /logfile path Where to write output. If omitted, ...\r
NMAKE-options any options you want to pass to NMAKE, which can be:\r
(note: /nologo is always used)\r
$BAIL = $bailmsg.$warnmsg;\r
-sub makeDir {\r
- my ($path) = @_;\r
- if (! -d $path) {\r
- mkdir($path) or die "Fatal -- couldn't create $path";\r
- print "Debug -- makeDir($path)\n";\r
- }\r
- else {print "Debug -- makeDir($path) -- directory already exists.\n";}\r
- }\r
sub main {\r
Getopt::Long::Configure('no_bundling', 'no_auto_abbrev',\r
'no_getopt_compat', 'require_order',\r
- 'clean',\r
+ 'kerberos_id:s',\r
+ 'clean',\r
-# #print Dumper($OPT);\r
- \r
# List of programs which must be in PATH:\r
- my @required_list = ('sed', 'awk', 'which', 'cat', 'rm', 'cvs', 'svn', 'doxygen', 'hhc', 'candle', 'light');\r
+ my @required_list = ('sed', 'awk', 'which', 'cat', 'rm', 'cvs', 'svn', 'doxygen', 'hhc', 'candle', 'light', 'makensis', 'nmake');\r
my $requirements_met = 1;\r
my $first_missing = 0;\r
my $error_list = "";\r
use Time::gmtime;\r
$ENV{DATE} = gmctime()." GMT";\r
- my $originalDir =`cd`;\r
+ our $originalDir = `cd`;\r
$originalDir =~ s/\n//g;\r
- my $errorState = 0; ## Cumulative return code. 0 is success.\r
##++ Assemble configuration from config file and command line:\r
my $configfile;\r
# Get configuration file:\r
my $xml = new XML::Simple();\r
- my $config = $xml->XMLin($configfile);\r
+ $config = $xml->XMLin($configfile);\r
# Set up convenience variables:\r
- my (@switches, @paths, @tags, @prepackage, @files);\r
+ my (@switches, @paths, @tags, @fetch);\r
@switches = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options};\r
@paths = $config->{CommandLine}->{Directories};\r
@tags = $config->{CommandLine}->{Tags};\r
- @prepackage = $config->{Stages}->{PrePackage};\r
- @files = $config->{Stages}->{PrePackage}->{CopyList}->{Files};\r
+ @fetch = $config->{Stages}->{FetchSources}->{Config};\r
# Update the configuration with overrides from the command line:\r
$tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} = $OPT->{cvstag} if exists $OPT->{cvstag};\r
$paths[0]->{out}->{path} = $OPT->{outdir} if exists $OPT->{outdir};\r
$switches[0]->{debug}->{value} = $OPT->{debug} if exists $OPT->{debug};\r
$switches[0]->{clean}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{clean};\r
- $switches[0]->{logfile}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{logfile};\r
$switches[0]->{repository}->{value} = $OPT->{repository} if exists $OPT->{repository};\r
+ $fetch[0]->{KERBEROS_ID}->{name} = $OPT->{kerberos_id} if exists $OPT->{kerberos_id};\r
$switches[0]->{nomake}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nomake};\r
$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nopackage};\r
$switches[0]->{verbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{verbose};\r
$switches[0]->{vverbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{vverbose};\r
if (exists $OPT->{logfile}) {\r
- $switches[0]->{log}->{path} = $OPT->{logfile};\r
- $switches[0]->{log}->{value} = 1;\r
+ $switches[0]->{logfile}->{path} = $OPT->{logfile};\r
+ $switches[0]->{logfile}->{value} = 1;\r
- my $verbose = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options}->{verbose}->{value};\r
- my $vverbose = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options}->{vverbose}->{value};\r
+ our $verbose = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options}->{verbose}->{value};\r
+ our $vverbose = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options}->{vverbose}->{value};\r
+ our $clean = $switches[0]->{clean}->{value};\r
+ my $src = $paths[0]->{src}->{path};\r
- if ($switches[0]->{clean}->{value} && !$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value}) {\r
+ if ($clean && !$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value}) {\r
print "Info -- /clean forces /nopackage.\n";\r
$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value} = 1;\r
- my $i = 0;\r
- # See if there is an included file list:\r
- if (exists $files[0]->{Include}->{path}) {\r
- my $configfile2 = $files[0]->{Include}->{path};\r
- print "Info -- Including files to be copied from $configfile2.\n";\r
- my $config2 = $xml->XMLin($configfile2);\r
- while ($config2->{File}[$i]) {\r
- $files[0]->{File}[++$#{$files[0]->{File}}] = $config2->{File}[$i];\r
- $i++;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- if ($vverbose) {print Dumper($config);}\r
+ if ($vverbose) {print "Debug -- Config: ".Dumper($config);}\r
# Examples of use:\r
#print "Logfile path: $switches[0]->{log}->{path}\n";\r
#print "src path: $paths[0]->{src}->{path}\n";\r
#print "cvs tag: $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value}\n";\r
- #print "CVSROOT: $config->{Config}->{CVSROOT}->{name}\n";\r
+ #print "CVSROOT: $fetch[0]->{CVSROOT}->{name}\n";\r
##-- Assemble configuration from config file and command line.\r
-# Begin logging:\r
- my $l;\r
- if ($OPT->{logfile}) {\r
-# $l = new Logger $OPT->{logfile} or die "Fatal -- Can't create Logger.";\r
-# $l->start;\r
- }\r
-##++ Begin repository action:\r
my $sw = $switches[0]->{repository}->{value};\r
my $rverb;\r
- if ($sw =~ /skip/i) {print "Info -- Skipping repository access.\n";}\r
- elsif ($sw =~ /update/i) {$rverb = "update";}\r
- elsif ($sw =~ /up/i) {$rverb = "update";}\r
- elsif ($sw =~ /checkout/i) {$rverb = "checkout";}\r
- elsif ($sw =~ /co/i) {$rverb = "checkout";}\r
+ if ($sw =~ /skip/i) {$rverb = "skip";}\r
+ elsif ($sw =~ /update/i) {$rverb = "update";}\r
+ elsif ($sw =~ /up/i) {$rverb = "update";}\r
+ elsif ($sw =~ /checkout/i) {$rverb = "checkout";}\r
+ elsif ($sw =~ /co/i) {$rverb = "checkout";}\r
else {\r
print "Fatal -- invalid /repository value.\n";\r
- my $wd = $paths[0]->{src}->{path}."\\pismere";\r
- \r
- if ($rverb) {\r
+ my $wd = $src."\\pismere";\r
+ if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) {\r
+ print "\n\nHEADS UP!!\n\n";\r
+ print "/REPOSITORY CHECKOUT will cause everything under $wd to be deleted.\n";\r
+ print "If this is not what you intended, here's your chance to bail out!\n\n\n";\r
+ print "Are you sure you want to remove everything under $wd? ";\r
+ my $char = getc;\r
+ if (! ($char =~ /y/i)) {die "Info -- operation aborted by user."}\r
+ !system("rm -rf $wd/*") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean $wd.";\r
+ !system("rmdir $wd") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove $wd.";\r
+# !system("attrib -h -r $wd\\* /s /d") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clear read-only attributes.";\r
+# !system("del /s /q $wd\\*.*") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean files from $wd."; \r
+# !system("rm -rf $wd\\*.*") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean directories from $wd.";\r
+ }\r
+# Begin logging:\r
+ my $l;\r
+ if ($switches[0]->{logfile}->{value}) {\r
+ print "Info -- logging to $switches[0]->{logfile}->{path}.\n";\r
+ $l = new Logger $switches[0]->{logfile}->{path};\r
+ $l->start;\r
+ $l->no_die_handler; ## Needed so XML::Simple won't throw exceptions.\r
+ }\r
+##++ Begin repository action:\r
+ if ($rverb =~ /skip/) {print "Info -- *** Skipping repository access.\n" if ($verbose);}\r
+ else {\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin fetching sources.\n";}\r
+ # Set up cvs environment variables:\r
+ $ENV{CVSROOT} = $fetch[0]->{CVSROOT}->{name};\r
+ chdir($src) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $src\n";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
my $krb5dir = $wd."\\athena\\auth\\krb5";\r
- # If we are fetching into a new directory, the directory structure won't exist and many cd commands will fail.\r
- # Use an xcopy to create the directory paths we will need:\r
- !system("echo tempfile > kpk.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't creqte a simple temp file.\n";\r
- !system("echo F | xcopy /y kpk.tmp $krb5dir") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't create path $krb5dir\n";\r
- !system("del kpk.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean up temporary file.\n";\r
- \r
- chdir("$wd") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\n";\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- chdir to $wd\n";}\r
- \r
- #if (! -d "pismere") {print "Warning -- can't find pismere in $wd. It will be created.\n";}\r
- if (! -d "athena") {print "Warning -- can't find pismere\\athena in $wd. It will be created.\n";}\r
- \r
- # [TODO] Set up cvs environment variables:\r
- my $cvscmd = "cvs $rverb ";\r
- if ($tags[0]->{cvs}->{value}) {$cvscmd .= $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value};}\r
- !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
- \r
- # [TODO] Set up svn environment variables:\r
- chdir("$krb5dir") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $krb5dir\n";\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- chdir to $krb5dir\n";}\r
+ my $cvscmdroot = "cvs $rverb";\r
+ my $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot;\r
+ if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) { \r
+ my @cvsmodules = ( \r
+ 'krb', \r
+ 'pismere/athena/util/lib/afscompat', \r
+ 'pismere/athena/util/lib/delaydlls', \r
+ 'pismere/athena/util/lib/getopt', \r
+ 'pismere/athena/util/guiwrap'\r
+ );\r
+# 'pismere/athena/util/lib', \r
+ foreach my $module (@cvsmodules) {\r
+ $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot." ".$module;\r
+ $cvscmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} if ($tags[0]->{cvs}->{value});\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- cvs command: $cvscmd\n";}\r
+ !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else { ## Update.\r
+ $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot;\r
+ $cvscmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} if ($tags[0]->{cvs}->{value});\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- cvs command: $cvscmd\n";}\r
+ !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ # Set up svn environment variables:\r
+ my $dblback_plink = $fetch[0]->{KRB_PLINK}->{name};\r
+ $dblback_plink =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;\r
+ $ENV{SVN_SSH} = $dblback_plink;\r
+ # If the directory structure doesn't exist, many cd commands will fail.\r
+ mkdir($krb5dir);\r
+ chdir($krb5dir) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $krb5dir\n";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
my $svncmd = "svn $rverb ";\r
- if ($tags[0]->{svn}->{value}) {$svncmd .= $tags[0]->{svn}->{value};}\r
- !system($svncmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$svncmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
- \r
+ if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) { # Append the rest of the checkout command:\r
+ chdir("..");\r
+ $svncmd .= "svn+ssh://".$fetch[0]->{KERBEROS_ID}->{name}."@".$fetch[0]->{SVNURL}->{name}."/krb5/trunk krb5";\r
+ }\r
+ if ($tags[0]->{svn}->{value}) {$svncmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{svn}->{value};} # Add any specific tag\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- svn command: $svncmd\n";}\r
+ !system($svncmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$svncmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End fetching sources.\n";}\r
##-- End repository action.\r
- \r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin preparing for build.\n";}\r
- $wd = $paths[0]->{src}->{path};\r
- chdir("$wd") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\n";\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- chdir to $wd\n";}\r
+ \r
+ if ( (!$switches[0]->{nomake}->{value}) ) {\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin preparing for build.\n";}\r
- my ($path, $destpath);\r
- \r
- # Copy athena\scripts\site\graft\krb5\Makefile.src to athena\auth\krb5:\r
- $path = "pismere\\scripts\\site\\graft\\krb5\\Makefile.src";\r
- if (!-e $path) {die "Fatal -- Expected file $wd\\$path not found.";}\r
- $destpath = "pismere\\athena\\auth\\krb5\\Makefile.src";\r
- !system("echo F | xcopy /D $wd\\$path $wd\\$destpath /Y > NUL") or die "Fatal -- Copy of $wd\\$path to $wd\\$destpath failed.";\r
- print "Info -- copied $wd\\$path to $wd\\$destpath\n";\r
- \r
- # Add DEBUG_SYMBOL to .../wshelper/Makefile.src:\r
- $path = "pismere\\athena\\wshelper\\wshelper\\Makefile.src";\r
- if (!-e $path) {die "Fatal -- Expected file $wd\\$path not found.";}\r
- if (system("grep DEBUG_SYMBOL $path > NUL") != 0) {\r
- !system ("echo DEBUG_SYMBOL=1 >> $wd\\$path") or die "Fatal -- Append line to file failed.\n";\r
- print "Info -- Added DEBUG_SYMBOL to $wd\\$path\n";\r
- }\r
+ $wd = $paths[0]->{src}->{path};\r
+ chdir("$wd") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\n";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End preparing for build.\n";}\r
+ my ($path, $destpath);\r
+ \r
+ # Copy athena\scripts\site\graft\krb5\Makefile.src to athena\auth\krb5:\r
+ $path = "pismere\\scripts\\site\\graft\\krb5\\Makefile.src";\r
+ if (!-e $path) {die "Fatal -- Expected file $wd\\$path not found.";}\r
+ $destpath = "pismere\\athena\\auth\\krb5\\Makefile.src";\r
+ !system("echo F | xcopy /D $wd\\$path $wd\\$destpath /Y > NUL") or die "Fatal -- Copy of $wd\\$path to $wd\\$destpath failed.";\r
+ print "Info -- copied $wd\\$path to $wd\\$destpath\n" if ($verbose);;\r
+ \r
+ # Add DEBUG_SYMBOL to .../wshelper/Makefile.src:\r
+ $path = "pismere\\athena\\wshelper\\wshelper\\Makefile.src";\r
+ if (!-e $path) {die "Fatal -- Expected file $wd\\$path not found.";}\r
+ if (system("grep DEBUG_SYMBOL $path > NUL") != 0) {\r
+ !system ("echo DEBUG_SYMBOL=1 >> $wd\\$path") or die "Fatal -- Append line to file failed.\n";\r
+ print "Info -- Added DEBUG_SYMBOL to $wd\\$path\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ # Prune any unwanted directories before the build:\r
+ if (exists $config->{Stages}->{Make}->{Prunes}) {\r
+ # Use Unix find instead of Windows find. Save PATH so we can restore it when we're done:\r
+ my $savedPATH = $ENV{PATH};\r
+ $ENV{PATH} = $config->{CommandLine}->{Directories}->{unixfind}->{path}.";".$savedPATH;\r
+ my $prunes = $config->{Stages}->{Make}->{Prunes};\r
+ my $j=0;\r
+ print "Info -- Processing prunes in ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ while ($prunes->{Prune}->[$j]) {\r
+ if (exists $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{name}) { ## Don't process dummy entry!\r
+ my $prune = $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{name};\r
+ my $flags = $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{flags};\r
+ $flags = "" if (!$flags);\r
+ my $cmd = "find . -".$flags."name $prune";\r
+ print "Info -- Looking for filenames containing $prune\n";\r
+ my $list = `$cmd`;\r
+ foreach $target (split("\n", $list)) {\r
+ print "Info -- Pruning $target\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ ! system("rm -rf $target") or die "Unable to prune $target";\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ $j++;\r
+ }\r
+ $ENV{PATH} = $savedPATH;\r
+ }\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End preparing for build.\n";}\r
- if (!$switches[0]->{nomake}->{value}) {\r
my ($buildtarget, $buildtext);\r
- if ($switches[0]->{clean}->{value}) {\r
+ if ($clean) {\r
$buildtarget = "clean" ;\r
$buildtext = " clean."\r
$buildtarget = "" ;\r
$buildtext = "."\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin build".$buildtext."\n";}\r
chdir("pismere/athena") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to source directory $wd\\pismere\\athena\n";\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- chdir to $wd\\pismere\\athena\n";}\r
!system("perl ../scripts/build.pl --softdirs $buildtarget") or die "Fatal -- build $buildtarget failed.";\r
- chdir("..") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\\pismere.";\r
- if ($switches[0]->{clean}->{value}) {\r
+ chdir("$wd\\pismere") or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\\pismere.";\r
+ if ($clean) {\r
if (-d "staging") {\r
!system("rm -rf staging") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove pismere/staging.";\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End build".$buildtext."\n";}\r
} ## End make conditional.\r
- \r
- if (!$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value}) {\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin prepackage.\n";}\r
+ else {print "Info -- *** Skipping build.\n" if ($verbose);}\r
+ if (!$switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value}) { ## If /clean, this switch will have been cleared.\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin prepackage.\n";}\r
# The build results are copied to a staging area, where the packager expects to find them.\r
# We put the staging area in the fixed area .../pismere/staging.\r
+ my $prepackage = $config->{Stages}->{PrePackage};\r
$wd = $paths[0]->{src}->{path}."\\pismere";\r
my $staging_area = "$wd\\staging";\r
chdir($wd) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\n";\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- chdir to $wd\n";}\r
- (-e $staging_area) or makeDir($staging_area);\r
- \r
- my $src = $paths[0]->{src}->{path};\r
- my $CopyList = $prepackage[0]->{CopyList};\r
- \r
- # A path can contain a variable part, which will be handled here. If the variable part is \r
- # the Always or BuildDependent tag, then the variable will be changed to the \r
- # build-type-dependent PathFragment.\r
- # If the variable part is the IgnoreTag, then the file will not be copied.\r
- my ($PathFragment, $BuildDependentTag, $IgnoreTag); \r
- \r
- my $AlwaysTag = $CopyList->{Config}->{AlwaysTag}->{value};\r
- if ($switches[0]->{debug}->{value}) { ## Debug build tags:\r
- $PathFragment = $CopyList->{Config}->{DebugArea}->{value};\r
- $BuildDependentTag = $CopyList->{Config}->{DebugTag}->{value};\r
- $IgnoreTag = $CopyList->{Config}->{ReleaseTag}->{value};\r
- }\r
- else { ## Release build tags:\r
- $PathFragment = $CopyList->{Config}->{ReleaseArea}->{value};\r
- $BuildDependentTag = $CopyList->{Config}->{ReleaseTag}->{value};\r
- $IgnoreTag = $CopyList->{Config}->{DebugTag}->{value};\r
- } \r
- \r
- # Copy all the files in the CopyList:\r
- $i = 0;\r
- my $nfiles = 0;\r
- my $bOldDot = 1;\r
- my $bDot = 0;\r
- while ($files[0]->{File}[$i]) {\r
- my ($name, $newname, $from, $to, $ignore);\r
- $name = $files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{name};\r
- if (exists $files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{newname}) {$newname = $files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{newname};}\r
- else {$newname = $name;}\r
- if ($name) {\r
- $ignore = 0;\r
- $from = "$src\\pismere\\athena\\$files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{from}\\$name";\r
- $to = "$src\\pismere\\staging\\$files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{to}\\$newname";\r
- if (index($from.$to, $IgnoreTag) <0) { ## Test for IgnoreTag\r
- # Apply PathTag substitutions:\r
- $from =~ s/$AlwaysTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
- $to =~ s/$AlwaysTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
- $from =~ s/$BuildDependentTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
- $to =~ s/$BuildDependentTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
- # We use xcopy instead of copy because it will create directories for us:\r
- if (system("echo F | xcopy /D /F /Y $from $to > a.tmp 2>NUL") != 0) {\r
- # xcopy failed. \r
- if (!exists $files[0]->{File}->[$i]->{notrequired}) {\r
- ( -e $from) or die "Fatal -- can't find $from";\r
- die "Fatal -- Copy of $from to $to failed";\r
- }\r
- }\r
- else { ## To show progress when files aren't copied, print a string of dots.\r
- open(MYINPUTFILE, "<a.tmp");\r
- my(@lines) = <MYINPUTFILE>;\r
- foreach $line (@lines) { \r
- $bDot = ($line =~ /^0/);\r
- }\r
- close(MYINPUTFILE);\r
- if (!$bDot && $bOldDot) {print "\n";}\r
- if ($bDot) {print ".";}\r
- else {print "$from copied to $to\n";}\r
- $bOldDot = $bDot;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- $i++;\r
- }\r
- if ($bDot) {print "\n";}\r
- \r
-# # Copy the extras:\r
-# print "Info -- Absent a way of scripting unzip, the instructions require manually unzipping into\n";\r
-# print " the target area $src\\pismere\\staging.\n";\r
-# # my $extradir = $paths[0]->{extras}->{path};\r
-# # !system("xcopy /d/f/y/s $src\\pismere\\athena\\$extradir\\* $src\\pismere\\staging") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't copy extras from $src\\pismere\\athena\\$extradir";\r
+ (-e $staging_area) or mkdir($staging_area);\r
+ # Force Where From and To are relative to:\r
+ $prepackage->{CopyList}->{Config}->{From}->{root} = "$src\\pismere\\athena";\r
+ $prepackage->{CopyList}->{Config}->{To}->{root} = "$src\\pismere\\staging";\r
+ copyFiles($prepackage->{CopyList}, $config); ## Copy any files\r
chdir("staging\\install\\wix") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't cd to $wd\\staging\\install\\wix";\r
- \r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
# Correct errors in files.wxi:\r
!system("sed 's/WorkingDirectory=\"\\[dirbin\\]\"/WorkingDirectory=\"dirbin\"/g' files.wxi > a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify files.wxi.";\r
- !system("copy /y a.tmp files.wxi") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't update files.wxi.";\r
- !system("del a.tmp") or print "Warning -- Couldn't clean up temporary file $wd\\staging\\installer\\wix\\a.tmp.\n";\r
+ !system("mv a.tmp files.wxi") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't update files.wxi.";\r
# Update paths in site-local.wxi:\r
my $dblback_originalDir = $originalDir;\r
!system("sed -f $dblback_originalDir\\site-local.sed site-local.wxi > b.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify site-local.wxi.";\r
my $hexback_wd = $wd;\r
$hexback_wd =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\\\\\/g;\r
- !system("sed 's/%%TARGETDIR%%/$hexback_wd\\\\\\staging\\\\\\/' b.tmp > c.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify site-local.wxi temporary file."; \r
- !system("sed 's/%%CONFIGDIR%%/$hexback_wd\\\\\\staging\\\\\\sample\\\\\\/' c.tmp > d.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify site-local.wxi temporary file."; \r
- !system("copy /y d.tmp site-local.wxi") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't replace site-local.wxi.";\r
- \r
- # Copy krb.conf from ...\athena\auth\krb5\src\config-files to pismere\staging\samples\krb5.ini:\r
- !system("echo F | xcopy /D $wd\\athena\\auth\\krb5\\src\\config-files\\krb5.conf $wd\\staging\\sample\\krb5.ini") \r
- or die "Fatal -- Couldn't update $wd\\staging\\sample\\krb5.ini.";\r
- \r
+ !system("sed 's/%%TARGETDIR%%/$hexback_wd\\\\\\staging\\\\\\/' b.tmp > c.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify site-local.wxi temporary file."; \r
+ !system("sed 's/%%CONFIGDIR%%/$hexback_wd\\\\\\staging\\\\\\sample\\\\\\/' c.tmp > d.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't modify site-local.wxi temporary file."; \r
+ !system("mv d.tmp site-local.wxi") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't replace site-local.wxi.";\r
+ \r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End prepackage.\n";}\r
- # Make the msi:\r
- !system("nmake") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't make kfw.msi.";\r
- \r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin package.\n";}\r
+ # Make the msi:\r
+ chdir("$wd\\staging\\install\\wix") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't cd to $wd\\staging\\install\\wix";\r
+ print "Info -- *** Make .msi:\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ !system("$MAKE") or die "Error -- msi installer build failed.";\r
+ \r
+ chdir("$wd\\staging\\install\\nsis") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't cd to $wd\\staging\\install\\nsis";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ print "Info -- *** Make NSIS:\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ !system("cl.exe killer.cpp advapi32.lib") or die "Error -- nsis killer.exe not built.";\r
+ !system("rename killer.exe Killer.exe") or die "Error -- Couldn't rename killer.exe";\r
+ !system("makensis kfw.nsi") or die "Error -- executable installer build failed.";\r
+# Begin packaging extra items:\r
+ my $fromRoot = $paths[0]->{src}->{path};\r
+ my $toRoot = $paths[0]->{out}->{path};\r
+ chdir($fromRoot); # Now in <src>.\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ system("rm -rf $toRoot") if (-d $toRoot);\r
+ die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove $fromRoot\\$toRoot." if (-d $toRoot);\r
+ mkdir($toRoot);\r
+ my $zipsXML = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Zips};\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}->{Config}->{From}->{root} = "$src\\pismere"; ## Used after zips are made.\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}->{Config}->{To}->{root} = "$src\\$toRoot\\ziptemp";\r
+ my $filestem = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name};\r
+ local $i = 0;\r
+ while ($zipsXML->{Zip}[$i]) {\r
+ my $zip = $zipsXML->{Zip}[$i];\r
+ if (exists $zip->{name}) { ## Ignore dummy entry.\r
+ my $zipname = $zip->{filename};\r
+ $zipname =~ s/%filestem%/$filestem/g;\r
+ my $bMakeIt = 1;\r
+ if (exists $zip->{Requires}) {\r
+ local $j = 0;\r
+ while ($zip->{Requires}->{Switch}[$j]) { ## Check Require switches\r
+ local $switch = $zip->{Requires}->{Switch}[$j];\r
+ if (exists $switch->{name}) { ## Ignore dummy entry\r
+ # We handle REPOSITORY and CLEAN switches:\r
+ if ($switch->{name} =~ /REPOSITORY/i) {\r
+ $bMakeIt &&= ($switch->{value} =~ /$rverb/i); ## Repository verb must match requirement\r
+ }\r
+ elsif ($switch->{name} =~ /CLEAN/i) { ## Clean must be specified\r
+ $bMakeIt &&= $clean;\r
+ }\r
+ else {print "Error -- Unsupported switch $switch->{name} in Requires in ".Dumper($zip);}\r
+ }\r
+ $j++;\r
+ }\r
+ if ( !$bMakeIt && (exists $zip->{Requires}->{ErrorMsg}) ) {\r
+ print "Error -- $zip->{Requires}->{ErrorMsg}->{text}\n";\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if ($bMakeIt) {\r
+ my $todir = "$src\\$toRoot\\ziptemp";\r
+ system("rm -rf $todir") if (-d $todir);\r
+ die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove $todir" if (-d $todir);\r
+ mkdir($todir);\r
+# Add to the zip's config section. Don't copy Postpackage->Config, because the Zip's Config might contain substitution tags.\r
+ $zip->{CopyList}->{Config}->{FileStem} = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}; ## Each zip uses the post package config.\r
+ $zip->{CopyList}->{Config}->{From}->{root} = "$src\\pismere"; ## Used by zips\r
+ $zip->{CopyList}->{Config}->{To}->{root} = "$src\\$toRoot\\ziptemp\\$zip->{topdir}";\r
+ copyFiles($zip->{CopyList}, $config);\r
+ # Drop down into <out>/ziptemp so the path to the added file won't include <out>:\r
+ chdir $todir;\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ # Prune any unwanted files or directories from the directory we're about to zip:\r
+ if (exists $zip->{Prunes}) {\r
+ # Use Unix find instead of Windows find. Save PATH so we can restore it when we're3 done:\r
+ my $savedPATH = $ENV{PATH};\r
+ $ENV{PATH} = $config->{CommandLine}->{Directories}->{unixfind}->{path}.";".$savedPATH;\r
+ my $prunes = $zip->{Prunes};\r
+ my $j=0;\r
+ print "Info -- Processing prunes in ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ while ($prunes->{Prune}->[$j]) {\r
+ if (exists $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{name}) { ## Don't process dummy entry!\r
+ my $prune = $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{name};\r
+ my $flags = $prunes->{Prune}->[$j]->{flags};\r
+ $flags = "" if (!$flags);\r
+ my $cmd = "find . -".$flags."name $prune";\r
+ print "Info -- Looking for filenames containing $prune\n";\r
+ my $list = `$cmd`;\r
+ foreach $target (split("\n", $list)) {\r
+ print "Info -- Pruning $target\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ !system("rm -rf $target") or die "Error -- Couldn't remove $target.";;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ $j++;\r
+ }\r
+ $ENV{PATH} = $savedPATH;\r
+ }\r
+ my $zipfile = Archive::Zip->new();\r
+ my $topdir = $zip->{topdir};\r
+ $topdir =~ s/%filestem%/$filestem/g;\r
+ $zipfile->addTree('.', $topdir);\r
+ if (-e $zipname) {!system("rm -f $zipname") or die "Error -- Couldn't remove $zipname.";}\r
+ $zipfile->writeToFileNamed($zipname);\r
+ print "Info -- created $src\\$toRoot\\$zipname.\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ !system("mv -f $zipname ..") or die "Error -- Couldn't move $zipname to ..";\r
+ chdir ".."; ## Back to <out>\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ } ## End else OK to process zip\r
+ } ## End not the dummy entry\r
+ $i++; \r
+ } ## End zip in xml.\r
+ \r
+ $todir = "$src\\$toRoot\\ziptemp"; ## Clean up any temp directory.\r
+ system("rm -rf $todir") if (-d $todir);\r
+ \r
+ my $out = $config->{CommandLine}->{Directories}->{out}->{path};\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}->{Config} = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}; ## Use the post package config.\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}->{Config}->{From}->{root} = "$src\\pismere";\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}->{Config}->{To}->{root} = "$src\\$out";\r
+ copyFiles($config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{CopyList}, $config); ## Copy any files\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** End package.\n";}\r
- } ## End package conditional.\r
- \r
-#End logging:\r
-# if (!$OPT->{nolog}) {\r
-# $l->stop;\r
-# }\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ print "Info -- Package step skipped.";\r
+ }\r
+ system("rm -rf $src/a.tmp"); ## Clean up junk.\r
+ \r
+# End logging:\r
+ if ($switches[0]->{logfile}->{value}) {$l->stop;}\r
- return $errorState;\r
+ return 0;\r
} ## End subroutine main.\r
$SIG{'INT'} = \&handler;\r
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -w\r
+#use strict;\r
+use XML::Simple;\r
+use Data::Dumper;\r
+sub copyFiles {\r
+ local ($xml, $config) = @_;\r
+ local @switches = $config->{CommandLine}->{Options};\r
+ local @files = $xml->{Files};\r
+ # Check for includes:\r
+ if (exists $xml->{Files}->{Include}->{path}) {\r
+ my $includepath = $xml->{Files}->{Include}->{path};\r
+ print "Info -- Including files from $includepath\n";\r
+ my $savedDir = `cd`;\r
+ $savedDir =~ s/\n//g;\r
+ chdir $originalDir; ## Includes are relative to where we were invoked.\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ my $tmp = new XML::Simple;\r
+ my $includeXML = $tmp->XMLin($includepath);\r
+ chdir $savedDir;\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ local $i = 0;\r
+ while ($includeXML->{File}[$i]) { ## Copy File entries from includeXML.\r
+ $files[0]->{File}[++$#{$files[0]->{File}}] = $includeXML->{File}[$i]; \r
+ $i++;\r
+ }\r
+ delete $files->{Include};\r
+ }\r
+ ##++ Set up path substitution variables for use inside the copy loop:\r
+ # A path can contain a variable part, which will be handled here. If the variable part is \r
+ # the Always or BuildDependent tag, then the variable will be changed to the \r
+ # build-type-dependent PathFragment.\r
+ # If the variable part is the IgnoreTag, then the file will not be copied.\r
+ # If the variable part is %filestem%, it will be replaced with Config->FileStem->name.\r
+ my ($PathFragment, $BuildDependentTag, $IgnoreTag, $FileStemFragment, $fromRoot, $toRoot); \r
+ my $bPathTags = (exists $xml->{Config}->{DebugArea}) && (exists $xml->{Config}->{ReleaseArea});\r
+ my $bFileStem = (exists $xml->{Config}->{FileStem});\r
+ \r
+ if ($switches[0]->{debug}->{value}) { ## Debug build tags:\r
+ $PathFragment = $xml->{Config}->{DebugArea}->{value};\r
+ $BuildDependentTag = $xml->{Config}->{DebugTag}->{value};\r
+ $IgnoreTag = $xml->{Config}->{ReleaseTag}->{value};\r
+ }\r
+ else { ## Release build tags:\r
+ $PathFragment = $xml->{Config}->{ReleaseArea}->{value};\r
+ $BuildDependentTag = $xml->{Config}->{ReleaseTag}->{value};\r
+ $IgnoreTag = $xml->{Config}->{DebugTag}->{value};\r
+ } \r
+ my $AlwaysTag = $xml->{Config}->{AlwaysTag}->{value};\r
+ $FileStemFragment = $xml->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name}; \r
+ $fromRoot = $xml->{Config}->{From}->{root}; \r
+ $toRoot = $xml->{Config}->{To}->{root}; \r
+ ##-- Set up path substitution variables for use inside the copy loop.\r
+ # For each file in the file list:\r
+ # Substitute any variable parts of the path name.\r
+ # Handle wildcards\r
+ # Copy\r
+ local $i = 0;\r
+ my $bOldDot = 1;\r
+ my $bDot = 0;\r
+ while ($files[0]->{File}[$i]) {\r
+ my ($name, $newname, $from, $to, $file);\r
+ $file = $files[0]->{File}->[$i];\r
+ $name = $file->{name};\r
+ if (exists $file->{newname}) {$newname = $file->{newname};}\r
+ else {$newname = $name;}\r
+ if ($name && (! exists $file->{ignore})) { ## Ignore or process this entry?\r
+ $from = "$fromRoot\\$file->{from}\\$name";\r
+ $to = "$toRoot\\$file->{to}\\$newname";\r
+ if ( $bPathTags || $bFileStem || (index($from.$to, $IgnoreTag) <0) ) { ## Copy this file?\r
+ if ($bPathTags) { ## Apply PathTag substitutions:\r
+ $from =~ s/$AlwaysTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
+ $to =~ s/$AlwaysTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
+ $from =~ s/$BuildDependentTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
+ $to =~ s/$BuildDependentTag/$PathFragment/g;\r
+ }\r
+ if ($bFileStem) { ## FileStem substitution?\r
+ $from =~ s/%filestem%/$FileStemFragment/g;\r
+ $to =~ s/%filestem%/$FileStemFragment/g;\r
+ } \r
+ $to =~ s/\*.*//; ## Truncate to path before any wildcard\r
+ my $bCopyOK = 1;\r
+ my $fromcheck = $from;\r
+ my $bRequired = ! (exists $file->{notrequired});\r
+ if ($name =~ /\*/) { ## Wildcard case\r
+ $fromcheck =~ s/\*.*//;\r
+ if ($bRequired && (! -d $fromcheck)) {\r
+ if ($bDot) {print "\n";}\r
+ die "Fatal -- Can't find $fromcheck";\r
+ }\r
+ $bCopyOK = !system("echo D | xcopy /D /F /Y /S $from $to > a.tmp 2>NUL");\r
+ }\r
+ else { ## Specific file case\r
+ if ($bRequired && (! -e $fromcheck)) {\r
+ if ($bDot) {print "\n";}\r
+ die "Fatal -- Can't find $fromcheck";\r
+ }\r
+ $bCopyOK = !system("echo F | xcopy /D /F /Y $from $to > a.tmp 2>NUL");\r
+ }\r
+ if ($bCopyOK) { ## xcopy OK - show progress\r
+ # To show progress when files aren't copied, print a string of dots.\r
+ open(MYINPUTFILE, "<a.tmp");\r
+ my(@lines) = <MYINPUTFILE>;\r
+ foreach $line (@lines) { \r
+ $bDot = ($line =~ /^0/);\r
+ }\r
+ close(MYINPUTFILE);\r
+ if (!$bDot && $bOldDot) {print "\n";}\r
+ if ($bDot) {print "."; STDOUT->flush;}\r
+ else {print "$from copied to $to\n";}\r
+ $bOldDot = $bDot;\r
+ }\r
+ else { ## xcopy failed\r
+ if (!exists $file->{notrequired}) {\r
+ if ($bDot) {print "\n";}\r
+ die "Fatal -- Copy of $from to $to failed";\r
+ }\r
+ } ## End xcopy succeed or fail\r
+ } ## End not dummy entry nor ignored\r
+ }\r
+ $i++;\r
+ }\r
+ if ($bDot) {print "\n";}\r
+ }\r
+return 1;\r
<File name="ms2mit.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="leashw32.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="leash32.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
-<!-- <File name="leash32.chm" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" /> -->\r
+ <File name="leash32.chm" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="kpasswd.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="kvno.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="krbv4w32.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="wshelp32.dll" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="ms2mit.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="leashw32.dll" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
-<!-- <File name="leash32.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" /> -->\r
-<!-- <File name="leash32.chm" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" /> -->\r
+ <File name="leash32.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="kpasswd.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="kvno.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<File name="krbv4w32.dll" from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
<!-- Debug build only: -->\r
<File name="khhelp.h" from="auth\krb5\src\windows\identity\obj\i386\%debug%\inc\" to="\inc\netidmgr" />\r
- <File name="aklog.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
+<!-- <File name="aklog.pdb" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\" to="\bin\i386" /> -->\r
<File name="netidmgr.exe.static.manifest" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\" to="\bin\i386" notrequired="true" />\r
- <File name="aklog.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\" to="\bin\i386" />\r
+<!-- <File name="aklog.exe" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\" to="\bin\i386" /> -->\r
<!-- Build-INdependent files, always copied: -->\r
<File name="relnotes.html" from="..\doc\kerberos\" to="\doc" />\r
<File name="strings_1033.wxl" from="auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
<File name="ui_1033.wxi" from="auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
<File name="license.rtf" from="auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
+ <File name="krb5.conf" from="auth\krb5\src\config-files\" to="\sample" newname="krb5.ini" />\r
+ <File name="krb.con" from="auth\krb4\sample-config\" to="\sample" />\r
+ <File name="krbrealm.con" from="auth\krb4\sample-config\" to="\sample" />\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior -->\r
+ <!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->\r
+ <File name="leash_userdoc.pdf" from="staging\doc" to="doc" />\r
+ <File name="relnotes.html" from="doc\kerberos" to="doc" />\r
+ <File name="comerr32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="comerr32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss-client.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss-client.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss-server.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss-server.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gss.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gssapi32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="gssapi32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="k524init.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="k524init.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="k5sprt32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="k5sprt32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kclnt32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kclnt32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
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+ <File name="kcpytkt.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kdeltkt.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kdeltkt.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kdestroy.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kdestroy.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kfwcpcc.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kfwcpcc.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kfwlogon.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kfwlogon.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kinit.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kinit.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="klist.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="klist.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kpasswd.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="kpasswd.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb4cred.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb4cred.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb4cred_en_us.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb524.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb524.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb5cred.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb5cred.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb5cred_en_us.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb5_32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krb5_32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krbcc32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krbcc32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krbcc32s.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="krbcc32s.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
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+ <File name="kvno.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="leash32.chm" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="leash32.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="leash32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="leashw32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="leashw32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="mit2ms.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="mit2ms.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="ms2mit.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="ms2mit.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="netidmgr.chm" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="netidmgr.exe" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="netidmgr.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
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+ <File name="nidmgr32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="wshelp32.dll" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+ <File name="wshelp32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
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+ <File name="xpprof32.pdb" from="target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386\" />\r
+<!-- \r
+target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\ w2k\netidmgr.exe\r
+target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\ w2k\netidmgr.pdb\r
+target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\ w2k\nidmgr32.dll\r
+target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\ w2k\nidmgr32.pdb\r
+ </Files>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\r
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+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior -->\r
+ <!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->\r
+ <File name="relnotes.html" from="doc\kerberos" to="doc" />\r
+ <File name="kclient.rtf" from="athena\auth\krb4\kclient\doc" to="doc" />\r
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+<!-- \r
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+ <File name="krb_err.h" from="" to="" inc\krb5\KerberosIV\\r
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+ <File name="leasherr.h" from="" to="" inc\leash\\r
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+ <File name="leashwin.h" from="" to="" inc\leash\\r
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+ <File name="loadfuncs-krb524.h" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs-leash.h" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs-lsa.h" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs-profile.h" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs-wshelper.h" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs.c" from="" to="" inc\loadfuncs\\r
+ <File name="hashtable.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kconfig.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kcreddb.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
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+ <File name="khactiondef.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khalerts.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khconfigui.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khdefs.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kherr.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kherror.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khhtlink.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khlist.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
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+ <File name="khnewcred.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
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+ <File name="khremote.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khrescache.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khtracker.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="khuidefs.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kmm.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kmq.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="kplugin.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="mstring.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="netidmgr.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="netidmgr_version.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="perfstat.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="sync.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="utils.h" from="" to="" inc\netidmgr\\r
+ <File name="nameser.h" from="" to="" inc\wshelper\arpa\\r
+ <File name="hesiod.h" from="" to="" inc\wshelper\\r
+ <File name="mitwhich.h" from="" to="" inc\wshelper\\r
+ <File name="resolv.h" from="" to="" inc\wshelper\\r
+ <File name="wshelper.h" from="" to="" inc\wshelper\\r
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+ <File name="kfw.ico" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="kfw.nsi" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="KfWConfigPage.ini" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="KfWConfigPage2.ini" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="killer.cpp" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="licenses.rtf" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="site-local.nsi" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
+ <File name="utils.nsi" from="" to="" install\nsis\\r
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+ <File name="files.wxi" from="staging\install\wix" to="install\wix\" />\r
+ <File name="kfw.wxs" from="staging\install\wix" to="install\wix\" />\r
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+ <File name="property.wxi" from="staging\install\wix" to="install\wix\" />\r
+ <File name="site-local.wxi" from="staging\install\wix" to="install\wix\" />\r
+ <File name="*.*" from="staging\install\wix\Binary" to="install\wix\Binary\" />\r
+<!-- <File name="bannrbmp.bmp" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="completi.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="custicon.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="dlgbmp.bmp" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="exclamic.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="info.bmp" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="insticon.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="new.bmp" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="removico.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="repairic.ico" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+ <File name="up.bmp" from="" to="" install\wix\Binary\\r
+--> \r
+ <File name="custom.cpp" from="staging\install\wix\custom" to="install\wix\custom\" />\r
+ <File name="custom.h" from="staging\install\wix\custom" to="install\wix\custom\" />\r
+ <File name="config_1033.wxi" from="staging\install\wix\lang" to="install\wix\lang\" />\r
+ <File name="strings_1033.wxl" from="staging\install\wix\lang" to="install\wix\lang\" />\r
+ <File name="ui_1033.wxi" from="staging\install\wix\lang" to="install\wix\lang\" />\r
+ <!-- Why not license.rtf? -->\r
+ <File name="*.lib" from="staging\lib\i386" to="lib\i386\" />\r
+<!-- \r
+ <File name="comerr32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="delaydlls.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="getopt.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="gssapi32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="kclnt32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="krb524.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="krb5_32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="krbcc32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="krbv4w32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="leashw32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="loadfuncs.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="nidmgr32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="wshelp32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+ <File name="xpprof32.lib" from="" to="" lib\i386\\r
+--> \r
+ \r
+ </Files>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\r
+ <Files>\r
+ <!-- File from paths are relative to <src>/pismere. -->\r
+ <!-- File to paths are relative to <out>. -->\r
+ <File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior -->\r
+ <!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->\r
+ <File name="config_1033.wxi" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
+ <File name="strings_1033.wxl" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
+ <File name="ui_1033.wxi" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
+ <File name="license.rtf" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\lang\" to="\install\wix\lang" />\r
+ <File name="krb5.conf" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\config-files\" to="\sample" newname="krb5.ini"/>\r
+ </Files>
\ No newline at end of file