# Here are the tests
+# Under "make check", init_db will just have been run and we could
+# jump right into the too-soon test. But if someone is working with
+# the test suite manually, init_db may have been run a while ago.
+# So, force some known state, first.
+verbose "(sleeping 30 seconds so pol2 password can be changed)"
+sleep 30
+test_win {pol2} {successful change} pol2 pol222222 polbbbbbb
+set pol2_time [expr 31 + [timestamp]]
+test_3pass {pol2} {D.15: too soon to change password} pol2 \
+ polbbbbbb pol333333 pol333333 \
+ 4 {Password cannot be changed because it was changed too recently. Please wait until .*[12][0-9][0-9][0-9] before you change it. If you need to change your password before then, contact your system security administrator.}
test_3pass {test2} {D.5: different new passwords} test2 test2 test2 foobar \
4 {New passwords do not match - password not changed.}
test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 polBBBBBB polCCCCCC
test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 polCCCCCC pol111111
-verbose "(sleeping 30 seconds)"
-catch "exec sleep 30"
-test_win {pol2} {successful change} pol2 pol222222 polbbbbbb
-test_3pass {pol2} {D.15: too soon to change password} pol2 \
- polbbbbbb pol222222 pol222222 \
- 4 {Password cannot be changed because it was changed too recently. Please wait until .*[12][0-9][0-9][0-9] before you change it. If you need to change your password before then, contact your system security administrator.}
-verbose "(sleeping 30 seconds)"
-catch "exec sleep 30"
+# Now delay a little longer (if needed) and try changing pol2's
+# password again.
+set delay [expr $pol2_time - [timestamp]]
+verbose "(sleeping $delay seconds)"
+sleep $delay
-test_win {pol2} {password min life passed} pol2 polbbbbbb pol222222
+test_win {pol2} {password min life passed} pol2 polbbbbbb pol333333