update | up ) Options are to checkout, update or \r
skip / take no action [skip].\r
/username /u name username used to access svn if checking out.\r
- /cvstag /c tag \\ If non-empty, the tag is appended to cvs and svn\r
- /svntag /s tag / commands to select the rev to fetch.\r
+ /cvstag /c tag use -r <tag> in cvs command\r
+ /svnbranch /b tag append /branches/<tag> to svn path.\r
+ /svntag /s tag append /tags/<tag> to svn path.\r
/debug /d Do debug make instead of release make.\r
/nomake Skip make step.\r
/clean Build clean target.\r
+ 'svnbranch|b:s',\r
@fetch = $config->{Stages}->{FetchSources}->{Config};\r
# Update the configuration with overrides from the command line:\r
- $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} = $OPT->{cvstag} if exists $OPT->{cvstag};\r
- $tags[0]->{svn}->{value} = $OPT->{svnurl} if exists $OPT->{svnurl};\r
- $paths[0]->{src}->{path} = $OPT->{srcdir} if exists $OPT->{srcdir};\r
- $paths[0]->{out}->{path} = $OPT->{outdir} if exists $OPT->{outdir};\r
- $switches[0]->{debug}->{value} = $OPT->{debug} if exists $OPT->{debug};\r
- $switches[0]->{clean}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{clean};\r
+ $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} = $OPT->{cvstag} if exists $OPT->{cvstag};\r
+ $tags[0]->{svntag}->{value} = $OPT->{svntag} if exists $OPT->{svntag};\r
+ $tags[0]->{svnbranch}->{value} = $OPT->{svnbranch} if exists $OPT->{svnbranch};\r
+ $paths[0]->{src}->{path} = $OPT->{srcdir} if exists $OPT->{srcdir};\r
+ $paths[0]->{out}->{path} = $OPT->{outdir} if exists $OPT->{outdir};\r
+ $switches[0]->{debug}->{value} = $OPT->{debug} if exists $OPT->{debug};\r
+ $switches[0]->{clean}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{clean};\r
$switches[0]->{repository}->{value} = $OPT->{repository} if exists $OPT->{repository};\r
- $fetch[0]->{USERNAME}->{name} = $OPT->{username} if exists $OPT->{username};\r
- $switches[0]->{nomake}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nomake};\r
- $switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nopackage};\r
- $switches[0]->{verbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{verbose};\r
- $switches[0]->{vverbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{vverbose};\r
+ $fetch[0]->{USERNAME}->{name} = $OPT->{username} if exists $OPT->{username};\r
+ $switches[0]->{nomake}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nomake};\r
+ $switches[0]->{nopackage}->{value} = 1 if exists $OPT->{nopackage};\r
+ $switches[0]->{verbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{verbose};\r
+ $switches[0]->{vverbose}->{value} = $OPT->{verbose} if exists $OPT->{vverbose};\r
if (exists $OPT->{logfile}) {\r
$switches[0]->{logfile}->{path} = $OPT->{logfile};\r
$switches[0]->{logfile}->{value} = 1;\r
#print "cvs tag: $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value}\n";\r
#print "CVSROOT: $fetch[0]->{CVSROOT}->{name}\n";\r
- # We read in the version information to be able to update the site-local files in the install build areas:\r
- local $version_path = $config->{Stages}->{Package}->{Config}->{Paths}->{Versions}->{path};\r
- open(DAT, "$src/$version_path") or die "Could not open $version_path.";\r
- @raw = <DAT>;\r
- close DAT;\r
- foreach $line (@raw) {\r
- chomp $line;\r
- if ($line =~ /#define/) { # Process #define lines:\r
- $line =~ s/#define//; # Remove #define token\r
- $line =~ s/^\s+//; # and leading & trailing whitespace\r
- $line =~ s/\s+$//;\r
- local @qr = split("\"", $line); # Try splitting with quotes\r
- if (exists $qr[1]) {\r
- $qr[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Clean up whitespace\r
- $qr[0] =~ s/\s+$//;\r
- $config->{Versions}->{$qr[0]} = $qr[1]; # Save string\r
- }\r
- else { # No quotes, so\r
- local @ar = split(" ", $line); # split with space\r
- $ar[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Clean up whitespace\r
- $ar[0] =~ s/\s+$//;\r
- $config->{Versions}->{$ar[0]} = $ar[1]; # and save numeric value\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- # Check that the versions we will need for site-local have been defined:\r
- my @required_versions = ('VER_PROD_MAJOR', 'VER_PROD_MINOR', 'VER_PROD_REV', \r
- $requirements_met = 1;\r
- $first_missing = 0;\r
- $error_list = "";\r
- foreach my $required (@required_versions) {\r
- if (! exists $config->{Versions}->{$required}) {\r
- $requirements_met = 0;\r
- if (!$first_missing) {\r
- $first_missing = 1;\r
- $error_list = "Fatal -- The following version(s) are not defined in $src/$version_path.\n";\r
- }\r
- $error_list .= "$required\n";\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (!$requirements_met) {\r
- print $error_list;\r
- exit(0);\r
- }\r
- # Apply any of these tags to filestem:\r
- my $filestem = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name};\r
- $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_MAJOR%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_MAJOR_STR'}/;\r
- $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_MINOR%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_MINOR_STR'}/;\r
- $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_PATCH%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_REV_STR'}/;\r
- $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name} = $filestem;\r
- \r
# Test the unix find command:\r
if (! exists $config->{CommandLine}->{Directories}->{unixfind}->{path}) {\r
$config->{CommandLine}->{Directories}->{unixfind}->{path} = "C:\\tools\\cygwin\\bin";\r
local $savedPATH = $ENV{PATH};\r
$ENV{PATH} = $unixfind.";".$savedPATH;\r
-print "PATH now $ENV{PATH}\n";\r
print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
if (-e "a.tmp") {!system("rm a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean temporary file a.tmp.";}\r
!system("find . -name a.tmp > b.tmp 2>&1") or die "Fatal -- find test failed.";\r
if ($filesize > 0) {\r
die "Fatal -- $unixfind does not appear to be a path to a UNIX find command.";\r
+ \r
+ # Don't allow /svntag and /svnbranch simultaneously:\r
+ if ( (length $tags[0]->{svntag}->{value} > 0) && \r
+ (length $tags[0]->{svnbranch}->{value} > 0) ) {\r
+ die "Fatal -- Can't specify both /SVNTAG and /SVNBRANCH.";\r
+ }\r
##-- Assemble configuration from config file and command line.\r
if ($rverb =~ /skip/) {print "Info -- *** Skipping repository access.\n" if ($verbose);}\r
else {\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- *** Begin fetching sources.\n";}\r
- if (! -d $wd) { ## xcopy will create the entire path for us.\r
+ local $cvspath = "$src";\r
+ if (! -d $cvspath) { ## xcopy will create the entire path for us.\r
!system("echo foo > a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't create temporary file in ".`cd`;\r
- !system("echo F | xcopy a.tmp $wd\\CVS\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't xcopy to $wd\\CVS.";\r
+ !system("echo F | xcopy a.tmp $cvspath\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't xcopy to $cvspath.";\r
!system("rm a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove temporary file.";\r
- !system("rm $wd\\CVS\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove temporary file.";\r
+ !system("rm $cvspath\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove temporary file.";\r
# Set up cvs environment variables:\r
- $ENV{CVSROOT} = $fetch[0]->{CVSROOT}->{name};\r
- chdir($src) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $src\n";\r
- print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
- my $krb5dir = "$wd\\athena\\auth\\krb5";\r
+ $ENV{CVSROOT} = $fetch[0]->{CVSROOT}->{name};\r
+ local $krb5dir = "$wd\\athena\\auth\\krb5";\r
+ local $cvscmdroot = "cvs $rverb";\r
+ if (length $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} > 0) {\r
+ $cvscmdroot .= " -r $tags[0]->{cvs}->{value}";\r
+ }\r
- my $cvscmdroot = "cvs $rverb";\r
- my $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot;\r
if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) { \r
+ chdir($src) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $src\n";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
my @cvsmodules = ( \r
'krb', \r
'pismere/athena/util/lib/delaydlls', \r
foreach my $module (@cvsmodules) {\r
- $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot." ".$module;\r
- $cvscmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} if ($tags[0]->{cvs}->{value});\r
+ local $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot." ".$module;\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- cvs command: $cvscmd\n";}\r
- !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
+ !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
else { ## Update.\r
- $cvscmd = $cvscmdroot;\r
- $cvscmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{cvs}->{value} if ($tags[0]->{cvs}->{value});\r
- if ($verbose) {print "Info -- cvs command: $cvscmd\n";}\r
- !system($cvscmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
+ chdir($wd) or die "Fatal -- couldn't chdir to $wd\n";\r
+ print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
+ if ($verbose) {print "Info -- cvs command: $cvscmdroot\n";}\r
+ !system($cvscmdroot) or die "Fatal -- command \"$cvscmdroot\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
- \r
# Set up svn environment variable:\r
$ENV{SVN_SSH} = "plink.exe";\r
# If the directory structure doesn't exist, many cd commands will fail.\r
- if (! -d $krb5dir) {mkdir($krb5dir) or die "Fatal -- Couldn't create $krb5dir";}\r
+ if (! -d $krb5dir) { ## xcopy will create the entire path for us.\r
+ !system("echo foo > a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't create temporary file in ".`cd`;\r
+ !system("echo F | xcopy a.tmp $krb5dir\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't xcopy to $krb5dir.";\r
+ !system("rm a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove temporary file.";\r
+ !system("rm $krb5dir\\a.tmp") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't remove temporary file.";\r
+ }\r
chdir($krb5dir) or die "Fatal -- Couldn't chdir to $krb5dir";\r
print "Info -- chdir to ".`cd`."\n" if ($verbose);\r
my $svncmd = "svn $rverb ";\r
if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) { # Append the rest of the checkout command:\r
- $svncmd .= "svn+ssh://".$fetch[0]->{USERNAME}->{name}."@".$fetch[0]->{SVNURL}->{name}."/krb5/trunk krb5";\r
+ $svncmd .= "svn+ssh://".$fetch[0]->{USERNAME}->{name}."@".$fetch[0]->{SVNURL}->{name}."/krb5/";\r
+ if (length $tags[0]->{svntag}->{value} > 0) {\r
+ $svncmd .= "tags/$tags[0]->{svntag}->{value}";\r
+ }\r
+ elsif (length $tags[0]->{svnbranch}->{value} > 0) {\r
+ $svncmd .= "branches/$tags[0]->{svnbranch}->{value}";\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ $svncmd .= "trunk";\r
+ }\r
+ $svncmd .= " krb5";\r
- if ($tags[0]->{svn}->{value}) {$svncmd .= " ".$tags[0]->{svn}->{value};} # Add any specific tag\r
if ($verbose) {print "Info -- svn command: $svncmd\n";}\r
!system($svncmd) or die "Fatal -- command \"$svncmd\" failed; return code $?\n";\r
+ ##++ Read in the version information to be able to update the \r
+ # site-local files in the install build areas.\r
+ # ** Do this now (after repository update and before first zip) \r
+ # because making zip files requires some configuration data be set up.\r
+ local $version_path = $config->{Stages}->{Package}->{Config}->{Paths}->{Versions}->{path};\r
+ open(DAT, "$src/$version_path") or die "Could not open $version_path.";\r
+ @raw = <DAT>;\r
+ close DAT;\r
+ foreach $line (@raw) {\r
+ chomp $line;\r
+ if ($line =~ /#define/) { # Process #define lines:\r
+ $line =~ s/#define//; # Remove #define token\r
+ $line =~ s/^\s+//; # and leading & trailing whitespace\r
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;\r
+ local @qr = split("\"", $line); # Try splitting with quotes\r
+ if (exists $qr[1]) {\r
+ $qr[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Clean up whitespace\r
+ $qr[0] =~ s/\s+$//;\r
+ $config->{Versions}->{$qr[0]} = $qr[1]; # Save string\r
+ }\r
+ else { # No quotes, so\r
+ local @ar = split(" ", $line); # split with space\r
+ $ar[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Clean up whitespace\r
+ $ar[0] =~ s/\s+$//;\r
+ $config->{Versions}->{$ar[0]} = $ar[1]; # and save numeric value\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ # Check that the versions we will need for site-local have been defined:\r
+ my @required_versions = ('VER_PROD_MAJOR', 'VER_PROD_MINOR', 'VER_PROD_REV', \r
+ $requirements_met = 1;\r
+ $first_missing = 0;\r
+ $error_list = "";\r
+ foreach my $required (@required_versions) {\r
+ if (! exists $config->{Versions}->{$required}) {\r
+ $requirements_met = 0;\r
+ if (!$first_missing) {\r
+ $first_missing = 1;\r
+ $error_list = "Fatal -- The following version(s) are not defined in $src/$version_path.\n";\r
+ }\r
+ $error_list .= "$required\n";\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (!$requirements_met) {\r
+ print $error_list;\r
+ exit(0);\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ # Apply any of these tags to filestem:\r
+ my $filestem = $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name};\r
+ $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_MAJOR%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_MAJOR_STR'}/;\r
+ $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_MINOR%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_MINOR_STR'}/;\r
+ $filestem =~ s/%VERSION_PATCH%/$config->{Versions}->{'VER_PROD_REV_STR'}/;\r
+ $config->{Stages}->{PostPackage}->{Config}->{FileStem}->{name} = $filestem;\r
+ ##-- Read in the version information & set config info.\r
if ($rverb =~ /checkout/) { \r
if (! $bOutputCleaned) { ## In case somebody cleaned $out before us.\r
if (-d $out) {!system("rm -rf $out/*") or die "Fatal -- Couldn't clean $out."} ## Clean output directory.\r