--- /dev/null
+#include "out2con.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <io.h>
+class ConsoleEcho
+ ConsoleEcho();
+ ~ConsoleEcho();
+ DWORD ThreadLoop();
+ static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(void* param);
+ FILE m_originalStdout;
+ int m_stdoutfd;
+ int m_pipefd;
+ HANDLE m_hReadPipe, m_hWritePipe;
+ HANDLE m_hThread;
+ static const int BUFSIZE=512;
+ConsoleEcho *
+ return new ConsoleEcho;
+DestroyConsoleEcho(ConsoleEcho *echo)
+ delete echo;
+DWORD WINAPI ConsoleEcho::ThreadFunc(void* param)
+ return ((ConsoleEcho*)(param))->ThreadLoop();
+DWORD ConsoleEcho::ThreadLoop()
+ DWORD dwRead, dwWritten;
+ BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
+ // Note that the following does not work when running in the msvc2010
+ // debugger with redirected output; you still get the redirected file
+ // handle, not the console:
+ //HANDLE hConsoleStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ // This seems to be more reliable:
+ HANDLE hConsoleStdOut = CreateFile("CONOUT$",
+ for (;;) {
+ // read from redirected stdout
+ bSuccess = ReadFile(m_hReadPipe, chBuf, BUFSIZE, &dwRead, NULL);
+ if (!bSuccess || (dwRead == 0))
+ break;
+ // write to console
+ WriteFile(hConsoleStdOut, chBuf, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL);
+ // also write to original stdout
+ if (m_stdoutfd>=0) {
+ _write(m_stdoutfd, chBuf, dwRead);
+ // _commit() causes assert if m_stdoutfd is a device (e.g., console or NUL).
+ if (!_isatty(m_stdoutfd))
+ _commit(m_stdoutfd);
+ }
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hConsoleStdOut);
+ return 0;
+ // setup console
+ AllocConsole();
+ // create pipe
+ CreatePipe(&m_hReadPipe, &m_hWritePipe, NULL, 0);
+ // save original stdout to preserve commandline-specified redirection
+ m_stdoutfd = _fileno(stdout);
+ // and copy the whole damn FILE structure so we can restore it
+ // when we're done. I don't know any other way to restore the
+ // crazy windows gui default '-2' filedesc stdout.
+ m_originalStdout = *stdout;
+ // hook up the write end of our pipe to stdout
+ m_pipefd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)m_hWritePipe, 0);
+ // take our os file handle and allocate a crt FILE for it
+ FILE* fp = _fdopen(m_pipefd, "w");
+ // copy to stdout
+ *stdout = *fp;
+ // now slam the allocated FILE's _flag to zero to mark it as free without
+ // actually closing the os file handle and pipe
+ fp->_flag = 0;
+ // disable buffering
+ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+ // Create a thread to process our pipe, forwarding output
+ // to both the console and the original stdout
+ m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &ThreadFunc, this, 0, NULL);
+ // fclose() unfortunately immediately invalidates the read pipe before the
+ // pipe thread has a chance to flush it, so don't do that.
+ //fclose(stdout);
+ // instead, just slam the original stdout
+ *stdout = m_originalStdout;
+ //printf("Safe to printf now and no longer echoed to console.\n");
+ // Close write pipe
+ _close(m_pipefd);
+ // and wait here for pipe thread to exit
+ WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, 1000);
+ // now close read pipe as well
+ CloseHandle(m_hReadPipe);