--- /dev/null
+ * $Source$
+ * $Header$
+ *
+ * This file contains configuration information for the DES
+ * library which is machine specific; currently, this file contains
+ * configuration information for the vax, the "ibm032" (RT),
+ * and the "PC8086" (IBM PC).
+ *
+ * Note: cross-compiled targets must appear BEFORE their
+ * corresponding cross-compiler host. Otherwise, both will
+ * be defined when running the native compiler on the programs that
+ * construct cross-compiled sources.
+ */
+#ifdef PC8086
+#define IBMPC
+#define BITS16
+/*#define BIG*/
+#define LSBFIRST
+#ifdef vax
+#define VAX
+#define VAXASM
+#define BITS32
+#define BIG
+#define BSDUNIX
+#define LSBFIRST
+#ifdef ibm032
+#define IBMWS
+#define IBMWSASM
+#define BITS32
+#define BIG
+#define BSDUNIX
+#define MSBFIRST
+#define MUSTALIGN
+Sorry, you lose. Figure out what the machine looks like and fix this file to
+include it.
+#endif ibm032
+#endif vax
+#endif pc8086