+++ /dev/null
- * include/krb5/krb5.h
- *
- * Copyright 1989,1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Export of this software from the United States of America may
- * require a specific license from the United States Government.
- * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
- * export to obtain such a license before exporting.
- *
- * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
- * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
- * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
- * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
- * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
- * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
- * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
- * permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
- * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
- * or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * General definitions for Kerberos version 5.
- */
-#ifndef KRB5_GENERAL__
-#define KRB5_GENERAL__
-#ifndef KRB5_SYSTYPES__
-#define KRB5_SYSTYPES__
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#endif /* KRB5_SYSTYPES__ */
-#include <krb5/config.h>
-#include <krb5/base-defs.h>
-#include <krb5/hostaddr.h>
-typedef struct _krb5_context {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_enctype * etypes;
- int etype_count;
- void * os_context;
-} * krb5_context;
-#include <krb5/encryption.h>
-#include <krb5/fieldbits.h>
-#include <krb5/errors.h>
-#include <krb5/proto.h>
-#include <krb5/macros.h>
-#include <krb5/error_def.h>
-/* Time set */
-typedef struct _krb5_ticket_times {
- krb5_timestamp authtime; /* XXX ? should ktime in KDC_REP == authtime
- in ticket? otherwise client can't get this */
- krb5_timestamp starttime; /* optional in ticket, if not present,
- use authtime */
- krb5_timestamp endtime;
- krb5_timestamp renew_till;
-} krb5_ticket_times;
-/* structure for auth data */
-typedef struct _krb5_authdata {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_authdatatype ad_type;
- int length;
- krb5_octet *contents;
-} krb5_authdata;
-/* structure for transited encoding */
-typedef struct _krb5_transited {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_octet tr_type;
- krb5_data tr_contents;
-} krb5_transited;
-typedef struct _krb5_enc_tkt_part {
- krb5_magic magic;
- /* to-be-encrypted portion */
- krb5_flags flags; /* flags */
- krb5_keyblock *session; /* session key: includes keytype */
- krb5_principal client; /* client name/realm */
- krb5_transited transited; /* list of transited realms */
- krb5_ticket_times times; /* auth, start, end, renew_till */
- krb5_address **caddrs; /* array of ptrs to addresses */
- krb5_authdata **authorization_data; /* auth data */
-} krb5_enc_tkt_part;
-typedef struct _krb5_ticket {
- krb5_magic magic;
- /* cleartext portion */
- krb5_principal server; /* server name/realm */
- krb5_enc_data enc_part; /* encryption type, kvno, encrypted
- encoding */
- krb5_enc_tkt_part *enc_part2; /* ptr to decrypted version, if
- available */
-} krb5_ticket;
-/* the unencrypted version */
-typedef struct _krb5_authenticator {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_principal client; /* client name/realm */
- krb5_checksum *checksum; /* checksum, includes type, optional */
- krb5_int32 cusec; /* client usec portion */
- krb5_timestamp ctime; /* client sec portion */
- krb5_keyblock *subkey; /* true session key, optional */
- krb5_int32 seq_number; /* sequence #, optional */
- krb5_authdata **authorization_data; /* New add by Ari, auth data */
-} krb5_authenticator;
-typedef struct _krb5_tkt_authent {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_ticket *ticket;
- krb5_authenticator *authenticator;
- krb5_flags ap_options;
-} krb5_tkt_authent;
-/* credentials: Ticket, session key, etc. */
-typedef struct _krb5_creds {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_principal client; /* client's principal identifier */
- krb5_principal server; /* server's principal identifier */
- krb5_keyblock keyblock; /* session encryption key info */
- krb5_ticket_times times; /* lifetime info */
- krb5_boolean is_skey; /* true if ticket is encrypted in
- another ticket's skey */
- krb5_flags ticket_flags; /* flags in ticket */
- krb5_address **addresses; /* addrs in ticket */
- krb5_data ticket; /* ticket string itself */
- krb5_data second_ticket; /* second ticket, if related to
- ticket (via DUPLICATE-SKEY or
- krb5_authdata **authdata; /* authorization data */
-} krb5_creds;
-/* Last request fields */
-typedef struct _krb5_last_req_entry {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_octet lr_type;
- krb5_timestamp value;
-} krb5_last_req_entry;
-/* pre-authentication data */
-typedef struct _krb5_pa_data {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_ui_2 pa_type;
- int length;
- krb5_octet *contents;
-} krb5_pa_data;
-typedef struct _krb5_kdc_req {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_msgtype msg_type; /* AS_REQ or TGS_REQ? */
- krb5_pa_data **padata; /* e.g. encoded AP_REQ */
- /* real body */
- krb5_flags kdc_options; /* requested options */
- krb5_principal client; /* includes realm; optional */
- krb5_principal server; /* includes realm (only used if no
- client) */
- krb5_timestamp from; /* requested starttime */
- krb5_timestamp till; /* requested endtime */
- krb5_timestamp rtime; /* (optional) requested renew_till */
- krb5_int32 nonce; /* nonce to match request/response */
- int netypes; /* # of etypes, must be positive */
- krb5_enctype *etype; /* requested encryption type(s) */
- krb5_address **addresses; /* requested addresses, optional */
- krb5_enc_data authorization_data; /* encrypted auth data; OPTIONAL */
- krb5_authdata **unenc_authdata; /* unencrypted auth data,
- if available */
- krb5_ticket **second_ticket; /* second ticket array; OPTIONAL */
-} krb5_kdc_req;
-typedef struct _krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part {
- krb5_magic magic;
- /* encrypted part: */
- krb5_msgtype msg_type; /* krb5 message type */
- krb5_keyblock *session; /* session key */
- krb5_last_req_entry **last_req; /* array of ptrs to entries */
- krb5_int32 nonce; /* nonce from request */
- krb5_timestamp key_exp; /* expiration date */
- krb5_flags flags; /* ticket flags */
- krb5_ticket_times times; /* lifetime info */
- krb5_principal server; /* server's principal identifier */
- krb5_address **caddrs; /* array of ptrs to addresses,
- optional */
-} krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part;
-typedef struct _krb5_kdc_rep {
- krb5_magic magic;
- /* cleartext part: */
- krb5_msgtype msg_type; /* AS_REP or KDC_REP? */
- krb5_pa_data **padata; /* preauthentication data from KDC */
- krb5_principal client; /* client's principal identifier */
- krb5_ticket *ticket; /* ticket */
- krb5_enc_data enc_part; /* encryption type, kvno, encrypted
- encoding */
- krb5_enc_kdc_rep_part *enc_part2; /* unencrypted version, if available */
-} krb5_kdc_rep;
-/* error message structure */
-typedef struct _krb5_error {
- krb5_magic magic;
- /* some of these may be meaningless in certain contexts */
- krb5_timestamp ctime; /* client sec portion; optional */
- krb5_int32 cusec; /* client usec portion; optional */
- krb5_int32 susec; /* server usec portion */
- krb5_timestamp stime; /* server sec portion */
- krb5_ui_4 error; /* error code (protocol error #'s) */
- krb5_principal client; /* client's principal identifier;
- optional */
- krb5_principal server; /* server's principal identifier */
- krb5_data text; /* descriptive text */
- krb5_data e_data; /* additional error-describing data */
-} krb5_error;
-typedef struct _krb5_ap_req {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_flags ap_options; /* requested options */
- krb5_ticket *ticket; /* ticket */
- krb5_enc_data authenticator; /* authenticator (already encrypted) */
-} krb5_ap_req;
-typedef struct _krb5_ap_rep {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_enc_data enc_part;
-} krb5_ap_rep;
-typedef struct _krb5_ap_rep_enc_part {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_timestamp ctime; /* client time, seconds portion */
- krb5_int32 cusec; /* client time, microseconds portion */
- krb5_keyblock *subkey; /* true session key, optional */
- krb5_int32 seq_number; /* sequence #, optional */
-} krb5_ap_rep_enc_part;
-typedef struct _krb5_response {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_octet message_type;
- krb5_data response;
-} krb5_response;
-typedef struct _krb5_safe {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_data user_data; /* user data */
- krb5_timestamp timestamp; /* client time, optional */
- krb5_int32 usec; /* microsecond portion of time,
- optional */
- krb5_int32 seq_number; /* sequence #, optional */
- krb5_address *s_address; /* sender address */
- krb5_address *r_address; /* recipient address, optional */
- krb5_checksum *checksum; /* data integrity checksum */
-} krb5_safe;
-typedef struct _krb5_priv {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_enc_data enc_part; /* encrypted part */
-} krb5_priv;
-typedef struct _krb5_priv_enc_part {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_data user_data; /* user data */
- krb5_timestamp timestamp; /* client time, optional */
- krb5_int32 usec; /* microsecond portion of time, opt. */
- krb5_int32 seq_number; /* sequence #, optional */
- krb5_address *s_address; /* sender address */
- krb5_address *r_address; /* recipient address, optional */
-} krb5_priv_enc_part;
-typedef struct _krb5_cred_info {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_keyblock* session; /* session key used to encrypt */
- /* ticket */
- krb5_principal client; /* client name/realm, optional */
- krb5_principal server; /* server name/realm, optional */
- krb5_flags flags; /* ticket flags, optional */
- krb5_ticket_times times; /* auth, start, end, renew_till, */
- /* optional */
- krb5_address **caddrs; /* array of ptrs to addresses */
-} krb5_cred_info;
-typedef struct _krb5_cred_enc_part {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_int32 nonce; /* nonce, optional */
- krb5_timestamp timestamp; /* client time */
- krb5_int32 usec; /* microsecond portion of time */
- krb5_address *s_address; /* sender address, optional */
- krb5_address *r_address; /* recipient address, optional */
- krb5_cred_info **ticket_info;
-} krb5_cred_enc_part;
-typedef struct _krb5_cred {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_ticket **tickets; /* tickets */
- krb5_enc_data enc_part; /* encrypted part */
- krb5_cred_enc_part *enc_part2; /* unencrypted version, if available*/
-} krb5_cred;
-/* Sandia password generation structures */
-typedef struct _passwd_phrase_element {
- krb5_magic magic;
- krb5_data *passwd;
- krb5_data *phrase;
-} passwd_phrase_element;
-typedef struct _krb5_pwd_data {
- krb5_magic magic;
- int sequence_count;
- passwd_phrase_element **element;
-} krb5_pwd_data;
-/* these need to be here so the typedefs are available for the prototypes */
-#include <krb5/safepriv.h>
-#include <krb5/ccache.h>
-#include <krb5/rcache.h>
-#include <krb5/keytab.h>
-#include <krb5/func-proto.h>
-#include <krb5/free.h>
-/* The name of the Kerberos ticket granting service... and its size */
-#define KRB5_TGS_NAME "krbtgt"
-#define KRB5_TGS_NAME_SIZE 6
-/* flags for recvauth */
-#endif /* KRB5_GENERAL__ */