#define HasGcc NO
+/* The -Z flag is a special loader flag at Athena to unmap page zero on
+ some architectures that normally allow p0 references, e.g. VAX BSD. */
#ifndef UltrixArchitecture
#define ExtraLoadFlags -Z
#define DbmLib -ldbm
-#define PepyCmd $(ISODE)/@sys/bin/pepy
-#define PosyCmd $(ISODE)/@sys/bin/posy
+/* define IsodeLib to be what you pass to the loader to find the ISODE
+ library. This might want to be -lisode if you have it installed.
+ IsodeDir is put into the 'make' variable ISODE. */
#define IsodeLib /mit/isode/isode-6.0/@sys/lib/libisode.a
#define IsodeDir /mit/isode/isode-6.0
+/* Re-define PepyCmd and PosyCmd if pepy & posy aren't in your search
+ path. */
+#define PepyCmd $(ISODE)/@sys/bin/pepy
+#define PosyCmd $(ISODE)/@sys/bin/posy
#define UseSSInstalled /* -- turn on if you have the SS library &c installed */
#define UseComErrInstalled /* -- turn on if you have the com_err library