source_file = sys.argv[1]
duration = float(sys.argv[2])
- sink_base, sink_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file))
- slice_n, total_frames, read = 1, 0, 256
- f = source(source_file, 0, 256)
- g = sink(sink_base + '-%02d' % slice_n + sink_ext, f.samplerate)
- while read:
+ source_base_name, source_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file))
+ hopsize = 256
+ slice_n, total_frames_written, read = 0, 0, hopsize
+ def new_sink_name(source_base_name, slice_n, duration = duration):
+ return source_base_name + '_%02.3f' % (slice_n*duration) + '.wav'
+ f = source(source_file, 0, hopsize)
+ samplerate = f.samplerate
+ g = sink(new_sink_name(source_base_name, slice_n), samplerate)
+ #print "new slice:", slice_n, 0, "+", 0, "=", 0
+ while read == hopsize:
vec, read = f()
- g(vec, read)
- total_frames += read
- if total_frames / float(f.samplerate) >= duration * slice_n:
- slice_n += 1
+ start_of_next_region = int(duration * samplerate * (slice_n + 1))
+ remaining = start_of_next_region - total_frames_written
+ # number of samples remaining is less than what we got
+ if remaining <= read:
+ # write remaining samples from current region
+ g(vec[0:remaining], remaining)
+ # close this file
del g
- g = sink(sink_base + '-%02d' % slice_n + sink_ext, f.samplerate)
- total_duration = total_frames / float(f.samplerate)
- print 'created %(slice_n)d slices from %(source_file)s' % locals(),
+ #print "new slice", slice_n, total_frames_written, "+", remaining, "=", start_of_next_region
+ slice_n += 1
+ # create a new file for the new region
+ g = sink(new_sink_name(source_base_name, slice_n), samplerate)
+ # write the remaining samples in the new file
+ g(vec[remaining:read], read - remaining)
+ else:
+ g(vec[0:read], read)
+ total_frames_written += read
+ total_duration = total_frames_written / float(samplerate)
+ slice_n += 1
+ print 'created %(slice_n)s slices from %(source_base_name)s%(source_ext)s' % locals(),
print ' (total duration %(total_duration).2fs)' % locals()
+ # close source and sink files
del f, g