If given the -p option, kadmin will use the specified
principal to authenticate. If the -p option is not given,
- kadmin will default to $USER/admin (if the environment
- variable USER is set). If $USER is not set, then the first
- component of the principal will be the username as obtained
- from getuid(). If given -k, kadmin will not prompt for a
+ kadmin will default appending "/admin" to the first component
+ of the default principal of the default credentials cache. If
+ the default credentials cache does not exist, then kadmin will
+ default to $USER/admin (if the environment variable USER is
+ set). If $USER is not set, then the first component of the
+ principal will be the username as obtained from
+ getpwnam(getuid()). If given -k, kadmin will not prompt for a
password, but rather use the specified keytab. Also, if the
-k option is given, the default principal will be the
host/hostname. If -r is present, then kadmin will use the
specified realm as the default database realm rather than the
- default realm for the local machine.
- Upon starting up, kadmin will prompt for a password (unless
- the -k option has been given). The program will then obtain
- tickets for ovsec_admin/admin in the default realm (unless -r
- has been specified, in which case it will use the specified
- realm). The ticket is stored in a separate ccache, unless -c
- is specified. The lifetime for these tickets is 5 minutes.
+ default realm for the local machine. Upon starting up, kadmin
+ will prompt for a password (unless the -k option has been
+ given). The program will then obtain tickets for
+ ovsec_admin/admin in the default realm (unless -r has been
+ specified, in which case it will use the specified realm).
+ The ticket is stored in a separate ccache. The lifetime for
+ these tickets is 5 minutes.
The -q option allows the passing of a request directly to
kadmin, which will then exit. This can be useful for writing
- scripts.
+ scripts. The query provided must be quoted as a single
+ argument to the program if there is more than one word in it.
Various commands in kadmin can take a variety of date formats,
absolute dates, unless they appear in a field where a duration
is expected. In that case the time specifier will be
interpreted as relative. Specifying "ago" on a duration may
- result in unexpected behaviour.
+ result in unexpected behaviour. The format follows that of
+ the public-domain "getdate" package. All date parameters must
+ be provided as a single word, which means that they must be
+ double-quoted if there are any spaces.
command has the aliases "addprinc", "ank".
- -salt _salttype_
- uses the specified salt instead of the default V5 salt
- for generating the key. Valid values for _salttype_
- are:
- full_name (aliases "v5_salt", "normal")
- name_only
- realm_only
- no_salt (alias "v4_salt")
-expire _expdate_
expiration date of the principal
KRB5_KDB_PWCHANGE_SERVICE flag on the principal in the
- -randpass
+ -randkey
sets the key of the principal to a random value
-pw _password_
OVSEC_KADM_AUTH_ADD (requires "add" privilege)
- OVSEC_KADM_BAD_MASK (shouldn't happen)
OVSEC_KADM_DUP (principal exists already)
OVSEC_KADM_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
OVSEC_KADM_PASS_Q_* (password quality violations)
to "delprinc".
- kadmin: delprinc mwm_user
+ kadmin: delprinc testuser
Are you sure you want to delete the principal
- "mwm_user@ATHENA.MIT.EDU"? (yes/no): yes
- Principal "mwm_user@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" deleted.
+ "testuser@ATHENA.MIT.EDU"? (yes/no): yes
+ Principal "testuser@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" deleted.
Make sure that you have removed this principal from
all ACLs before reusing.
- -salt _salttype_
- uses the specified salt instead of the default V5 salt
- for generating the key. Options are the same as for
- add_principal.
- -randpass
+ -randkey
sets the key of the principal to a random value
-pw _password_
gets the attributes of _principal_. Requires the "get"
privilege, or that the principal that is running the the
program to be the same as the one being listed. With the
- "-terse" option, outputs fields as a quoted tab-separated
- strings. Alias "getprinc".
+ "-terse" option, outputs fields as tab-separated strings. Any
+ string fields get double-quoted. Alias "getprinc".
kadmin: getprinc tlyu/deity
Salt type: DEFAULT
- kadmin: getprinc systest
- systest@ATHENA.MIT.EDU 3 86400 604800 1
- 785926535 753241234 785900000
- tlyu/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU 786100034 0
- 0
+ kadmin: getprinc -terse systest
+ "systest@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" 3 86400 604800
+ 1 785926535 753241234 785900000
+ "tlyu/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" 786100034 0 0
get_policy [-terse] _policy_
displays the values of the named policy. Requires the "get"
privilege. With the "-terse" flag, outputs the fields as
- quoted strings separated by tabs. Alias "getpol".
+ strings separated by tabs. All string fields get
+ double-quoted. Alias "getpol".
kadmin: get_policy admin
Number of old keys kept: 5
Reference count: 17
kadmin: get_policy -terse admin
- admin 15552000 0 6 2 5 17
+ "admin" 15552000 0 6 2 5 17