+++ /dev/null
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/misc.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/misc.lsp
-@@ -74,19 +74,3 @@
- (setf fullpath ":")))
- fullpath)
- (t nil))))
--;; real-random -- pick a random real from a range
--(defun real-random (from to)
-- (cond ((= from to) from)
-- (t
-- (+ from
-- (* (random 10000)
-- 0.0001
-- (- to from))))))
--;; power -- raise a number to some power x^y
--(defun power (x y)
-- (exp (* (log (float x)) y)))
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/nyinit.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/nyinit.lsp
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- (setf *WATCH* NIL)
- (format t "~%Nyquist -- A Language for Sound Synthesis and Composition~%")
--(format t " Copyright (c) 1991-2003 by Roger B. Dannenberg~%")
-+(format t " Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1995 by Roger B. Dannenberg~%")
- (format t " Version 2.29~%~%")
- (setf *gc-flag* t)
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/nyquist.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/nyquist.lsp
-@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
- ;;; ###########################################################
- ;;;
--;;; Modifications for using Nyquist within Audacity
--;;; by Dominic Mazzoni
-+(load "fileio.lsp")
- (prog ()
- (setq lppp -12.0) (setq lpp -9.0) (setq lp -6.0) (setq lmp -3.0)
-@@ -217,7 +214,7 @@
- (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
- (format t "Warning: buzz nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
- hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
-- (setf n (min n 1)) ; avoid divide by zero problem
-+ (setf n (max n 1)) ; avoid divide by zero problem
- (scale-db (get-loud)
- (snd-buzz n ; number of harmonics
- *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
-@@ -344,6 +341,7 @@
- d ; duration
- phase))) ; phase
- ;; FMLFO -- like LFO but uses frequency modulation
- ;;
- (defun fmlfo (freq &optional (sound *SINE-TABLE*) (phase 0.0))
-@@ -358,6 +356,7 @@
- (t
- (error "frequency must be a number or sound")))))
- ;; OSC - table lookup oscillator
- ;;
- (defun osc (pitch &optional (duration 1.0)
-@@ -761,6 +760,51 @@
- ,s))
-+;; COMPUTE-DEFAULT-SOUND-FILE -- construct and set *default-sound-file*
-+;; (this is harder than it might seem because the default place for
-+;; sound files is in /tmp, which is shared by users, so we'd like to
-+;; use a user-specific name to avoid collisions)
-+(defun compute-default-sound-file ()
-+ (let (inf user extension)
-+ ; the reason for the user name is that if UserA creates a temp file,
-+ ; then UserB will not be able to overwrite it. The user name is a
-+ ; way to give each user a unique temp file name. Note that we don't
-+ ; want each session to generate a unique name because Nyquist doesn't
-+ ; delete the sound file at the end of the session.
-+ (system "echo $USER > ny_username.tmp")
-+ (setf inf (open "ny_username.tmp"))
-+ (cond (inf
-+ (setf user (read inf))
-+ (close inf)
-+ (system "rm ny_username.tmp"))
-+ (t ; must not be unix, make up a generic name
-+ (setf user 'nyquist)))
-+ (cond ((null user)
-+ (format t
-+"Please type your user-id so that I can construct a default
-+sound-file name. To avoid this message in the future, add
-+this to your .login file:
-+ setenv USER <your id here>
-+or add this to your init.lsp file:
-+ (setf *default-sound-file* \"<your filename here>\")
-+ (setf *default-sf-dir* \"<full pathname of desired directory here>\")
-+Your id please: ")
-+ (setf user (read))))
-+ ; now compute the extension based on *default-sf-format*
-+ (cond ((= *default-sf-format* snd-head-AIFF)
-+ (setf extension ".aif"))
-+ ((= *default-sf-format* snd-head-Wave)
-+ (setf extension ".wav"))
-+ (t
-+ (setf extension ".snd")))
-+ (setf *default-sound-file*
-+ (strcat (string-downcase (symbol-name user)) "-temp" extension))
-+ (format t "Default sound file is ~A.~%" *default-sound-file*)))
- ;; CONTROL-WARP -- apply a warp function to a control function
- ;;
- (defun control-warp (warp-fn control &optional wrate)
-@@ -792,6 +836,9 @@
- (snd-srate sound)
- (local-to-global 0) *START* *STOP* (db-to-linear (get-loud))))
-+; (s-plot (progv '(*TIME* *START*)'(0.0 0.5)(cue (snd-sine 20 1 100 1)))1000)
-+;(s-plot(progv'(*TIME* *START*)'(0.0 0.5)(cue(cue (snd-sine 20 1 100 1))))1000)
- ;; (sound sound)
- ;; Same as (cue sound), except also warps the sound.
- ;; Note that the *WARP* can change the pitch of the
-@@ -861,6 +908,13 @@
- (setfn control sound)
-+;; (cue-file string)
-+;; Loads a sound file with the given name, returning a sound which is
-+;; transformed to the current environment.
-+;(defun cue-file (name)
-+; (cue (snd-load name *SOUND-SRATE*)))
- ;; (env t1 t2 t4 l1 l2 l3 &optional duration)
- ;; Creates a 4-phase envelope.
- ;; tN is the duration of phase N, and lN is the final level of
-@@ -1327,6 +1381,54 @@
- ;
- (load "seq" :verbose NIL)
-+;(defmacro with%environment (env &rest expr)
-+; `(progv ',*environment-variables* ',env ,@expr))
-+;(defmacro seq (&rest list)
-+; (display "seq" list)
-+; (cond ((null list)
-+; (snd-zero *time* *sound-srate*))
-+; ((null (cdr list))
-+; (car list))
-+; ((null (cddr list))
-+; `(let* ((first%sound ,(car list))
-+; (s%rate (snd-srate first%sound)))
-+; (snd-seq first%sound
-+; #'(lambda (t0)
-+; (with%environment
-+; ,(the%environment) (setf *time* t0)
-+; (force-srate s%rate ,(cadr list)))))))
-+; (t
-+; `(let* ((first%sound ,(car list))
-+; (s%rate (snd-srate first%sound)))
-+; (snd-seq first%sound
-+; #'(lambda (t0)
-+; (format t "snd-seq applying lambda")
-+; (with%environment
-+; ,(the%environment) (setf *time* t0)
-+; (seq (force-srate s%rate ,(cadr list))
-+; ,@(cddr list))))) ))))
-+;(defmacro seqrep (pair sound)
-+; `(let ((,(car pair) 0)
-+; ($loop-count (1- ,(cadr pair))))
-+; (cond ((< 0 $loop-count)
-+; (seqrep2 ,(car pair) ,sound))
-+; ((= 0 $loop-count)
-+; ,sound)
-+; (t
-+; (snd-zero *time* *sound-srate*)))))
-+;(defmacro seqrep2 (var sound)
-+; `(cond ((< ,var $loop-count)
-+; (seq (prog1 ,sound (setf ,var (1+ ,var)))
-+; (seqrep2 ,var ,sound)))
-+; ((= ,var $loop-count)
-+; ,sound)))
- ; set-logical-stop - modify the sound and return it, time is shifted and
- ; stretched
- (defun set-logical-stop (snd tim)
-@@ -1532,4 +1634,4 @@
- (defun osc-pulse (hz bias &optional (compare-shape *step-shape*))
- (compare bias (osc-tri hz) compare-shape))
--(setf NY:ALL 1000000000)
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/seq.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/seq.lsp
-@@ -176,21 +176,18 @@
- (error (format nil "Negative stretch factor in TIMED-SEQ: ~A" event)))
- (t
- (setf start-time (car event)))))
-- (cond ((null score) (s-rest 0))
-- (t
-- (at (caar score)
-- (seqrep (i (length score))
-- (cond ((cdr score)
-- (let (event)
-- (prog1
-- (set-logical-stop
-- (stretch (cadar score)
-- (setf event (eval (caddar score))))
-- (- (caadr score) (caar score)))
--; (display "timed-seq" (caddar score) (local-to-global 0))
-- (setf score (cdr score)))))
-- (t
-- (stretch (cadar score) (eval (caddar score)))))))))))
-+ (at (caar score)
-+ (seqrep (i (length score))
-+ (cond ((cdr score)
-+ (let (event)
-+ (prog1
-+ (set-logical-stop (stretch (cadar score)
-+ (setf event (eval (caddar score))))
-+ (- (caadr score) (caar score)))
-+; (display "timed-seq" (caddar score) (local-to-global 0))
-+ (setf score (cdr score)))))
-+ (t
-+ (stretch (cadar score) (eval (caddar score)))))))))
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/system.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/system.lsp
-@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
--; system.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
-+;; system.lsp -- system-dependent lisp code
--;; default behavior is to call SETUP-CONSOLE to get large white typescript
--;; set *setup-console* to nil in your personal init.lsp to override this behavior
--;; (this may be necessary to work with emacs)
--(if (not (boundp '*setup-console*)) (setf *setup-console* t))
--(if *setup-console* (setup-console))
-+; local definition for play
-+; this one is for Linux:
- (setf ny:bigendianp nil)
- (if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
-- (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-Wave))
-+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-wave))
--;(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
--; (setf *default-sound-file* "temp.wav"))
-+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
-+ (compute-default-sound-file))
--;(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
--; (setf *default-sf-dir* ""))
-+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
-+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "./"))
- (if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
- (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-head-mode-pcm))
-@@ -25,25 +20,8 @@
- (if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
- (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
--;(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
--; (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
--;(if (not (boundp '*plotscript-file*))
--; (setf *plotscript-file* "sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript"))
--; local definition for play
--;(defmacro play (expr)
--; `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
--;(defun r ()
--; (s-save (s-read *default-sound-file*) NY:ALL "" :play t)
--; PLAY-FILE -- play a file
--;(defun play-file (name)
--; (s-save (s-read name) NY:ALL "" :play t))
-+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
-+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
- ; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
-@@ -51,67 +29,52 @@
- ; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
- ;
- (defun full-name-p (filename)
-- (or (eq (char filename 0) #\\)
-- (eq (char filename 0) #\.)
-- (and (> (length filename) 2)
-- (both-case-p (char filename 0))
-- (equal (char filename 1) #\:))))
-+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
-+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
--(setf *file-separator* #\\)
--;(defun ny:load-file () (load "*.*"))
--;(defun ny:reload-file () (load "*"))
-+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
--; save the standard function to write points to a file
--;(setfn s-plot-points s-plot)
-+;; PLAY-FILE - play a sound file
-+(defun play-file (name)
-+;; (system (strcat "sndplay " (soundfilename name))))
-+ (system (strcat "play " (soundfilename name) )))
-+;; R - replay last file written with PLAY
-+(defun r () (play-file *default-sound-file*))
-+;;;; use this old version if you want to use sndplay to play
-+;;;; the result file rather than play the samples as they
-+;;;; are computed. This version does not autonormalize.
-+;; PLAY - write value of an expression to file and play it
-+;(defmacro play (expr)
-+; `(prog (specs)
-+; (setf specs (s-save (force-srate *sound-srate* ,expr)
-+; 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
-+; (r)))
--;(defun array-max-abs (points)
--; (let ((m 0.0))
--; (dotimes (i (length points))
--; (setf m (max m (abs (aref points i)))))
--; m))
--;(setf graph-width 600)
--;(setf graph-height 220)
--;(defun s-plot (snd &optional (n 600))
--; (show-graphics)
--; (clear-graphics)
--; (cond ((soundp snd)
--; (s-plot-2 snd n (/ graph-height 2) graph-height))
--; (t
--; (let ((gh (/ graph-height (length snd)))
--; hs)
--; (dotimes (i (length snd))
--; (setf hs (s-plot-2 (aref snd i) n (+ (/ gh 2) (* i gh)) gh hs)))))))
--;(defun s-plot-2 (snd n y-offset graph-height horizontal-scale)
--; (prog ((points (snd-samples snd n))
--; maxpoint horizontal-scale vertical-scale)
--; (setf maxpoint (array-max-abs points))
--; (moveto 0 y-offset)
--; (lineto graph-width y-offset)
--; (moveto 0 y-offset)
--; (cond ((null horizontal-scale)
--; (setf horizontal-scale (/ (float graph-width) (length points)))))
--; (setf vertical-scale (- (/ (float graph-height) 2 maxpoint)))
--; (dotimes (i (length points))
--; (lineto (truncate (* horizontal-scale i))
--; (+ y-offset (truncate (* vertical-scale (aref points i))))))
--; (format t "X Axis: ~A to ~A (seconds)\n" (snd-t0 snd) (/ (length points) (snd-srate snd)))
--; (format t "Y Axis: ~A to ~A\n" (- maxpoint) maxpoint)
--; (format t "~A samples plotted.\n" (length points))
--; (return horizontal-scale)
--; ))
--; S-EDIT - run the audio editor on a sound
--;(defmacro s-edit (&optional expr)
--; `(prog ()
--; (if ,expr (s-save ,expr 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
--; (system (format nil "audio_editor ~A &"
--; (soundfilename *default-sound-file*)))))
-+; local definition for play
-+(defmacro play (expr)
-+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
-+;; for Linux, modify s-plot (defined in nyquist.lsp) by saving s-plot
-+;; in standard-s-plot, then call gnuplot to display the points.
-+;; we also need to save the location of this file so we can find
-+;; nyquist-plot.txt, the command file for gnuplot
-+(setf *runtime-path* (current-path))
-+(display "system.lsp" *runtime-path*)
-+(setfn standard-s-plot s-plot)
-+(defun s-plot (s)
-+ (let (plot-file)
-+ (standard-s-plot s) ;; this calculates the data points
-+ (setf plot-file (strcat *runtime-path* "nyquist-plot.txt"))
-+ (system (strcat "gnuplot -persist " plot-file))))
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/fileio.lsp
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/fileio.lsp
-@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
-+;; s-save -- saves a file
-+(setf NY:ALL 1000000000) ; 1GIG constant for maxlen
-+(defmacro s-save (expression &optional (maxlen NY:ALL) filename
-+ &key (format '*default-sf-format*)
-+ (mode '*default-sf-mode*) (bits '*default-sf-bits*)
-+ (endian NIL) ; nil, :big, or :little -- specifies file format
-+ (play nil))
-+ `(let ((ny:fname ,filename)
-+ (ny:maxlen ,maxlen)
-+ (ny:endian ,endian)
-+ (ny:swap 0))
-+ ; allow caller to omit maxlen, in which case the filename will
-+ ; be a string in the maxlen parameter position and filename will be null
-+ (cond ((null ny:fname)
-+ (cond ((stringp ny:maxlen)
-+ (setf ny:fname ny:maxlen)
-+ (setf ny:maxlen NY:ALL))
-+ (t
-+ (setf ny:fname *default-sound-file*)))))
-+ (cond ((equal ny:fname "")
-+ (cond ((not ,play)
-+ (format t "s-save: no file to write! play option is off!\n"))))
-+ (t
-+ (setf ny:fname (soundfilename ny:fname))
-+ (format t "Saving sound file to ~A~%" ny:fname)))
-+ (cond ((eq ny:endian :big)
-+ (setf ny:swap (if ny:bigendianp 0 1)))
-+ ((eq ny:endian :little)
-+ (setf ny:swap (if ny:bigendianp 1 0))))
-+ (snd-save ',expression ny:maxlen ny:fname ,format ,mode ,bits ny:swap ,play)))
-+(defmacro s-save-autonorm (expression &rest arglist)
-+ `(let ((peak (s-save (scale *autonorm* ,expression) ,@arglist)))
-+ (autonorm-update peak)))
-+;; The "AutoNorm" facility: when you play something, the Nyquist play
-+;; command will automatically compute what normalization factor you
-+;; should have used. If you play the same thing again, the normalization
-+;; factor is automatically applied.
-+;; Call AUTONORM-OFF to turn off this feature, and AUTONORM-ON to turn
-+;; it back on.
-+;; *autonorm-target* is the peak value we're aiming for (it's set below 1
-+;; so allow the next signal to get slightly louder without clipping)
-+(setf *autonorm-target* 0.9)
-+(defun autonorm-on ()
-+ (setf *autonorm* 1.0)
-+ (setf *autonorm-previous-peak* 1.0)
-+ (setf *autonormflag* t)
-+ (format t "AutoNorm feature is on.~%"))
-+(if (not (boundp '*autonormflag*)) (autonorm-on))
-+(defun autonorm-off ()
-+ (setf *autonormflag* nil)
-+ (setf *autonorm* 1.0)
-+ (format t "AutoNorm feature is off.~%"))
-+(defun autonorm-update (peak)
-+ (cond ((and *autonormflag* (> peak 0.0))
-+ (setf *autonorm-previous-peak* (/ peak *autonorm*))
-+ (setf *autonorm* (/ *autonorm-target* *autonorm-previous-peak*))
-+ (format t "AutoNorm: peak was ~A,~%" *autonorm-previous-peak*)
-+ (format t " peak after normalization was ~A,~%" peak)
-+ (format t " new normalization factor is ~A~%" *autonorm*)
-+ *autonorm-previous-peak*
-+ )
-+ (t peak)
-+ ))
-+;; s-read -- reads a file
-+(defun s-read (filename &key (time-offset 0) (srate *sound-srate*)
-+ (dur 10000.0) (nchans 1) (format *default-sf-format*)
-+ (mode *default-sf-mode*) (bits *default-sf-bits*) (endian NIL))
-+ (let ((swap 0))
-+ (cond ((eq endian :big)
-+ (setf swap (if ny:bigendianp 0 1)))
-+ ((eq endian :little)
-+ (setf swap (if ny:bigendianp 1 0))))
-+ (snd-read (soundfilename filename) time-offset
-+ (local-to-global 0) format nchans mode bits swap srate
-+ dur)))
-+;; SF-INFO -- print sound file info
-+(defun sf-info (filename)
-+ (let (s format channels mode bits srate dur flags)
-+ (format t "~A:~%" (soundfilename filename))
-+ (setf s (s-read filename))
-+ (setf format (car *rslt*))
-+ (setf channels (cadr *rslt*))
-+ (setf mode (caddr *rslt*))
-+ (setf bits (cadddr *rslt*))
-+ (setf *rslt* (cddddr *rslt*))
-+ (setf srate (car *rslt*))
-+ (setf dur (cadr *rslt*))
-+ (setf flags (caddr *rslt*))
-+ (format t "Format: ~A~%"
-+ (nth format '("none" "AIFF" "IRCAM" "NeXT" "Wave")))
-+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-channels))
-+ (format t "Channels: ~A~%" channels)))
-+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-mode))
-+ (format t "Mode: ~A~%"
-+ (nth mode '("ADPCM" "PCM" "uLaw" "aLaw" "Float" "UPCM")))))
-+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-bits))
-+ (format t "Bits/Sample: ~A~%" bits)))
-+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-srate))
-+ (format t "SampleRate: ~A~%" srate)))
-+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-dur))
-+ (format t "Duration: ~A~%" dur)))
-+ ))
-+;; SETP -- tests whether a bit is set (non-zero)
-+(defun setp (bits) (not (zerop bits)))
-+;; SOUNDFILENAME -- add default directory to name to get filename
-+(defun soundfilename (filename)
-+ (cond ((= 0 (length filename))
-+ (break "filename must be at least one character long" filename))
-+ ((full-name-p filename))
-+ (t
-+ ; if sf-dir nonempty and does not end with filename separator,
-+ ; append one
-+ (cond ((and (< 0 (length *default-sf-dir*))
-+ (not (eq (char *default-sf-dir*
-+ (1- (length *default-sf-dir*)))
-+ *file-separator*)))
-+ (setf *default-sf-dir* (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string *file-separator*)))
-+ (format t "Warning: appending \"~A\" to *default-sf-dir*~%"
-+ *file-separator*)))
-+ (setf filename (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string filename)))))
-+ filename)
-+(setfn s-read-format car)
-+(setfn s-read-channels cadr)
-+(setfn s-read-mode caddr)
-+(setfn s-read-bits cadddr)
-+(defun s-read-swap (rslt) (car (cddddr rslt)))
-+(defun s-read-srate (rslt) (cadr (cddddr rslt)))
-+(defun s-read-dur (rslt) (caddr (cddddr rslt)))
-+(defun s-read-byte-offset (rslt) (car (cddddr (cddddr rslt))))
-+(defun round (x) (truncate (+ 0.5 x)))
-+;; change defaults for PLAY macro:
-+(setf *soundenable* t)
-+(defun sound-on () (setf *soundenable* t))
-+(defun sound-off () (setf *soundenable* nil))
-+(defmacro s-add-to (expr maxlen filename &optional time-offset)
-+ `(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
-+ ny:input ny:rslt ny:offset
-+ )
-+ (cond ((setf ny:input (s-read ny:fname :time-offset ,time-offset))
-+ (setf ny:rslt *rslt*)
-+ (format t "Adding sound to ~A at offset ~A~%"
-+ ny:fname ,time-offset)
-+ (setf ny:offset (s-read-byte-offset ny:rslt))
-+ (snd-overwrite '(let ((ny:addend ,expr))
-+ (sum (snd-coterm
-+ (s-read ny:fname :time-offset ,time-offset)
-+ ny:addend)
-+ ny:addend))
-+ ,maxlen ny:fname ny:offset
-+ (s-read-mode ny:rslt) (s-read-bits ny:rslt)
-+ (s-read-srate ny:rslt) (s-read-channels ny:rslt))
-+ (format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*)))
-+ ((setf ny:input (s-read ny:fname :time-offset 0))
-+ (format t "Could not open ~A at time offset ~A~%"
-+ ny:fname ,time-offset))
-+ (t
-+ (format t "Could not open ~A~%" ny:fname)))))
-+(defmacro s-overwrite (expr maxlen filename &optional time-offset)
-+ `(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
-+ ny:input ny:rslt ny:offset)
-+ (setf ny:offset ,time-offset)
-+ (cond ((null ny:offset) (setf ny:offset 0)))
-+ (cond ((setf ny:input (s-read ny:fname :time-offset ny:offset))
-+ (setf ny:rslt *rslt*)
-+ (format t "Overwriting ~A at offset ~A~%" ny:fname ny:offset)
-+ (setf ny:offset (s-read-byte-offset ny:rslt))
-+ (display "s-overwrite" ny:offset)
-+ (snd-overwrite `,expr ,maxlen ny:fname ny:offset
-+ (s-read-format ny:rslt)
-+ (s-read-mode ny:rslt) (s-read-bits ny:rslt)
-+ (s-read-swap ny:rslt)
-+ (s-read-srate ny:rslt) (s-read-channels ny:rslt))
-+ (format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*)))
-+ ((s-read ny:fname :time-offset 0)
-+ (format t "Could not open ~A at time offset ~A~%"
-+ ny:fname ,time-offset))
-+ (t
-+ (format t "Could not open ~A~%" ny:fname)))))
---- audacity-1.2.1.orig/nyquist/nyquist-plot.txt
-+++ audacity-1.2.1/nyquist/nyquist-plot.txt
-@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
-+set nokey
-+plot "points.dat" with lines