expect "GSSAPI accepted as authentication type"
expect -re "Trying to authenticate to <ftp@.*>"
# The ftp client doesn't print the gssapi error except on the last attempt.
-# expect "GSSAPI error major: Unspecified GSS failure."
-# expect -re "GSSAPI error minor: Key table file '.*' not found"
- expect -re "Trying to authenticate to <host@.*>"
expect "GSSAPI error major: Unspecified GSS failure."
- expect -re "GSSAPI error minor: Server host/.* not found in Kerberos database"
+ expect -re "GSSAPI error minor: Key table file '.*' not found"
+# expect -re "Trying to authenticate to <host@.*>"
+# expect "GSSAPI error major: Unspecified GSS failure."
+# expect -re "GSSAPI error minor: Server host/.* not found in Kerberos database"
expect -re "Name (.*): "
close -i $spawn_id
wait -i $spawn_id