-#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name)) + '== ======================' #
+#if $composite.name_signature is not None and len($composite.name_signature)
+#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name_signature)) + '== ======================' #
+$composite.name_signature $composite.initializer
+#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name_signature)) + '== ======================' #
+#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name)) + '=== ======================' #
$composite.name $composite.initializer
-#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name)) + '== ======================' #
+#echo ''.join(['=']*len($composite.name)) + '=== ======================' #
+#end if
self.category = 'composite'
self.definition = argkw.get('definition')
self.name = argkw.get('name')
+ self.name_signature = argkw.get('name_signature')
self.Id = argkw.get('Id')
self.initializer = argkw.get('initializer')
self.active = argkw.get('active', False)
print d_name
d_initializer = ''
d_type = ''
+ d_signature = ''
+ # Process param/defname node
+ if len(node.xpath('./param/defname')) > 0:
+ prm_str = ''
+ prm_list = list()
+ for p in node.xpath("./param"):
+ x = self._process_paragraph_content(p)
+ if x is not None and len(x):
+ prm_list.append(x)
+ if prm_list is not None:
+ prm_str = prm_str.join(prm_list)
+ d_signature = " %s (%s) " % (d_name , prm_str)
+ d_signature = re.sub(', \)', ')', d_signature)
if len(node.xpath('./initializer')) > 0:
len_ref = len(node.xpath('./initializer/ref'))
if len(node.xpath('./initializer/ref')) > 0:
define_descr = {'category': 'composite',
'definition': '',
'name': d_name,
+ 'name_signature': d_signature,
'Id': d_Id,
'initializer': d_initializer,
'type': '',
result.append('*%s*' % e.strip())
+ elif e.getparent().tag == 'defname':
+ result.append('%s, ' % e.strip())
result = ' '.join(result)
return result