* krb4int.h: Add prototypes for krb__get_realmsfile(),
krb5 prototypes are declarted from krb.hkrb__get_cnffile() and
krb5 prototypes are declarted from krb.hk_gethostname().
* g_pw_in_tkt.c: Declare passwd_to_key() static.
* cr_tkt.c: Move krb5.h inclusion before krb.h so that certain
krb5 prototypes are declarted from krb.h.
* g_admhost.c, g_cnffile.c, g_krbhst.c, g_krbrlm.c,
krb5 prototypes are declarted from krb.hrealmofhost.c:
Include krb4int.h and remove prototypes included in there.
git-svn-id: svn://anonsvn.mit.edu/krb5/trunk@13512