#!/usr/bin/perl # Setup file for ikiwiki. # # Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate # wrappers and build the wiki. # # Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file. use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard { # name of the wiki wikiname => 'unfolding disasters', # contact email for wiki adminemail => 'wking@drexel.edu', # users who are wiki admins adminuser => [qw{wking}], # users who are banned from the wiki banned_users => [], # where the source of the wiki is located srcdir => '/tmp/ikiwiki', # where to build the wiki destdir => '/tmp/ikiwiki.build', # base url to the wiki url => 'http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/unfolding-disasters', # url to the ikiwiki.cgi cgiurl => 'http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/unfolding-disasters/ikiwiki.cgi', # filename of cgi wrapper to generate cgi_wrapper => '/tmp/ikiwiki.build/ikiwiki.cgi', # mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid) cgi_wrappermode => '06755', # rcs backend to use rcs => 'git', # plugins to add to the default configuration add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff lockedit mdwn_itex sidebar}], # plugins to disable disable_plugins => [qw{editpage htmlscrubber passwordauth smiley}], # location of template files templatedir => '/home/wking/.ikiwiki/templates', # base wiki source location underlaydir => '/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki', # display verbose messages? #verbose => 1, # log to syslog? syslog => 1, # create output files named page/index.html? usedirs => 1, # use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives? prefix_directives => 1, # use page/index.mdwn source files indexpages => 0, # enable Discussion pages? discussion => 0, # only send cookies over SSL connections? sslcookie => 0, # extension to use for new pages default_pageext => 'mdwn', # extension to use for html files htmlext => 'html', # strftime format string to display date timeformat => '%c', # UTF-8 locale to use #locale => 'en_US.UTF-8', # put user pages below specified page userdir => '', # how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all) numbacklinks => 10, # attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files) hardlink => 0, # force ikiwiki to use a particular umask #umask => 022, # group for wrappers to run in #wrappergroup => 'ikiwiki', # extra library and plugin directory libdir => '/home/wking/.ikiwiki', # environment variables ENV => {}, # regexp of source files to ignore #exclude => '\\.wav$', # specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames wiki_file_chars => '-[:alnum:]+/.:_', # allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure) allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => 0, # git plugin # git hook to generate git_wrapper => '/tmp/ikiwiki.git/hooks/post-update.ikiwiki', # mode for git_wrapper (can safely be made suid) #git_wrappermode => '06755', # git pre-receive hook to generate #git_test_receive_wrapper => '/git/wiki.git/hooks/pre-receive', # unix users whose commits should be checked by the pre-receive hook #untrusted_committers => [], # gitweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted) #historyurl => 'http://git.example.com/gitweb.cgi?p=wiki.git;a=history;f=[[file]]', # gitweb url to show a diff ([[file]], [[sha1_to]], [[sha1_from]], [[sha1_commit]], and [[sha1_parent]] substituted) #diffurl => 'http://git.example.com/gitweb.cgi?p=wiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=[[file]];h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_commit]];hpb=[[sha1_parent]]', # where to pull and push changes (set to empty string to disable) #gitorigin_branch => 'origin', # branch that the wiki is stored in #gitmaster_branch => 'master', # inline plugin # enable rss feeds by default? rss => 1, # enable atom feeds by default? atom => 1, # allow rss feeds to be used? #allowrss => 0, # allow atom feeds to be used? #allowatom => 0, # urls to ping (using XML-RPC) on feed update #pingurl => 'http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping', # lockedit plugin # PageSpec controlling which pages are locked locked_pages => '*', # mdwn plugin # enable multimarkdown features? #multimarkdown => 0, # mdwn_itex plugin # path to the itex2MML binary #itex2mml => '/usr/local/bin/itex2MML', itex2mml => '/home/wking/bin/itex2MML', # autonumber \[..\] equations? itex_num_equations => 1, # recentchanges plugin # name of the recentchanges page #recentchangespage => 'recentchanges', # number of changes to track #recentchangesnum => 100, # repolist plugin # URIs of repositories containing the wiki's source repositories => [qw{http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/git/blog.git}], # sidebar plugin # show sidebar page on all pages? #global_sidebars => 1, # tag plugin # parent page tags are located under #tagbase => 'tag', }