Update to use new h5config, pycomedi, etc.
authorW. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:49:26 +0000 (17:49 -0500)
committerW. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:49:26 +0000 (17:49 -0500)
unfold.py [changed mode: 0644->0755]
unfold_protein/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
unfold_protein/afm.py [new file with mode: 0644]
unfold_protein/config.py [new file with mode: 0644]
unfold_protein/scan.py [new file with mode: 0644]
unfold_protein/temperature.py [new file with mode: 0644]
unfold_protein/unfolder.py [new file with mode: 0755]

old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index 570c9fd..b1ca6f8
--- a/unfold.py
+++ b/unfold.py
-LOG_DATA = True
-LOG_DIR = '$DEFAULT$/unfold'
-import stepper
-import piezo.z_piezo as z_piezo
-import piezo.z_piezo_utils as z_piezo_utils
-import piezo.x_piezo as x_piezo
-import temperature
-import threading
-import time
-import os, os.path
-from numpy import arange, sin, pi, isnan
-import data_logger
-    from pylab import figure, plot, title, legend, hold, subplot, draw
-    import time # for timestamping lines on plots
-EFILE = file(os.path.expanduser('~/rsrch/debug.unfold'), 'a')
-class ExceptionTooClose (Exception) :
-    """
-    The piezo is too close to the surface,
-    an unfolding would extend past pzMin
-    """
-class ExceptionTooFar (Exception) :
-    """
-    The piezo has reached pzMax without
-    reaching the desired deflection setpoint.
-    """
-def plot_dict(d, label) :
-    try :
-        plot(d["Z piezo output"], d["Deflection input"], '.',label=label)
-    except KeyError, string:
-        print d.keys()
-        raise KeyError, string
-class unfold_data_log (data_logger.data_log) :
-    def save(self, unfold, timestamp, CTemp, VSetpoint, nmBindPos,
-             sBindTime,
-             nmDist, nmStep, ppStep, nmPsRate, freq,
-             approach_data, unfold_data) :
-        filepath,timestamp = self.get_filename(timestamp)
-        # save the unfolding data
-        dataFile = open(filepath, "w")
-        for i in range(0, len(unfold_data["Z piezo output"])) :
-                dataFile.write("%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (unfold_data["Z piezo output"][i],
-                                                 unfold_data["Deflection input"][i],
-                                                 unfold_data["Z piezo input"][i]))
-        dataFile.close()
-        dataFile = open(filepath+"_approach", "w")
-        for i in range(0, len(approach_data["Z piezo output"])) :
-                dataFile.write("%d\t%d\n" % (approach_data["Z piezo output"][i],
-                                                 approach_data["Deflection input"][i]))
-        dataFile.close()
-        # save parameters
-        paramFile = open(filepath+"_param", "w")
-        paramFile.write("Environment\n")
-        paramFile.write("Time:\t"+timestamp+"\n")
-        if CTemp != None :
-            paramFile.write("Temperature (C):\t"+str(CTemp)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("\nPiezo parameters\n")
-        paramFile.write("Z piezo sensitivity (nm/Vp):\t"+str(unfold.zp.sensitivity)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Z piezo gain (Vp/Vo):\t"+str(unfold.zp.gain)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("X piezo sensitivity (nm/Vp):\t"+str(unfold.xp.xpSensitivity)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("X piezo gain (Vp/Vo):\t"+str(unfold.xp.gain)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("X piezo position (nm):\t"+str(unfold.xp.out2nm(unfold.xp.curPos()))+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("\nApproach parameters\n")
-        paramFile.write("Setpoint (V):\t"+str(VSetpoint)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Bind pos (nm):\t"+str(nmBindPos)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("\nBinding parameters\n")
-        paramFile.write("Bind time (s):\t"+str(sBindTime)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("\nUnfolding parameters\n")
-        paramFile.write("Distance (nm):\t"+str(nmDist)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Step size (nm):\t"+str(nmStep)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Points per step:\t"+str(ppStep)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Unfold rate (nm/s):\t"+str(nmPsRate)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("Sample rate (Hz):\t"+str(freq)+"\n")
-        paramFile.write("\nData fields:\tZ_piezo_out Deflection_in Z_piezo_in\n")
-        paramFile.close()
-        return timestamp
-class unfold :
-    def __init__(self, controlTemp=True, dataDirectory=LOG_DIR) :
-        self.step = stepper.stepper_obj()
-        self.zp = z_piezo.z_piezo()
-        self.xp = x_piezo.x_piezo()
-        #self.zp = z_piezo.z_piezo(zp_chan = '/Dev1/ao0',
-        #                          zp_mon_chan = '/Dev1/ai1',
-        #                          def_chan = '/Dev1/ai0')
-        #self.xp = x_piezo.x_piezo(xp_chan = '/Dev1/ao1')
-        self.zp.jumpToPos(self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-        self.xp.jumpToPos(self.xp.nm2out(0))
-        if controlTemp == True :
-            self.T = temperature.tempController(maxCurrent=1.0)
-        else: self.T = None
-        self.log = unfold_data_log(dataDirectory, log_name="unfold")
-    def unfold(self, setpoint=None, rel_setpoint=1.0, sBindTime = 10.0,
-               nmDist=600, nmStep=0.05, ppStep=1, nmPsRate=1000,
-               dataDirectory=LOG_DIR, fileID=None) :
-        while True :
-            try :
-                data = self.unfold_cycle(setpoint, rel_setpoint, sBindTime,
-                                         nmDist, nmStep, ppStep, nmPsRate,
-                                         dataDirectory, fileID)
-                break
-            except ExceptionTooFar :
-                EFILE.write('caught ExceptionTooFar\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                try : # try for a useful surface distance...
-                    if setpoint == None : # HACK! redundant!
-                        assert rel_setpoint != None, "must have some sort of setpoint"
-                        setpoint = self.curDef() + rel_setpoint
-                        print "setpoint = %g" % setpoint
-                    EFILE.write('attempt getSurfPos\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    surfPos = self.getSurfPos(setpoint)
-                    EFILE.write('getSurfPos succeeded\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    print "Too far (surface at %g nm), stepping closer" % surfPos
-                except z_piezo_utils.poorFit, string : # ... oh well, print what we know
-                    EFILE.write('getSurfPos failed\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    print "Too far, stepping closer"
-                    print "(Fit failed with: %s)" % string
-                EFILE.write('zero Z piezo\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                self.zp.jumpToPos(self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-                EFILE.write('step closer\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                self.stepCloser()
-                EFILE.write('step closer successful\n'); EFILE.flush()
-            except ExceptionTooClose :
-                EFILE.write('caught ExceptionTooFar\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                try : # try for a useful surface distance...
-                    if setpoint == None : # !HACK !redundant!
-                        assert rel_setpoint != None, "must have some sort of setpoint"
-                        setpoint = self.curDef() + rel_setpoint
-                        print "setpoint = %g" % setpoint
-                    EFILE.write('attempt getSurfPos\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    surfPos = self.getSurfPos(setpoint)
-                    EFILE.write('getSurfPos succeeded\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    print "Too close (surface at %g nm), stepping away" % surfPos
-                except z_piezo_utils.poorFit, string : # ... oh well, print what we know
-                    EFILE.write('getSurfPos failed\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                    print "Too close, stepping away"
-                    print "(Fit failed with: %s)" % string
-                EFILE.write('zero Z piezo\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                self.zp.jumpToPos(self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-                EFILE.write('step away\n'); EFILE.flush()
-                self.stepAway()
-                EFILE.write('step away successful\n'); EFILE.flush()
-            print "Too close, stepping away"
-        return data
-    def stepApproach(self, setpoint) :
-        cd = self.curDef()
-        while cd < setpoint or isnan(cd) : # sometimes during approach, we get negative nan values
-            print "deflection %g < setpoint %g.  step closer" % (cd, setpoint)
-            self.stepCloser()
-            cd = self.curDef()
-    def stepApproachRetractCurve(self, setpoint) :
-        def_array = []
-        step_array = []
-        orig_step = self.step.get_cur_pos()
-        def store_point() :
-            cd = self.curDef()
-            def_array.append(cd)
-            step_array.append(self.step.get_cur_pos())
-            return cd        
-        cd = store_point()
-        while cd < setpoint or isnan(cd) : # sometimes during approach, we get negative nan values
-            print "deflection %g < setpoint %g.  step closer" % (cd, setpoint)
-            self.step.step_rel(2)
-            cd = store_point()
-        while self.step.get_cur_pos() > orig_step :
-            self.step.step_rel(-2)
-            store_point()
-        return {"Deflection":def_array, "Stepper position":step_array}
-    def piezoApproach(self, setpoint, return_data=False) :
-        startPos = self.zp.curPos()
-        curVals,data = z_piezo_utils.moveToPosOrDef(self.zp,
-                           self.zp.zpMax,
-                           self.zp.def_V2in(setpoint),
-                           step=10,
-                           return_data=return_data)
-        if curVals["Deflection input"] < self.zp.def_V2in(setpoint) :
-            EFILE.write('Unfolding too far\n'); EFILE.flush()
-            self.zp.jumpToPos(startPos)
-            self.zp.updateInputs()
-            if PYLAB_INTERACTIVE_VERBOSE == True :
-                figure(BASE_FIG_NUM+1)
-                hold(False)
-                plot_dict(data, 'Approach')
-                hold(True)
-                title('Unfolding too far')
-            EFILE.write('Raising ExceptionTooFar\n'); EFILE.flush()
-            raise ExceptionTooFar
-        if return_data == True :
-            return (curVals, data)
-        else :
-            return curVals
-    def bind(self, sTime=10.0) :
-        time.sleep(sTime)
-    def unfold_pull(self, nmDist=600, nmStep=0.5, ppStep=10, nmPsRate=1000) :
-        if nmStep < 0 :
-                nmStep = -nmStep
-        numSteps = int(nmDist/nmStep+1)
-        out = [0.0]*numSteps*ppStep
-        pos = self.zp.curPos()
-        startPos = pos
-        step = int(self.zp.pos_nm2out(nmStep)-self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-        for i in range(0, numSteps) :
-                for j in range(0, ppStep) :
-                        out[i*ppStep + j] = pos
-                pos -= step
-        # points/step * step/nm * nm/s  =  points/s
-        freq = ppStep / nmStep * nmPsRate
-        print "unfolding %d points per %d steps from %d to %d at freq of %g" % (ppStep, numSteps, startPos, pos, freq) 
-        return {'freq':freq, 'data':self.zp.ramp(out, freq)}
-    def generate_refold_bind_pull_output(self, nmSurfPos=0,
-            sBindTime=2, nmUnfoldDist=160, nmRefoldDist=145, sPauseTime=2,
-            cycles=50, nmStep=0.5, ppStepUnfold=10, ppStepRefold=1,
-            nmPsRateUnfold=1000) :
-        if nmStep < 0 :##
-            nmStep = -nmStep
-        numSteps = int(nmDist/nmStep+1)
-        out = [0.0]*numSteps*ppStep
-        pos = self.zp.curPos()
-        startPos = pos
-        step = int(self.zp.pos_nm2out(nmStep)-self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-        for i in range(0, numSteps) :
-                for j in range(0, ppStep) :
-                        out[i*ppStep + j] = pos
-                pos -= step
-        # points/step * step/nm * nm/s  =  points/s
-        freq = ppStep / nmStep * nmPsRate
-        print "unfolding %d points per %d steps from %d to %d at freq of %g" % (ppStep, numSteps, startPos, pos, freq) 
-        return {'freq':freq, 'data':self.zp.ramp(out, freq)}
-    def unfold_cycle(self, setpoint=None, rel_setpoint=1.0, sBindTime = 10.0,
-                     nmDist=600, nmStep=0.5, ppStep=10, nmPsRate=1000,
-                     dataDirectory=LOG_DIR, fileID=None) :
-        if setpoint == None :
-            assert rel_setpoint != None, "must have some sort of setpoint"
-            setpoint = self.curDef() + rel_setpoint
-            print "setpoint = %g" % setpoint
-        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-       temp = None
-        if self.T != None : temp = self.T.getTemp()
-        print "approaching"
-        startPos = self.zp.curPos()
-        curVals,approach_data = self.piezoApproach(setpoint, return_data=True)
-        bindPos = curVals['Z piezo output'] # in output units
-        finalPos = bindPos - (self.zp.pos_nm2out(nmDist)-self.zp.pos_nm2out(0))
-        try :
-            self.zp._check_range(finalPos)
-        except z_piezo.outOfRange :
-            self.zp.jumpToPos(startPos)
-            self.zp.updateInputs()
-            if PYLAB_INTERACTIVE_VERBOSE == True :
-                figure(BASE_FIG_NUM+1)
-                hold(False)
-                plot_dict(approach_data, 'Approach')
-                hold(True)
-                title('Unfolding too close')
-            raise ExceptionTooClose
-        print "binding for %.3f seconds" % sBindTime
-        self.bind(sBindTime)
-        out = self.unfold_pull(nmDist, nmStep, ppStep, nmPsRate)
-            figure(BASE_FIG_NUM)
-            hold(False)
-            plot_dict(approach_data, 'Approach')
-            hold(True)
-            plot_dict(out['data'], 'Unfold')
-            legend(loc='best')
-            title('Unfolding')
-            draw()
-        if LOG_DATA == True:
-            print "saving"
-            timestamp = self.log.save(self, timestamp, temp, setpoint,
-                                      int(self.zp.pos_out2nm(bindPos)), # don't need lots of precision...
-                                      sBindTime,
-                                      nmDist, nmStep, ppStep, nmPsRate, out['freq'],
-                                      approach_data, out['data'])
-        return out
-    def getSurfPos(self, setpoint=2, textVerbose=False, plotVerbose=False) :
-        return self.zp.pos_out2nm(z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos(self.zp, self.zp.def_V2in(setpoint), textVerbose, plotVerbose))
-    def curDef(self) :
-        self.zp.updateInputs()
-        return self.zp.def_in2V(self.zp.curDef())
-    def stepCloser(self) :
-        "Backlash-robust stepping"
-        self.step.step_rel(2) # two half-steps in full step mode
-    def stepAway(self) :
-        "Backlash-robust stepping"
-        self.step.step_rel(-120)
-        self.step.step_rel(110) # HACK, should come back 118
-    def xpWander(self) :
-        self.xp.wander()
-def _test_unfold(controlTemp=True) :
-    print "Test unfold"
-    u = unfold(controlTemp=controlTemp)
-    u.unfold(setpoint=0.5, sBindTime=1.0)
-    del u
-    print "unfold successful\n"
-class unfold_expt :
-    def __init__(self, controlTemp=True) :
-        self.u = unfold(controlTemp=controlTemp)
-        self.runUnfolds = False
-        self.bgRun = None
-        self.getExternalTempSetpoint = None
-        if self.u.T != None :
-            self.tempSetpoint = self.u.T.getTemp()
-        self.getExternalDeflectionSetpoint = None
-        self.deflectionSetpoint = 0.5
-        self.getExternalBindTime = None
-        self.bindTime = 1.0
-        self.getExternalnmDist = None
-        self.nmDist = 600.0
-        self.getExternalnmStep = None
-        self.nmStep = 0.5
-        self.getExternalppStep = None
-        self.ppStep = 10
-        self.getExternalnmPsRate = None
-        self.nmPsRate = 1000.0
-        self.getExternalDataDirectory = None
-        self.dataDirectory = LOG_DIR
-        self.plotData = None
-        self.i=0
-        self.showUnfoldingIndex = None
-    def run(self) :
-        print "running"
-        if self.bgRun != None :
-            raise Exception, "Can't run two backgrounds simultaneously"
-        self.runUnfolds = True
-        print "unfolding in the background"
-        self.bgRun = bg_run( self._run)
-    def stepApproach(self) :
-        print "approaching"
-        if self.getExternalDeflectionSetpoint != None :
-            self.deflectionSetpoint = self.getExternalDeflectionSetpoint()
-        self.u.stepApproach(self.deflectionSetpoint)
-    def _run(self) :
-        print "starting unfold loop"
-        while self.runUnfolds == True :
-            print "get unfold parameters"
-            if self.u.T != None and self.getExternalTempSetpoint != None :
-                setpoint = self.getExternalTempSetpoint()
-                if setpoint != self.tempSetpoint :
-                    self.u.T.setTemp(setpoint)
-                    self.tempSetpoint = setpoint
-            if self.getExternalDeflectionSetpoint != None :
-                self.deflectionSetpoint = self.getExternalDeflectionSetpoint()
-            if self.getExternalBindTime != None :
-                self.bindTime = self.getExternalBindTime()
-            if self.getExternalnmDist != None :
-                self.nmDist = self.getExternalnmDist()
-            if self.getExternalnmStep != None :
-                self.nmStep = self.getExternalnmStep()
-            if self.getExternalppStep != None :
-                self.ppStep = self.getExternalppStep()
-            if self.getExternalnmPsRate != None :
-                self.nmPsRate = self.getExternalnmPsRate()
-            if self.getExternalDataDirectory != None :
-                self.dataDirectory = self.getExternalDataDirectory()
-            print "run unfold"
-            #print "setpoint  ", self.deflectionSetpoint
-            #print "bind time ", self.bindTime
-            #print "nmDist    ", self.nmDist
-            #print "nmStep    ", self.nmStep
-            #print "ppStep    ", self.ppStep
-            #print "nmPsRate  ", self.nmPsRate
-            #print "fileID    ", self.i
-            #print "dataDir   ", self.dataDirectory
-            data = self.u.unfold(setpoint=self.deflectionSetpoint,
-                                 sBindTime=self.bindTime,
-                                 nmDist=self.nmDist,
-                                 nmStep=self.nmStep,
-                                 ppStep=self.ppStep,
-                                 nmPsRate=self.nmPsRate,
-                                 fileID=str(self.i),
-                                 dataDirectory=self.dataDirectory)
-            print "plot data"
-            if self.plotData != None :
-                self.plotData(data["data"]["Z piezo output"],
-                              data["data"]["Deflection input"])
-            if self.showUnfoldingIndex != None :
-                self.showUnfoldingIndex(self.i)
-            self.i += 1
-        return False
-    def stop(self) :
-        if self.bgRun != None :
-            self.runUnfolds = False
-            self.bgRun.wait()
-            self.bgRun = None
-def _test_unfold_expt(controlTemp=True) :
-    print "Test unfold_expt"
-    u_expt = unfold.unfold_expt(controlTemp=controlTemp)
-    u_expt.run()
-    time.sleep(100)
-    u_expt.stop()
-    print "unfold_expt working\n"
-class bg_run :
-    def __init__(self, function, args=None, finishCallback=None, interruptCallback=None) :
-        print "init bg"
-        def tempFn() :
-            print "temp fn started"
-            complete = False
-            if args == None :
-                complete = function()
-            else :
-                complete = function(args)
-            print "temp Fn finished"
-            if finishCallback != None and complete == True :
-                finishCallback()
-            elif interruptCallback != None and complete == False :
-                interruptCallback()
-        print "tempFn defined"
-        self.thd = threading.Thread(target=tempFn, name="Background Fn")
-        print "starting thread"
-        self.thd.start()
-        print "thread started"
-    def wait(self) :
-        print "joining thread"
-        self.thd.join()
-        print "thread joined"
-def _test_bg_run() :
-    print "Test bg_run"
-    print "test without args or callbacks"
-    def say_hello() :
-        for i in range(10) :
-            print "Hello"
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        return True
-    bg = unfold.bg_run(say_hello)
-    time.sleep(.2)
-    print "The main thread's still going"
-    bg.wait()
-    print "The background process is done"
-    print "test without args, but with callbacks"
-    def inter() :
-        print "I was interrupted"
-    def fin() :
-        print "I'm finished"
-    bg = unfold.bg_run(say_hello, finishCallback=fin, interruptCallback=inter)
-    time.sleep(.2)
-    print "The main thread's still going"
-    bg.wait()
-    print "The background process is done"
-    print "test with args and callbacks"
-    del say_hello
-    def say_hello(stop=[False]) :
-        for i in range(10) :
-            if stop[0] == True : return False
-            print "Hello"
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        return True
-    stop = [False]
-    bg = unfold.bg_run(say_hello, args=stop, finishCallback=fin, interruptCallback=inter)
-    time.sleep(.2)
-    print "The main thread's still going, stop it"
-    stop[0] = True
-    bg.wait()
-    del bg
-    del stop
-    del say_hello
-    del inter
-    del fin
-    print "The background process is done"
-    print "bg_run working\n"
-def loop_rates(u, rates, num_loops=10, die_file=None, song=None, **kwargs):
-    """
-    loop_rates(u, rates, num_loops=10, die_file=None, song=None, **kwargs)
-    Constant speed unfolding using the unfold instance u for num_loops
-    through the series of rates listed in rates.  You may set die_file
-    to a path, loop_rates() will check that location before each
-    unfolding attempt, and cleanly stop unfolding if the file exists.
-    **kwargs are passed on to u.unfold(), so a full call might look like
-    loop_rates(u, rates=[20,200,2e3], num_loops=5, die_file='~/die', song='~wking/Music/system/towerclo.wav', rel_setpoint=1, nmDist=800, sBindTime=2)
-    """
-    if die_file != None:
-        die_file = os.path.expanduser(die_file)
-    if song != None:
-        song = os.path.expanduser(song)
-    for i in range(num_loops):
-        for nmPsRate in rates:
-            if die_file != None and os.path.exists(die_file):
-                return None
-            u.unfold(nmPsRate=nmPsRate, **kwargs)
-            u.xpWander()
-    if song != None:
-        os.system("aplay '%s'" % song)
-def test() :
-    _test_unfold(controlTemp=False)
-    _test_bg_run()
-    _test_unfold_expt(controlTemp=False)
-if __name__ == "__main__" :
-    test()
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Run a mechanical protein unfolding experiment."""
+import os
+import os.path
+from unfold_protein import __version__ as version
+from unfold_protein.afm import get_afm
+from unfold_protein.unfolder import Unfolder
+from unfold_protein.scan import UnfoldScanner
+import unfold_protein.config as _config
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from argparse import ArgumentParser
+    parser = ArgumentParser(
+        description='Play a pure tone', version=version)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-s', '--song',
+        help='Path to a song to play when the experiment is complete')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    unfold_config = _config.UnfoldCycleConfig()
+    unfold_config['temperature'] = _config.TemperatureConfig()
+    unfold_config['approach'] = _config.ApproachConfig()
+    unfold_config['unfold'] = _config.UnfoldConfig()
+    unfold_config['save'] = _config.SaveConfig()
+    scan_config = _config.ScanConfig()
+    scan_config['velocity'] = _config.VelocityScanConfig()
+    scan_config['position'] = _config.PositionScanConfig()
+    afm,comedi_device = get_afm(with_temperature=False)
+    unfolder = Unfolder(config=unfold_config, afm=afm)
+    scanner = UnfoldScanner(config=scan_config, unfolder=unfolder)
+    try:
+        scanner.run()
+    finally:
+        scanner.move_far_from_surface()
+        comedi_device.close()
+        if args.song:
+            song = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.song))
+            os.system("aplay '%s'" % song)
diff --git a/unfold_protein/__init__.py b/unfold_protein/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0c235c0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from .config import PackageConfig as _PackageConfig
+__version__ = '0.2'
+package_config = _PackageConfig(package_name=__name__)
diff --git a/unfold_protein/afm.py b/unfold_protein/afm.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b2256ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from pyafm.afm import AFM as _AFM
+from pycomedi.channel import AnalogChannel as _AnalogChannel
+from pycomedi.channel import DigitalChannel as _DigitalChannel
+from pycomedi.device import Device as _Device
+from pycomedi.subdevice import StreamingSubdevice as _StreamingSubdevice
+from pypiezo.afm import AFMPiezo as _AFMPiezo
+from stepper import Stepper as _Stepper
+import pycomedi.constant as _pycomedi_constant
+import pypiezo.base as _pypiezo_base
+import pypiezo.config as _pypiezo_config
+    from .temperature import Temperature as _Temperature
+except ImportError, _temperature_import_error:
+    _Temperature = None
+def get_afm(with_temperature=True, logger=None):
+    d = _Device('/dev/comedi0')
+    d.open()
+    s_in = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
+        _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ai, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
+    s_out = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
+        _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ao, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
+    z_axis_channel = s_out.channel(
+        0, factory=_AnalogChannel,
+        aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.ground)
+    x_axis_channel = s_out.channel(
+        1, factory=_AnalogChannel,
+        aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.ground)
+    input_channel = s_in.channel(
+        0, factory=_AnalogChannel,
+        aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.diff)
+    for chan in [z_axis_channel, x_axis_channel, input_channel]:
+        chan.range = chan.find_range(
+            unit=_pycomedi_constant.UNIT.volt, min=-10, max=10)
+    z_axis_config = _pypiezo_config.AxisConfig()
+    z_axis_config.update({'gain':20, 'sensitivity':6.5e-9})
+    z_axis_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
+    z_axis_config['channel'] = z_axis_channel_config
+    z_axis_channel_config['name'] = 'z'
+    x_axis_config = _pypiezo_config.AxisConfig()
+    x_axis_config.update({'gain':20, 'sensitivity':6.5e-9})  # TODO: GET FROM CALIBRATION
+    x_axis_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
+    x_axis_config['channel'] = x_axis_channel_config
+    x_axis_channel_config['name'] = 'x'
+    input_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
+    input_channel_config['name'] = 'deflection'
+    z = _pypiezo_base.PiezoAxis(
+        config=z_axis_config, axis_channel=z_axis_channel)
+    z.setup_config()
+    x = _pypiezo_base.PiezoAxis(
+        config=x_axis_config, axis_channel=x_axis_channel)
+    x.setup_config()
+    inp = _pypiezo_base.InputChannel(
+        config=input_channel_config, channel=input_channel)
+    inp.setup_config()
+    piezo = _AFMPiezo(axes=[x, z], inputs=[inp])
+    s_d = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
+        _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio)
+    d_channels = [s_d.channel(i, factory=_DigitalChannel)
+                  for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)]
+    for chan in d_channels:
+        chan.dio_config(
+            _pycomedi_constant.IO_DIRECTION.output)
+    def write(value):
+        s_d.dio_bitfield(bits=value, write_mask=2**4-1)
+    stepper = _Stepper(write=write, delay=5e-2)
+    if with_temperature:
+        if _Temperature is None:
+            raise _temperature_import_error
+        temperature = _Temperature()
+    else:
+        temperature = None
+    afm = _AFM(piezo, stepper, temperature=temperature)
+    return (afm, d)
diff --git a/unfold_protein/config.py b/unfold_protein/config.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9190203
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Define some variables to configure the package for a particular lab
+and workflow."""
+import os.path as _os_path
+import sys as _sys
+from FFT_tools import window_hann as _window_hann
+import h5config.config as _config
+import h5config.tools as _h5config_tools
+import numpy as _numpy
+from calibcant.config import TemperatureConfig
+class PackageConfig (_h5config_tools.PackageConfig):
+    "Configure `unfold_protein` module operation"
+    settings = _h5config_tools.PackageConfig.settings + [
+        _config.BooleanSetting(
+            name='matplotlib',
+            help='Plot piezo motion using `matplotlib`.',
+            default=False),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='temperature',
+            help=('Default temperature for unfolding in degrees '
+                  'Celsius.'),
+            default=22),
+        ]
+class ApproachConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure `unfold_protein` approach operation"
+    settings = [
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='relative setpoint',
+            help=('Maximum relative deflection in volts to achieve the bind '
+                  'position.'),
+            default=2.0),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='velocity',
+            help='Approach velocity in meters/second.',
+            default=1e-6),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='step',
+            help='Step size in meters.',
+            default=5e-9),
+        _config.IntegerSetting(
+            name='far',
+            help=('Approximate distance in meters to move away to get "far" '
+                  'from the surface.  For possible stepper adjustments while '
+                  'initially locating the surface.'),
+            default=1e-5),
+        ]
+class UnfoldConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure `unfold_protein` unfold operation"
+    settings = [
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='distance',
+            help='Unfolding distance in meters.',
+            default=800e-9),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='velocity',
+            help='Unfolding velocity in meters/second.',
+            default=1e-6),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='frequency',
+            help='Sampling frequency in Hz.',
+            default=50e3),
+        ]
+class SaveConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure `unfold_protein` unfold operation"
+    settings = [
+        _config.Setting(
+            name='base directory',
+            help='Root directory for saving data.',
+            default=_os_path.expanduser('~/rsrch/data/unfold/')),
+        ]
+class UnfoldCycleConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure a full `unfold_protein` approach-bind-unfold cycle"
+    settings = [
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='temperature',
+            help='Configure the temperature measurements',
+            config_class=TemperatureConfig),
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='approach',
+            help=('Configure the approach for an approach-bind-unfold '
+                  'sequence.'),
+            config_class=ApproachConfig),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='bind time',
+            help=('Binding time in seconds for an approach-bind-unfold '
+                  'sequence.'),
+            default=3),
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='unfold',
+            help=('Configure the unfolding for an approach-bind-unfold '
+                  'sequence.'),
+            config_class=UnfoldConfig),
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='save',
+            help='Configure saving.',
+            config_class=SaveConfig),
+        ]
+class VelocityScanConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure `unfold_config` unfolding velocity scan"
+    settings = [
+        _config.FloatListSetting(
+            name='unfolding velocities',
+            help='Unfolding velocities in meters per second.',
+            default=_numpy.exp(_numpy.linspace(
+                    _numpy.log(20e-9), _numpy.log(2e-6), 10))),
+        _config.IntegerSetting(
+            name='num loops',
+            help='Number of loops through the scanned velocities.',
+            default=10),
+        ]
+class PositionScanConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure `unfold_config` contact position scan"
+    settings = [
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='x step',
+            help=('Distance in meters along the x axis between successive '
+                  'onfoldings.'),
+            default=5e-9),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='x max',
+            help='Maximum sampled x position in meters.',
+            default=1e-6),
+        _config.FloatSetting(
+            name='x min',
+            help='Minimum sampled x position in meters.',
+            default=-1e-6),
+        ]
+class ScanConfig (_config.Config):
+    "Configure a full `unfold_protein` approach-bind-unfold cycle"
+    settings = [
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='velocity',
+            help='Configure unfolding velocity scan pattern.',
+            config_class=VelocityScanConfig),
+        _config.ConfigSetting(
+            name='position',
+            help='Configure unfolding position scan pattern.',
+            config_class=PositionScanConfig),
+        ]
diff --git a/unfold_protein/scan.py b/unfold_protein/scan.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..efbfb0d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Define `UnfoldScanner` for sequential unfolding experiments."""
+import signal as _signal
+from calibcant.calibrate import move_far_from_surface
+import pypiezo.base as _pypiezo_base
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+from .unfolder import ExceptionTooFar as _ExceptionTooFar
+from .unfolder import ExceptionTooClose as _ExceptionTooClose
+class UnfoldScanner (object):
+    def __init__(self, config, unfolder):
+        self.config = config
+        self.unfolder = unfolder
+        self._state = {'x direction': 1}
+    def run(self):
+        self._stop = False
+        _signal.signal(_signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_stop_signal)
+        for i in range(self.config['velocity']['num loops']):
+            for velocity in self.config['velocity']['unfolding velocities']:
+                if self._stop:
+                    return
+                self.unfolder.config['unfold']['velocity'] = velocity
+                try:
+                    self.unfolder.run()
+                except _ExceptionTooFar:
+                    self.stepper_approach()
+                except _ExceptionTooClose:
+                    self.move_far_from_surface()
+                    self.stepper_approach()
+                else:
+                    self.position_scan_step()
+    def _handle_stop_signal(self, signal, frame):
+        self._stop = True
+    def move_far_from_surface(self):
+        _LOG.info('retract with the stepper motor')
+        move_far_from_surface(
+            stepper=self.unfolder.afm.stepper,
+            distance=self.unfolder.config['approach']['far'])
+    def stepper_approach(self):
+        config = self.unfolder.config['approach']
+        deflection = self.unfolder.read_deflection()
+        setpoint = deflection + config['relative setpoint']
+        def_config = self.unfolder.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+            'inputs', 'deflection')
+        setpoint_bits = _pypiezo_base.convert_volts_to_bits(
+            def_config, setpoint)
+        self.unfolder.afm.stepper_approach(target_deflection=setpoint_bits)
+    def position_scan_step(self):
+        axis_name = 'x'
+        config = self.config['position'] 
+        axis_config = self.unfolder.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+                'axes', self.unfolder.afm.axis_name,
+                get_attribute=_pypiezo_base.get_axis_name
+                )
+        pos = self.unfolder.afm.piezo.last_output[axis_name]
+        pos_m = _pypiezo_base.convert_bits_to_meters(axis_config, pos)
+        next_pos_m = pos_m + self._state['x direction']*config['x step']
+        if next_pos_m > config['x max']:
+            self._state['x direction'] = -1
+            next_pos_m = pos_m + self._state['x direction']*config['x step']
+        elif next_pos_m < config['x min']:
+            self._state['x direction'] = 1
+            next_pos_m = pos_m + self._state['x direction']*config['x step']
+        next_pos = _pypiezo_base.convert_meters_to_bits(
+            axis_config, next_pos_m)
+        _LOG.info('move {} from {:g} to {:g} bits'.format(
+                axis_name, pos, next_pos))
+        self.unfolder.afm.piezo.jump(axis_name, next_pos)
diff --git a/unfold_protein/temperature.py b/unfold_protein/temperature.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91c1c6f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from pypid.backend.melcor import MelcorBackend as _TemperatureBackend
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+class Temperature (_TemperatureBackend):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        _LOG.debug('setup temperature monitor')
+        super(Temperature, self).__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.set_max_mv(max=1)  # amp
+    def get_temperature(self):
+        temp = self.get_pv() + 273.15  # return temperature in kelvin
+        _LOG.info('measured temperature of {:g} K'.format(temp))
+        return temp
diff --git a/unfold_protein/unfolder.py b/unfold_protein/unfolder.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ae835f6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of unfold_protein.
+# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with unfold_protein.  If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Define classes for carrying out an unfolding cycle with an AFM."""
+import email.utils as _email_utils
+import os.path as _os_path
+import time as _time
+import h5py as _h5py
+import pypiezo.base as _pypiezo_base
+from h5config.storage.hdf5 import HDF5_Storage as _HDF5_Storage
+from h5config.storage.hdf5 import h5_create_group as _h5_create_group
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+from . import package_config as _package_config
+    import numpy as _numpy
+    from matplotlib import pyplot as _pyplot
+    FIGURE = _pyplot.figure()
+except (ImportError, RuntimeError), _matplotlib_import_error:
+    _pyplot = None
+#    from pylab import figure, plot, title, legend, hold, subplot, draw
+class ExceptionTooClose (Exception):
+    """
+    The piezo is too close to the surface.
+    """
+    pass
+class ExceptionTooFar (Exception):
+    """
+    The piezo is too far from the surface.
+    """
+    pass
+class Unfolder (object):
+    def __init__(self, config, afm):
+        self.config = config
+        self.afm = afm
+        self.zero_piezo()
+    def run(self):
+        """Approach-bind-unfold-save[-plot] cycle.
+        """
+        ret = {}
+        ret['timestamp'] = _email_utils.formatdate(localtime=True)
+       ret['temperature'] = self.afm.get_temperature()
+        ret['approach'] = self._approach()
+        self._bind()
+        ret['unfold'] = self._unfold()
+        self._save(**ret)
+        if _package_config['matplotlib']:
+            self._plot(**ret)
+        return ret
+    def _approach(self):
+        """Approach the surface using the piezo
+        Steps in until a given setpoint is reached.
+        """
+        config = self.config['approach']
+        deflection = self.read_deflection()
+        setpoint = deflection + config['relative setpoint']
+        _LOG.info('approach with setpoint = {}'.format(setpoint))
+        axis_config = self.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+                'axes', self.afm.axis_name,
+                get_attribute=_pypiezo_base.get_axis_name
+                )
+        def_config = self.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+            'inputs', 'deflection')
+        start_pos = self.afm.piezo.last_output[self.afm.axis_name]
+        # calculate parameters for move_to_pos_or_def from config
+        setpoint_bits = _pypiezo_base.convert_volts_to_bits(
+            def_config, setpoint)
+        mid_pos_bits = _pypiezo_base.convert_meters_to_bits(
+            axis_config, 0)
+        step_pos_bits = _pypiezo_base.convert_meters_to_bits(
+            axis_config, config['step'])
+        step_bits = step_pos_bits - mid_pos_bits
+        frequency = config['velocity'] / config['step']
+        # run the approach
+        data = self.afm.piezo.move_to_pos_or_def(
+            axis_name=self.afm.axis_name, deflection=setpoint_bits,
+            step=step_bits, frequency=frequency, return_data=True)
+        data['setpoint'] = setpoint
+        # check the output
+        if data['deflection'][-1] < setpoint_bits:
+            _LOG.info('unfolding too far from the surface')
+            self.afm.piezo.jump(self.afm.axis_name, start_pos)
+            #if PYLAB_INTERACTIVE_VERBOSE == True:
+            #    figure(BASE_FIG_NUM+1)
+            #    hold(False)
+            #    plot_dict(data, 'Approach')
+            #    hold(True)
+            #    title('Unfolding too far')
+            _LOG.debug('raising ExceptionTooFar')
+            raise ExceptionTooFar
+        return data
+    def _bind(self):
+        """Wait on the surface while the protein binds."""
+        time = self.config['bind time']
+        _LOG.info('binding for {:.3f} seconds'.format(time))
+        _time.sleep(time)
+    def _unfold(self):
+        """Pull the bound protein, forcing unfolding events."""
+        config = self.config['unfold']
+        velocity = config['velocity']
+        _LOG.info('unfold at {:g} m/s'.format(velocity))
+        axis = self.afm.piezo.axis_by_name(self.afm.axis_name)
+        d = self.afm.piezo.channel_by_name('deflection')    
+        start_pos = self.afm.piezo.last_output[self.afm.axis_name]
+        start_pos_m = _pypiezo_base.convert_bits_to_meters(axis, start_pos)
+        final_pos_m = bind_pos_m - config['distance']
+        final_pos = _pypiezo_base.convert_meters_to_bits(axis, final_pos_m)
+        dtype = afm.piezo.channel_dtype(self.afm.axis_name, direction='output')
+        num_steps = int(
+            config['distance'] / config['velocity'] * config['frequency']) + 1
+        #   (m)                * (s/m)              * (samples/s)
+        out = _numpy.linspace(
+            start_pos, final_pos, num_steps).astype(dtype=dtype)
+        _LOG.debug(
+            'unfolding from {:d} to {:d} in {:d} steps at {:g} Hz'.format(
+                start_pos, final_pos, num_steps, config['frequency']))
+        data = afm.piezo.ramp(
+            data=out, frequency=config['frequency'],
+            output_names=[self.afm.axis_name], input_names=['deflection'])
+        return {self.afm.axis_name:out, 'deflection':data}
+    def _save(self, temperature, approach, unfold, timestamp):
+        config = self.config['save']
+        time_tuple = _email_utils.parsedate(timestamp)
+        filename = _os_path.join(
+            config['base directory'],
+            '{0}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}_{3:02d}-{4:02d}-{5:02d}.h5'.format(
+                time_tuple))
+        _LOG.info('saving {}'.format(filename))
+        with _h5py.File(filename, 'a') as f:
+            storage = _HDF5_Storage()
+            config_cwg = _h5_create_group(f, 'config')
+            storage.save(config=self.config, group=config_cwg)
+            f['timestamp'] = timestamp
+            f['temperature'] = temperature
+            for k,v in approach.items():
+                f['approach/{}'.format(k)] = v
+            for k,v in unfold.items():
+                f['unfold/{}'.format(k)] = v
+    def _plot(self, temperature, approach, unfold, timestamp):
+        "Plot the unfolding cycle"
+        if not _matplotlib:
+            raise _matplotlib_import_error
+        FIGURE.clear()
+        # TODO...
+        #    figure(BASE_FIG_NUM)
+        #    hold(False)
+        #    plot_dict(approach_data, 'Approach')
+        #    hold(True)
+        #    plot_dict(out['data'], 'Unfold')
+        #    legend(loc='best')
+        #    title('Unfolding')
+        #    draw()
+    def zero_piezo(self):
+        _LOG.info('zero piezo')
+        x_mid_pos = _pypiezo_base.convert_volts_to_bits(
+            self.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+                'axes', 'x', get_attribute=_pypiezo_base.get_axis_name
+                )['channel'],
+            0)
+        z_mid_pos = _pypiezo_base.convert_volts_to_bits(
+            self.afm.piezo.config.select_config(
+                'axes', 'z', get_attribute=_pypiezo_base.get_axis_name
+                )['channel'],
+            0)
+        self.afm.piezo.jump('z', z_mid_pos)
+        self.afm.piezo.jump('x', x_mid_pos)
+    def read_deflection(self):
+        bits = self.afm.piezo.read_deflection()
+        return _pypiezo_base.convert_bits_to_volts(
+            self.afm.piezo.config.select_config('inputs', 'deflection'), bits)