{% extends "_base.html" %} {% block file_metadata %} {% endblock file_metadata %} {% block content %}
  1. Basic Use
  2. Merging Conflicts
  3. Recovering Old Versions
  4. Setting up a Repository
  5. Provenance
  6. Summing Up

Suppose that Wolfman and Dracula have been hired by Universal Monsters Inc. to figure out where the company should put its next secret lair. They want to be able to work on the plans at the same time, but they have run into problems doing this in the past. If they take turns, each one will spend a lot of time waiting for the other to finish. On the other hand, if they work on their own copies and email changes back and forth they know that things will be lost, overwritten, or duplicated.

The right solution is to use a version control system to manage their work. Version control is better than mailing files back and forth because:

  1. It's hard (but not impossible) to accidentally overlook or overwrite someone's changes, because the version control system highlights them automatically.
  2. There are no arguments about whose copy is the most up to date.
  3. Nothing that is committed to version control is ever lost. This means it can be used like the "undo" feature in an editor, and since all old versions of files are saved it's always possible to go back in time to see exactly who wrote what on a particular day, or what version of a program was used to generate a particular set of results.

Version control systems do have one important shortcoming. While it is easy for them to find, display, and merge differences in text files, images, MP3s, PDFs, or Microsoft Word or Excel files aren't stored as text—they use specialized binary data formats. Most version control systems don't know how to deal with these formats, so all they can say is, "These files differ." The rest is up to you.

Even with this limitation, version control is one of the most important concepts in this book. The rest of this chapter will explore how to use Subversion, a popular open source version control system.

Basic Use


A version control system keeps the master copy of a file in a repository located on a server—a computer that is never used directly by people, but only by their programs (Figure XXX). No-one ever edits the master copy directly. Instead, Wolfman and Dracula each have a working copy on their own computer. This lets them make whatever changes they want whenever they want.

A Version Control Repository

As soon Wolfman is ready to share his changes, he commits his work to the repository (Figure XXX). Dracula can then update his working copy to get those changes. And of course, when Dracula finishes working on something, he can commit and then Wolfman can update.

Version Control Workflow

But what if Dracula and Wolfman make changes to the same part of their working copies? Old-fashioned version control systems prevented this from happening by locking the master copy whenever someone was working on it. This pessimistic strategy guaranteed that a second person (or monster) could never make changes to the same file at the same time, but it also meant that people had to take turns.

Most of today's version control systems use an optimistic strategy instead. Nothing is ever locked—everyone is always allowed to edit their working copy. This means that people can make changes to the same part of the paper, but that's actually fairly uncommon in a well-run project, and when it does happen, the version control system helps people reconcile their changes.

For example, if Wolfman and Dracula are making changes at the same time, and Wolfman commits first, his changes are simply copied to the repository (Figure XXX):

Wolfman Commits First

If Dracula now tries to commit something that would overwrite Wolfman's changes the version control system stops him and points out the conflict (Figure XXX):

Dracula Has a Conflict

Dracula must resolve that conflict before the version control system will allow him to commit his work. He can accept what Wolfman did, replace it with what he has done, or write something new that combines the two—that's up to him. Once he has fixed things, he can go ahead and commit.

Let's start by looking at the basic workflow we use when working with a version control system. To keep things simple, we'll assume that the Mummy has already put some notes in a version control repository on the universal.software-carpentry.org server. The full URL for this repository is https://universal.software-carpentry.org/monsters. Every repository has an address like this that uniquely identifies the location of the master copy.

It's Monday night. In order to get a working copy on his computer, Dracula has to check out a copy of the repository. He only has to do this once per project: once he has a working copy, he can update it over and over again to get other people's work:

There's More Than One Way To Do It

We will drive Subversion from the command line in our examples, but if you prefer using a GUI, there are many for you to choose from:

While in his home directory, Dracula types the command:

$ svn checkout https://universal.software-carpentry.org/monsters

This creates a new directory called monsters and fills it with a copy of the repository's contents (Figure XXX).

A    monsters/jupiter
A    monsters/mars
A    monsters/mars/mons-olympus.txt
A    monsters/mars/cydonia.txt
A    monsters/earth
A    monsters/earth/himalayas.txt
A    monsters/earth/antarctica.txt
A    monsters/earth/carlsbad.txt
Checked out revision 6.
Example Repository

Dracula can then go into this directory and use regular shell commands to view the files:

$ cd monsters
$ ls
earth   jupiter mars
$ ls *
antarctica.txt  carlsbad.txt  himalayas.txt


cydonia.txt  mons-olympus.txt

Don't Let the Working Copies Overlap

It's very important that the working copies of different project do not overlap; in particular, we should never try to check out one project inside a working copy of another project. The reason is that Subversion stories information about the current state of a working copy in special sub-directories called .svn:

$ pwd
$ ls -a
.    ..    .svn    earth    jupiter    mars
$ ls -F .svn
entries    prop-base/    props/    text-base/    tmp/

If two working copies overlap, the files in the .svn directories for one repository will be clobbered by the other repository's .svn files, and Subversion will become hopelessly confused.

Dracula can find out more about the history of the project using Subversion's log command:

$ svn log
r6 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:21:10 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

Damn the budget---the Jovian moons would be a _perfect_ place for a lair.
r5 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:19:39 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

The budget might not even stretch to a deep-sea lair... :-(
r4 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:17:46 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

Budget cuts may force us to reconsider Earth as a base.
r3 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:14:14 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

Converting to wiki-formatted text.
r2 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:11:55 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

Hide near the face in Cydonia, perhaps?
r1 | mummy | 2010-07-26 09:08:23 -0400 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) | 1 line

Thoughts on Mons Olympus (probably too obvious)

Subversion displays a summary of all the changes made to the project so far. This list includes the revision number, the name of the person who made the change, the date the change was made, and whatever comment the user provided when the change was submitted. As we can see, the monsters project is currently at revision 6, and all changes so far have been made by the Mummy.

Notice how detailed the comments on the updates are. Good comments are as important in version control as they are in coding. Without them, it can be very difficult to figure out who did what, when, and why. We can use comments like "Changed things" and "Fixed it" if we want, or even no comments at all, but we'll only be making more work for our future selves.

Another thing to notice is that the revision number applies to the whole repository, not to a particular file. When we talk about "version 61" we mean "the state of all files and directories at that point." Older version control systems like CVS gave each file a new version number when it was updated, which meant that version 38 of one file could correspond in time to version 17 of another (Figure XXX). Experience shows that global version numbers that apply to everything in the repository are easier to manage than per-file version numbers, so that's what Subversion uses.

Version Numbering in CVS and Subversion

A couple of cubicles away, Wolfman also runs svn checkout to get a working copy of the repository. He also gets version 6, so the files on his machine are the same as the files on Dracula's. While he is looking through the files, Dracula decides to add some information to the repository about Jupiter's moons. Using his favorite editor, he creates a file in the jupiter directory called moons.txt, and fills it with information about Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Calisto         1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3

After double-checking his data, he wants to commit the file to the repository so that everyone else on the project can see it. The first step is to add the file to his working copy using svn add:

$ svn add jupiter/moons.txt
A         jupiter/moons.txt

Adding a file is not the same as creating it—he has already done that. Instead, the svn add command tells Subversion to add the file to the list of things it's supposed to manage. It's quite common, particularly in programming projects, to have backup files or intermediate files in a directory that aren't worth storing in the repository. This is why version control requires us to explicitly tell it which files are to be managed.

Once he has told Subversion to add the file, Dracula can go ahead and commit his changes to the repository. He uses the -m flag to provide a one-line message explaining what he's doing; if he didn't, Subversion would open his default editor so that he could type in something longer.

$ svn commit -m "Some basic facts about the Galilean moons of Jupiter." jupiter/moons.txt
Adding         jupiter/moons.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 7.

When Dracula runs this command, Subversion establishes a connection to the server, copies over his changes, and updates the revision number from 6 to 7 (Figure XXX). Again, this version number applies to the whole repository, not just to files that have changed.

Updated Repository

Back in his cubicle, Wolfman uses svn update to update his working copy. It tells him that a new file has been added and brings his working copy up to date with version 7 of the repository, because this is now the most recent revision (also called the head). svn update updates an existing working copy, rather than checking out a new one. While svn checkout is usually only run once per project per machine, svn update may be run many times a day.

Looking in the new file jupiter/moons.txt, Wolfman notices that Dracula has misspelled "Callisto" (it is supposed to have two L's.) Wolfman edits that line of the file:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3

He also adds a line about Amalthea, which he thinks might be a good site for a secret lair despite its small size:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           125.0
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3

uses the svn status command to check that he hasn't accidentally changed anything else:

$ svn status
M       jupiter/moons.txt

and then runs svn commit. Since has hasn't used the -m flag to provide a message on the command line, Subversion launches his default editor and shows him:

--This line, and those below, will be ignored--

M    jupiter/moons.txt

He changes this to be

1. Fixed typo in moon's name: 'Calisto' -> 'Callisto'.
2. Added information about Amalthea.
--This line, and those below, will be ignored--

M    jupiter/moons.txt

When he saves this temporary file and exits the editor, Subversion commits his changes:

Sending        jupiter/moons.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 8.

Note that since Wolfman didn't specify a particular file to commit, Subversion commits all of his changes. This is why he ran the svn status command first.

Working With Multiple Files

Our example only includes one file, but version control can work on any number of files at once. For example, if Wolfman noticed that a dozen data files had the same incorrect header, he could change it in all 12 files, then commit all those changes at once. This is actually the best way to work: every logical change to the project should be a single commit, and every commit should include everything involved in one logical change.

That night, when Dracula rises from his coffin to start work, the first thing he wants to do is get Wolfman's changes. Before updating his working copy with svn update, though, he wants to see the differences between what he has and what he will have if he updates. To do this, Dracula uses svn diff. When run without arguments, it compares what's in his working copy to what he started with, and shows no differences:

$ svn diff

To compare his working copy to the master, Dracula uses svn diff -r HEAD. The -r flag is used to specify a revision, while HEAD means "the latest version of the master".

$ svn diff -r HEAD
--- moons.txt(revision 8)
+++ moons.txt(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
+Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           125.0
 Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
 Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
 Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
-Calisto         1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3
+Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3

After looking over the changes, Dracula goes ahead and does the update.

Reading a Diff

The output of diff isn't particularly user-friendly, but actually isn't that hard to figure out. The first two lines:

--- moons.txt(revision 9)
+++ moons.txt(working copy)

signal that '-' will be used to show content from revision 9 and '+' to show content from the user's working copy. The next line, with the '@' markers, indicates where lines were inserted or removed. This isn't really intended for human consumption: a variety of other software tools will use this information.

The most important parts of what follows are the lines marked with '+' and '-', which show insertions and deletions respectively. Here, we can see that the line for Amalthea was inserted, and that the line for Callisto was changed (which is indicated by an add and a delete right next to one another). Many editors and other tools can display diffs like this in a two-column display, highlighting changes.

This is a very common workflow, and is the basic heartbeat of most developers' days. To recap, the steps are:

  1. Check to see if there are changes in the repository to download.
  2. Update our working copy with those changes.
  3. Do our own work.
  4. Commit our changes to the repository so that other people can get them.

It's worth noticing here how important Wolfman's comments about his changes were. It's hard to see the difference between "Calisto" with one 'L' and "Callisto" with two, even if the line containing the difference has been highlighted. Without Wolfman's comments, Dracula might have wasted time wondering what the difference was.

In fact, Wolfman should probably have committed his two changes separately, since there's no logical connection between fixing a typo in Callisto's name and adding information about Amalthea to the same file. Just as a function or program should do one job and one job only, a single commit to version control should have a single logical purpose so that it's easier to find, understand, and if necessary undo later on.


Merging Conflicts


Dracula and Wolfman have both synchronized their working copies of monsters with version 8 of the repository. Dracula now edits his copy to change Amalthea's radius from a single number to a triple to reflect its irregular shape:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           131 x 73 x 67
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3

He then commits his work, creating revision 9 of the repository (Figure XXX).

After Dracula Commits

But while he is doing this, Wolfman is editing his copy to add information about two other minor moons, Himalia and Elara:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           131
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3
Himalia         11460           250.5662        0.095           85.0
Elara           11740           259.6528        0.008           40.0

When Wolfman tries to commit his changes to the repository, Subversion won't let him:

$ svn commit -m "Added data for Himalia, Elara"
Sending        jupiter/moons.txt
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File or directory 'moons.txt' is out of date; try updating
svn: resource out of date; try updating

The reason is that Wolfman's changes were based on revision 8, but the repository is now at revision 9, and the file that Wolfman is trying to overwrite is different in the later revision. (Remember, one of version control's main jobs is to make sure that people don't trample on each other's work.) Wolfman has to update his working copy to get Dracula's changes before he can commit. Luckily, Dracula edited a line that Wolfman didn't change, so Subversion can merge the differences automatically.

This does not mean that Wolfman's changes have been committed to the repository: Subversion only does that when it's ordered to. Wolfman's changes are still in his working copy, and only in his working copy. But since Wolfman's version of the file now includes the lines that Dracula added, Wolfman can go ahead and commit them as usual to create revision 10.

Wolfman's working copy is now in sync with the master, but Dracula's is one behind at revision 9. At this point, they independently decide to add measurement units to the columns in moons.txt. Wolfman is quicker off the mark this time; he adds a line to the file:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
                (10**3 km)      (days)          (10**20 kg)     (km)
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           131 x 73 x 67
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3
Himalia         11460           250.5662        0.095           85.0
Elara           11740           259.6528        0.008           40.0

and commits it to create revision 11. While he is doing this, though, Dracula inserts a different line at the top of the file:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
                * 10^3 km       * days          * 10^20 kg      * km
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           131 x 73 x 67
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3
Himalia         11460           250.5662        0.095           85.0
Elara           11740           259.6528        0.008           40.0

Once again, when Dracula tries to commit, Subversion tells him he can't. But this time, when Dracula does updates his working copy, he doesn't just get the line Wolfman added to create revision 11. There is an actual conflict in the file, so Subversion asks Dracula what he wants to do:

$ svn update
Conflict discovered in 'jupiter/moons.txt'.
Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,
        (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict,
        (s) show all options:

Dracula choose p for "postpone", which tells Subversion that he'll deal with the problem later. Once the update is finished, he opens moons.txt in his editor and sees:

 Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass
+<<<<<<< .mine
         +                * 10^3 km       * days         * 10^20 kg
+                (10**3 km)      (days)         (10**20 kg)
+>>>>>>> .r11
 Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.074
 Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2
 Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0
 Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9
 Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9

As we can see, Subversion has inserted conflict markers in moons.txt wherever there is a conflict. The line <<<<<<< .mine shows the start of the conflict, and is followed by the lines from the local copy of the file. The separator ======= is then followed by the lines from the repository's file that are in conflict with that section, while >>>>>>> .r11 marks the end of the conflict.

Before he can commit, Dracula has to edit his copy of the file to get rid of those markers. He changes it to:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
                (10^3 km)       (days)          (10^20 kg)      (km)
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179        0.075           131 x 73 x 67
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2           1821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0           1560.8
Ganymede        1070.4          7.154553        1481.9          2631.2
Callisto        1882.7          16.689018       1075.9          2410.3
Himalia         11460           250.5662        0.095           85.0
Elara           11740           259.6528        0.008           40.0

then uses the svn resolved command to tell Subversion that he has fixed the problem. Subversion will now let him commit to create revision 12.

Auxiliary Files

When Dracula did his update and Subversion detected the conflict in moons.txt, it created three temporary files to help Dracula resolve it. The first is called moons.txt.r9; it is the file as it was in Dracula's local copy before he started making changes, i.e., the common ancestor for his work and whatever he is in conflict with.

The second file is moons.txt.r11. This is the most up-to-date revision from the repository—the file as it is including Wolfman's changes. The third temporary file, moons.txt.mine, is the file as it was in Dracula's working copy before he did the Subversion update.

Subversion creates these auxiliary files primarily to help people merge conflicts in binary files. It wouldn't make sense to insert <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> characters into an image file (it would almost certainly result in a corrupted image). The svn resolved command deletes these three extra files as well as telling Subversion that the conflict has been taken care of.

Some power users prefer to work with interpolated conflict markers directly, but for the rest of us, there are several tools for displaying differences and helping to merge them, including Diffuse and WinMerge. If Dracula launches Diffuse, it displays his file, the common base that he and Wolfman were working from, and Wolfman's file in a three-pane view (Figure XXX):

A Difference Viewer

Dracula can use the buttons to merge changes from either of the edited versions into the common ancestor, or edit the central pane directly. Again, once he is done, he uses svn resolved and svn commit to create revision 12 of the repository.

In this case, the conflict was small and easy to fix. However, if two or more people on a team are repeatedly creating conflicts for one another, it's usually a signal of deeper communication problems: either they aren't talking as often as they should, or their responsibilities overlap. If used properly, the version control system can help the team find and fix these issues so that it will be more productive in future.

Working With Multiple Files

As mentioned earlier, every logical change to a project should result in a single commit, and every commit should represent one logical change. This is especially true when resolving conflicts: the work done to reconcile one person's changes with another are often complicated, so it should be a single entry in the project's history, with other, later, changes coming after it.


Recovering Old Versions


Now that we have seen how to merge files and resolve conflicts, we can look at how to use version control as an "infinite undo". Suppose that when Wolfman starts work late one night, his copy of monsters is in sync with the head at revision 12. He decides to edit the file moons.txt; unfortunately, he forgot that there was a full moon, so his changes don't make a lot of sense:

Just one moon can make me growl
Four would make me want to howl

When he's back in human form the next day, he wants to undo his changes. Without version control, his choices would be grim: he could try to edit them back into their original state by hand (which for some reason hardly ever seems to work), or ask his colleagues to send him their copies of the files (which is almost as embarrassing as chasing the neighbor's cat when in wolf form).

Since he's using Subversion, though, and hasn't committed his work to the repository, all he has to do is revert his local changes. svn revert simply throws away local changes to files and puts things back the way they were before those changes were made. This is a purely local operation: since Subversion stores the history of the project inside every working copy, Wolfman doesn't need to be connected to the network to do this.

To start, Wolfman uses svn diff without the -r HEAD flag to take a look at the differences between his file and the master copy in the repository. Since he doesn't want to keep his changes, his next command is svn revert moons.txt.

$ cd jupiter
$ svn revert moons.txt
Reverted   moons.txt

What if someone has committed their changes, but still wants to undo them? For example, suppose Dracula decides that the numbers in moons.txt would look better with commas. He edits the file to put them in:

Name            Orbital Radius  Orbital Period  Mass            Radius
                (10^3 km)       (days)          (10^20 kg)      (km)
Amalthea        181.4           0.498179          0.075      131 x 73 x 67
Io              421.6           1.769138        893.2          1,821.6
Europa          670.9           3.551181        480.0          1,560.8
Ganymede      1,070.4           7.154553      1,481.9          2,631.2
Callisto      1,882.7          16.689018      1,075.9          2,410.3
Himalia      11,460           250.5662            0.095           85.0
Elara        11,740           259.6528            0.008           40.0

then commits his changes to create revision 13. A little while later, the Mummy sees the change and orders Dracula to put things back the way they were. What should Dracula do?

We can draw the sequence of events leading up to revision 13 as shown in Fixture XXX:

Before Undoing

Dracula wants to erase revision 13 from the repository, but he can't actually do that: once a change is in the repository, it's there forever. What he can do instead is merge the old revision with the current revision to create a new revision (Fixture XXX).

Merging History

This is exactly like merging changes made by two different people; the only difference is that the "other person" is his past self.

To undo his commas, Dracula must merge revision 12 (the one before his change) with revision 13 (the current head revision) using svn merge:

$ svn merge -r HEAD:12 moons.txt
-- Reverse-merging r13 into 'moons.txt'
U  moons.txt

The -r flag specifies the range of revisions to merge: to undo the changes from revision 12 to revision 13, he uses either 13:12 or HEAD:12 (since he is going backward in time from the most recent revision to revision 12). This is called a reverse merge because he's going backward in time.

After he runs this command, he must run svn commit to save the changes to the repository. This creates a new revision, number 14, rather than erasing revision 13. That way, the changes he made to create revision 13 are still there if he can ever convince the Mummy that numbers should have commas.

Merging can be used to recover older revisions of files, not just the most recent, and to recover many files or directories at a time. The most frequent use, though, is to manage parallel streams of development in large projects. This is outside the scope of this chapter, but the basic idea is simple.

Suppose that Universal Monsters has just released a new program for designing secret lairs. Dracula and Wolfman are supposed to start adding a few features that had to be left out of the first release because time ran short. At the same time, Frankenstein and the Mummy are doing technical support: their job is to fix any bugs that users find. All sorts of things could go wrong if both teams tried to work on the same code at the same time. For example, if Frankenstein fixed a bug and sent a new copy of the program to a user in Greenland, it would be all too easy for him to accidentally include the half-completed shark tank control feature that Wolfman was working on.

The usual way to handle this situation is to create a branch in the repository for each major sub-project (Figure XXX). While Wolfman and Dracula work on the main line, Frankenstein and the Mummy create a branch, which is just another copy of the repository's files and directories that is also under version control. They can work in their branch without disturbing Wolfman and Dracula and vice versa:

Branching and Merging

Branches in version control repositories are often described as "parallel universes". Each branch starts off as a clone of the project at some moment in time (typically each time the software is released, or whenever work starts on a major new feature). Changes made to a branch only affect that branch, just as changes made to the files in one directory don't affect files in other directories. However, the branch and the main line are both stored in the same repository, so their revision numbers are always in step.

If someone decides that a bug fix in one branch should also be made in another, all they have to do is merge the files in question. This is exactly like merging an old version of a file with the current one, but instead of going backward in time, the change is brought sideways from one branch to another.

Branching helps projects scale up by letting sub-teams work independently, but too many branches can cause as many problems as they solve. Karl Fogel's excellent book Producing Open Source Software, and Laura Wingerd and Christopher Seiwald's paper "High-level Best Practices in Software Configuration Management", talk about branches in much more detail. Projects usually don't need to do this until they have a dozen or more developers, or until several versions of their software are in simultaneous use, but using branches is a key part of switching from software carpentry to software engineering.


Setting up a Repository


It is finally time to see how to create a repository. As a quick recap, we will keep the master copy of our work in a repository on a server that we can access from other machines on the internet. That master copy consists of files and directories that no-one ever edits directly. Instead, a copy of Subversion running on that machine manages updates for us and watches for conflicts. Our working copy is a mirror image of the master sitting on our computer. When our Subversion client needs to communicate with the master, it exchanges data with the copy of Subversion running on the server.

What's Needed for a Repository

To make this to work, we need four things (Figure XXX):

  1. The repository itself. It's not enough to create an empty directory and start filling it with files: Subversion needs to create a lot of other structure in order to keep track of old revisions, who made what changes, and so on.
  2. The full URL of the repository. This includes the URL of the server and the path to the repository on that machine. (The second part is needed because a single server can, and usually will, host many repositories.)
  3. Permission to read or write the master copy. Many open source projects give the whole world permission to read from their repository, but very few allow strangers to write to it: there are just too many possibilities for abuse. Somehow, we have to set up a password or something like it so that users can prove who they are.
  4. A working copy of the repository on our computer. Once the first three things are in place, this just means running the checkout command.

To keep things simple, we will start by creating a repository on the machine that we're working on. This won't let us share our work with other people, but it will allow us to save the history of our work as we go along.

The command to create a repository is svnadmin create, followed by the path to the repository. If we want to create a repository called lair_repo directly under our home directory, we just cd to get home and run svnadmin create lair_repo. This command creates a directory called lair_repo to hold our repository, and fills it with various files that Subversion uses to keep track of the project's history:

$ cd
$ svnadmin create lair_repo
$ ls -F lair_repo
README.txt    conf/    db/    format    hooks/    locks/

We should never edit anything in this repository directly. Doing so probably won't shred our sanity and leave us gibbering in mindless horror, but it will almost certainly make the repository unusable.

To get a working copy of this repository, we use Subversion's checkout command. If our home directory is /users/mummy, then the full path to the repository we just created is /users/mummy/lair_repo, so we run svn checkout file:///users/mummy/lair lair_working.

Working backward, the second argument, lair_working, specifies where the working copy is to be put. The first argument is the URL of our repository, and it has two parts. /users/mummy/lair_repo is the path to repository directory. file:// specifies the protocol that Subversion will use to communicate with the repository—in this case, it says that the repository is part of the local machine's filesystem. Notice that the protocol ends in two slashes, while the absolute path to the repository starts with a slash, making three in total. A very common mistake is to type only two, since that's what web URLs normally have.

When we're doing a checkout, it is very important that we provide the second argument, which specifies the name of the directory we want the working copy to be put in. Without it, Subversion will try to use the name of the repository, lair_repo, as the name of the working copy. Since we're in the directory that contains the repository, this means that Subversion will try to overwrite the repository with a working copy. Again, there isn't much risk of our sanity being torn to shreds, but this could ruin our repository.

To avoid this problem, most people create a sub-directory in their account called something like repos, and then create their repositories in that. For example, we could create our repository in /users/mummy/repos/lair, then check out a working copy as /users/mummy/lair. This practice makes both names easier to read.

The obvious next steps are to put our repository on a server, rather than on our personal machine, and to give other people access to the repository we have just created so that they can work with us. We'll discuss the first in a later chapter, but unfortunately, the second really does require things that we are not going to cover in this course. If you want to do this, you can:

If you choose the second or third option, please check with whoever handles intellectual property at your institution to make sure that putting your work on a commercially-operated machine that is probably in some other legal jurisdiction isn't going to cause trouble. Many people assume that it's "just OK", while others act as if not having asked will be an acceptable defence later on. Unfortunately, neither is true…




In art, the provenance of a work is the history of who owned it, when, and where. In science, it's the record of how a particular result came to be: what raw data was processed by what version of what program to create which intermediate files, what was used to turn those files into which figures of which papers, and so on.

One of the central ideas of this course is that wen can automatically track the provenance of scientific data. To start, suppose we have a text file combustion.dat in a Subversion repository. Run the following two commands:

$ svn propset svn:keywords Revision combustion.dat
$ svn commit -m "Turning on the 'Revision' keyword" combustion.dat

Now open the file in an editor and add the following line somewhere near the top:

# $Revision:$

The '#' sign isn't important: it's just what .dat files use to show comments. The $Revision:$ string, on the other hand, means something special to Subversion. Save the file, and commit the change:

$ svn commit -m "Inserting the 'Revision' keyword" combustion.dat

When we open the file again, we'll see that Subversion has changed that line to something like:

# $Revision: 143$

i.e., Subversion has inserted the version number after the colon and before the closing $.

Here's what just happened. First, Subversion allows you to set properties for files and and directories. These properties aren't in the files or directories themselves, but live in Subversion's database. One of those properties, svn:keywords, tells Subversion to look in files that are being changed for strings of the form $propertyname: …$, where propertyname is a string like Revision or Author. (About half a dozen such strings are supported.)

If it sees such a string, Subversion rewrites it as the commit is taking place to replace with the current version number, the name of the person making the change, or whatever else the property's name tells it to do. You only have to add the string to the file once; after that, Subversion updates it for you every time the file changes.

Putting the version number in the file this way can be pretty handy. If you copy the file to another machine, for example, it carries its version number with it, so you can tell which version you have even if it's outside version control. We'll see some more useful things we can do with this information in the next chapter.

When Not to Use Version Control

Despite the rapidly decreasing cost of storage, it is still possible to run out of disk space. In some labs, people can easy go through 2 TB/month if they're not careful. Since version control tools usually store revisions in terms of lines, with binary data files, they end up essentially storing every revision separately. This isn't that bad (it's what we'd be doing anyway), but it means version control isn't doing what it likes to do, and the repository can get very large very quickly. Another concern is that if very old data will no longer be used, it can be nice to archive or delete old data files. This is not possible if our data is version controlled: information can only be added to a repository, so it can only ever increase in size.

We can use this trick with shell scripts too, or with almost any other kind of program. Going back to Nelle Nemo's data processing from the previous chapter, for example, suppose she writes a shell script that uses gooclean to tidy up data files. Her first version looks like this:

for filename in $*
    gooclean -b 0 100 < $filename > cleaned-$filename

i.e., it runs gooclean with bounding values of 0 and 100 for each specified file, putting the result in a temporary file with a well-defined name. Assuming that '#' is the comment character for those kinds of data files, she could instead write:

for filename in $*
    echo "gooclean $Revision: 901$ -b 0 100" > $filename
    gooclean -b 0 100 < $filename >> cleaned-$filename

The first change puts a line in the output file that describes how that file was created. The second change is to use >> instead of > to redirect gooclean's output to the file. >> means "append to": instead of overwriting whatever is in the file, it adds more content to it. This ensures that the first line of the file is the provenance record, with the actual output of gooclean after it.


Summing Up

Correlation does not imply causality, but there is a very strong correlation between using version control and doing good computational science. There's an equally strong correlation between not using it and wasting effort, so today (the middle of 2012), I will not review a paper if the software used in it is not under version control. Its authors' work might be interesting, but without the kind of record-keeping that version control provides, there's no way to know exactly what they did and when. Just as importantly, if someone doesn't know enough about computing to use version control, the odds are good that they don't know enough to do the programming right either.

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