Compiling --------- Sawsim is written in noweb_ (`noweb` in Debian-based distributions). Extract Makefile and compile with: $ notangle -Rmakefile src/sawsim.nw | sed 's/ /\t/' > Makefile $ make Run the unit tests with: $ make check .. _noweb: Dependencies ------------ Sawsim depends on the GSL_ (GNU Scientific Library) development package (`libgsl0-dev` in Debian-based distributions). The unit test programs `check_*` depend on the check_ package (`check` in Debian-based distributions). .. _GSL: .. _check: Python wrapper -------------- The `sawsim` binary only runs a single pull, but you'll probably want to run many repetitions to generate enough data for significant statistical analysis. To facilitate this, we provide the `pysawsim` module which provides a higher level interface to `sawsim`. License ------- Saswim is released under the GNU GPLv3+. See `COPYING` for details.