BibTeX_ is a bibliographic database format and processing tool often used with LaTeX. .. _BibTeX: sawsim.bib ========== I maintain the bibliography format with pybtex_. The actual command used to re-format the files is $ python -c 'from pybtex.database.input.bibtex import Parser; from pybtex.database.output.clean_bibtex import Writer; p = Parser(); d = p.parse_file("src/sawsim.bib"); w = Writer(); w.write_file(d, "src/sawsim.bib", p.get_raw_macros())' 2> pybtex.log Be sure to look over `pybtex.log` and `git diff src/sawsim.bib` for anything suspicious before committing the new file. You may have to do some find-and-replacing to handle changed keys and consolidate or rename automatically generated macros. .. _pybtex: % which I can kindof achieve with % $ bibtool -f '%-1n(author)%2d(year)' wtk.bib -o wtk1.bib % Except any paper with more than one author has a '.ea' appended to the name % and bibtool removes all comments :(. Basic usage =========== At some point in your LaTeX document \bibliographystyle{prsty} % Phys. Rev. style other syles include `abbrv`, `alpha`, `plain`, `unsrt`, ... In your LaTeX document where you want the bibliography: \bibliography{wtk} % wtk.bib is the name of the database compile (using `latex` for example) with $ latex example $ bibtex example $ latex example $ latex example Natbib ====== The Natbib package adds support for other citation styles & link formats. Makebst ======= Customize bibliography with Makebst (`latex makebst`), makes `.bst` (bib-style) format files according to your specifications. References ========== There are a number of good resources to get you going: * very basic tutorial: * process overview: * entry types reference * fields reference * entry and fields reference, but with little discussion * examples of assorted styles * assorted tools * Nelson Beebe's list of bibliographies * Nelson Beebe's GNU bibliography