Import required modules. >>> from pycomedi.device import Device >>> from import DigitalChannel >>> from pycomedi.constant import SUBDEVICE_TYPE, IO_DIRECTION Open a device. >>> device = Device('/dev/comedi0') >>> Get your DIO subdevice (alternatively, use `device.subdevice()` to select the subdevice directly by index). >>> subdevice = device.find_subdevice_by_type(SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio) Generate a list of channels you wish to control. >>> channels = [, factory=DigitalChannel) ... for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)] Configure the channels. >>> for chan in channels: ... chan.dio_config(IO_DIRECTION.input) Read/write either as a block... >>> value = subdevice.dio_bitfield(base_channel=0) >>> value # doctest: +SKIP 255L ... or sequentially. >>> value = [c.dio_read() for c in channels] >>> value # doctest: +SKIP [1, 1, 1, 1] Close the device when you're done. >>> device.close()