Flexible aggregation for iCalendar feeds (:RFC:`5545`). The iCalender standard provides a common format for exchanging calendar information. This project aims to provide a library with a clean API for aggregating and processing iCalendar feeds. What you do with that processed information is up to you. There are a number of existing aggregators, ranging from the closed-source `Google Calendar`_ to the open-source elmcity_ and Calagator_. However, I want a library that can work as an iCalendar version of feedparser_, and `code for a web-frontend`__ is just dead weight. __ `elmcity code`_ Installation ============ Pycalendar is packaged with distutils_, so you can install it in all the usual ways. Any of the following should work:: $ python setup.py install $ pip install pycalendar There are no dependencies outside Python's standard library. Testing ======= Test with nose_:: $ nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-tests pycalendar .. _Calagator: http://calagator.org/ .. _distutils: http://docs.python.org/3/distutils/ .. _elmcity: http://elmcity.cloudapp.net/ .. _elmcity code: https://github.com/judell/elmcity .. _feedparser: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser/ .. _Google Calendar: https://support.google.com/calendar/ .. _nose: https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/