Assignment #4

Due Friday, October 29, 2010


Learn how to implement a truly parallel algorithm.

Note: Please identify all your work.

This assignment consists in building your own broadcast code based on a binary tree. The code print_tree.c (see Global Operations) provides a simple implementation of a binary tree based on node zero as being the root. It generates the node numbers from which any node is to receive the information and to which to send this information.

Part A

Write a function My_Bcast() that performs a broadcast similar as the one provided by MPICH2. It should follow the same syntax as MPI_Bcast(), namely

int My_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root,
             MPI_Comm comm)

This function should be based on the skeleton code print_tree.c. It should therefore assume that root is process zero (0). If not, it should print out an error message quoting this fact and return an exit code one (1).

Test your routine carefully for various process numbers and different count and datatype in the call.

Part B

Instrument your code for timing measurements. Modify your main code to broadcast the information three (3) different ways:

  1. sequentially via a for loop,
  2. via your My_Bcast(), and
  3. via the MPICH2 MPI_Bcast().

Broadcast 10,000 integers 100 times and take an average over the 100 broadcasts to smooth out the time fluctuations. Repeat for 10,000 double. Tabulate your timings and comment on the results.

Part C

Modify My_Bcast() to be able to broadcast from any process (the root process) within the virtual machine. Check your code carefully for different root processes and various numbers of processes.