#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # Monkeysphere Validation Agent Client, Perl version # Copyright © 2010 Jameson Greaf Rollins # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use warnings; use strict; use Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA::Client; sub usage { my $name = shift; printf STDERR ("Usage: %s CONTEXT PEER PKC_TYPE [PEER_TYPE] < PKC_DATA %s CONTEXT PEER PKC_TYPE PEER_TYPE PKC_DATA %s --version ", $name, $name, $name); } my $context = shift; if ((!defined($context)) || $context eq '--help') { usage($0); exit (defined($context) ? 0 : 1); } elsif ($context eq '--version') { my $client = Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA::Client->new( socket => $ENV{MONKEYSPHERE_VALIDATION_AGENT_SOCKET}, log_level => $ENV{MSVA_LOG_LEVEL}, ); my ($status,$ret) = $client->agent_info(); $client->log('verbose', "status: %s\n", $status); if (defined $ret) { printf("%s", $ret->{server}); exit 0; } exit 1; } my $peer = shift; my $pkctype = shift; my $peertype = shift; my $pkcdata = shift; if (!defined $pkcdata) { # load raw pkc data from stdin $pkcdata = do { local $/; # slurp! ; }; } my $client = Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA::Client->new( socket => $ENV{MONKEYSPHERE_VALIDATION_AGENT_SOCKET}, log_level => $ENV{MSVA_LOG_LEVEL}, ); my ($status,$ret) = $client->query_agent($context,$peer,$peertype,$pkctype,$pkcdata); $client->log('verbose', "status: %s\n", $status); if (defined $ret) { $client->log('info', "valid: %s\n", $ret->{valid}); $client->log('info', "server: %s\n", $ret->{server}); printf("%s", $ret->{message}); if ($ret->{valid}) { exit 0 } else { exit 1; } } else { printf("%s", $status); exit 100; } __END__ =head1 NAME msva-query-agent - query a Monkeysphere Validation Agent =head1 SYNOPSIS msva-query-agent CONTEXT PEER PKC_TYPE [PEER_TYPE] < /path/to/public_key_carrier msva-query-agent CONTEXT PEER PKC_TYPE PEER_TYPE PKC_DATA msva-query-agent --version =head1 ABSTRACT msva-query-agent validates certificates for a given use by querying a running Monkeysphere Validation Agent. =head1 USAGE msva-query-agent reads a certificate from standard input, and posts it to the running Monkeysphere Validation Agent. The return code indicates the validity (as determined by the agent) of the certificate for the specified purpose. The agent's return message (if any) is emitted on stdout. The various arguments are: =over 4 =item CONTEXT Context in which the certificate is being validated (e.g. 'https', 'ssh', 'ike') =item PEER The name of the intended peer. When validating a certificate for a service, supply the host's full DNS name (e.g. 'foo.example.net') =item PKC_TYPE The format of public key carrier data provided on standard input (e.g. 'x509der', 'x509pem', 'opensshpubkey', 'rfc4716', 'openpgp4fpr') =item PEER_TYPE The type of peer we are inquiring about (e.g. 'client', 'server', 'peer'). This argument is optional and defaults will be used (based on CONTEXT) if it is not supplied. =item PKC_DATA This is the actual public key carrier data itself. If less than five arguments are given, then the PKC_DATA is expected on stdin. If five arguments are given, the fifth argument is interpreted as the PKC_DATA. This is likely only useful for supplying an OpenPGP fingerprint with the 'openpgp4fpr' type. =back =head1 RETURN CODE If the certificate is valid for the requested peer in the given context, the return code is 0. Otherwise, the return code is 1. =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES msva-query-agent's behavior is controlled by environment variables: =over 4 =item MONKEYSPHERE_VALIDATION_AGENT_SOCKET Socket over which to query the validation agent. If unset, the default value is 'http://localhost:8901'. =item MSVA_LOG_LEVEL Log messages about its operation to stderr. MSVA_LOG_LEVEL controls its verbosity, and should be one of (in increasing verbosity): silent, quiet, fatal, error, info, verbose, debug, debug1, debug2, debug3. Default is 'error'. =back =head1 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL DETAILS Communications with the Monkeysphere Validation Agent are in the form of JSON requests over plain HTTP. Responses from the agent are also JSON objects. For details on the structure of the requests and responses, please see http://web.monkeysphere.info/validation-agent/protocol =head1 SEE ALSO msva-perl(1), monkeysphere(1), monkeysphere(7) =head1 BUGS AND FEEDBACK Bugs or feature requests for msva-perl and associated tools should be filed with the Monkeysphere project's bug tracker at https://labs.riseup.net/code/projects/monkeysphere/issues/ =head1 AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Jameson Graef Rollins Ejrollins@finestructure.net Daniel Kahn Gillmor Edkg@fifthhorseman.net The Monkeysphere Team http://web.monkeysphere.info/ =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright © 2010, Jameson Graef Rollins and others from the Monkeysphere team. msva-query-agent is free software, distributed under the GNU Public License, version 3 or later.