# NAME ikiwiki-makerepo - check an ikiwiki srcdir into revision control # SYNOPSIS ikiwiki-makerepo svn|git|monotone|darcs srcdir repository ikiwiki-makerepo mercurial|darcs srcdir # DESCRIPTION `ikiwiki-makerepo` injects a `srcdir` directory, containing an ikiwiki wiki, into a `repository` that it creates. The repository can be a svn, git, or mercurial repository. Note that for mercurial, the srcdir is converted into a mercurial repository. There is no need to have a separate repository with mercurial. For darcs, the second (one-argument) form turns the given srcdir into a darcs master repository with the (new) srcdir inside. Adjust your ikiwiki.setup according to the command output! Also, the master repo's apply hook will be preconfigured to call a (hypothetical) ikiwiki wrapper. The command reports the relevant file. Adjust it as needed or remove it if you don't use the cgi script. Note that for monotone, you are assumed to already have run "mtn genkey" to generate key. # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: this page is automatically made into ikiwiki-makerepo's man page, edit with care