2 curves using a JPK ForceRobot. Posted to http://code.google.com/p/hooke/issues/detail?id=22 by albedomanu on Oct 16, 2009. default.cal is albedomanu's piezo calibration file /etc/opt/jpkspm-config-3.3.1/instruments/JPK00343/calibrations/default.cal The path is stored in the force curve zip file in segments/*/segment-header.properties as the value for channel..conversion-set.conversion..file channel.height.conversion-set.conversion.calibrated.file but can be overridden by an attrubute in the XML playlist, __to__calibration_file height_nominal_to_calibrated_calibration_file="default.cal" Relative paths are rooted in the same directory as the curve file. On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 02:30:37PM +0200, Michael Haggerty wrote: > I have attached a few sample files. The main directory contains a > couple of typical force scan files from the oldest and newest public > versions of this file format. The "Data1D" subdirectory contains files > showing the layout of the "data" part of force segments. Please note > that your program *will not* be able to read the Data1D examples because > they are fragments that are usually nested in a force file. They are > rather to give you an idea of what the different data types look like.