Hey Emacs, this is -*- outline -*- mode! * Before release: ** Some gpg tests fail with gpg 1.3.4-cvs (gpg/t-keylist-sig) The test is currently disabled there and in gpg/t-import. ** Add notation data to key signatures. * ABI's to break: ** I/O and User Data could be made extensible. But this can be done without breaking the ABI hopefully. ** Compatibility interfaces that can be removed in future versions: *** ath compatibility modules. *** gpgme_data_new_from_filepart *** gpgme_data_new_from_file *** gpgme_data_new_with_read_cb *** gpgme_data_rewind *** gpgme_op_import_ext *** gpgme_get_sig_key *** gpgme_get_sig_ulong_attr *** gpgme_get_sig_string_attr *** GPGME_SIG_STAT_* *** gpgme_get_sig_status *** gpgme_trust_item_release *** gpgme_trust_item_get_string_attr *** gpgme_trust_item_get_ulong_attr *** gpgme_attr_t *** All Gpgme* typedefs. * Thread support: ** When GNU Pth supports sendmsg/recvmsg, wrap them properly. ** Without timegm (3) support our ISO time parser is not thread safe. There is a configure time warning, though. * New features: ** notification system We need a simple notification system, probably a simple callback with a string and some optional arguments. This is for example required to notify an application of a changed smartcard, The application can then do whatever is required. There are other usages too. This notfication system should be independent of any contextes of course. ** --learn-code support This might be integrated with import. we still need to work out how to learn a card when gpg and gpgsm have support for smartcards. ** How to terminate a pending operation? Something like gpgme_op_reset, but where are you allowed to call it (think callback handlers). Then gpgme_op_*list_end can go. Update: The only place where this can go is returning errors from callback handlers, and a function to be called for example from the user event loop code. The user must observe the threading rules! A blocking thread can not be cancelled. ** Might need a stat() for data objects and use it for length param to gpg. ** Allow to export secret keys. ** Implement support for photo ids. ** New features requested by our dear users, but rejected or left for later consideration: *** Selecting the key ring, setting the version or comment in output. Rejected because the naive implementation is engine specific, the configuration is part of the engine's configuration or readily worked around in a different way *** Selecting the symmetric cipher. *** Exchanging keys with key servers. ** Allow selection of subkeys ** Allow to return time stamps in ISO format This allows us to handle years later than 2037 properly. With the time_t interface they are all mapped to 2037-12-31 * Documentation ** Document validity and trust issues. * Engines ** Do not create/destroy engines, but create engine and then reset it. Internally the reset operation still spawns a new engine process, but this can be replaced with a reset later. Also, be very sure to release everything properly at a reset and at an error. Think hard about where to guarantee what (ie, what happens if start fails, are the fds unregistered immediately - i think so?) ** Optimize the case where a data object has an underlying fd we can pass directly to the engine. This will be automatic with socket I/O and descriptor passing. ** Move code common to all engines up from gpg to engine. ** engine operations can return General Error on unknown protocol (it's an internal error, as select_protocol checks already). ** When server mode is implemented properly, more care has to be taken to release all resources on error (for example to free assuan_cmd). * Operations ** If an operation failed, make sure that the result functions don't return corrupt partial information. !!! NOTE: The EOF status handler is not called in this case !!! ** If no passphrase cb is installed, status handler is not run even if password is required by crypto engine. !! ** Verify must not fail on NODATA premature if auto-key-retrieval failed. It should not fail silently if it knows there is an error. !!! ** All operations: Better error reporting. !! ** Export status handler need much more work. !!! ** Import should return a useful error when one happened. *** Import does not take notice of NODATA status report. *** When GPGSM does issue IMPORT_OK status reports, make sure to check for them in tests/gpgs m/t-import.c. ** Verify can include info about version/algo/class, but currently this is only available for gpg, not gpgsm. ** Return ENC_TO output in verify result. Again, this is not available for gpgsm. ** Genkey should return something more useful than General_Error. ** Decrypt: On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 06:28:23PM +0200, Heiko Abraham wrote: > I have a cipher text and I use 'gpgme_op_decrypt_verify(..)' > for decrypt and get the plaintext. But also I wish a list > of all reciepient, that can also decrypt this file. > > If I store the file and check it with 'gpg --list-packets ${filename}' > then I will become also a recipient-list. > It this also possible with gpgme? Currently not, but it is easy to add this to GPGME 0.4.1. At least the key ID and a user ID hint is available from gpg (of course key IDs are not necessarily unique!). I will put it on the TODO list. ** If possible, use --file-setsize to set the file size for proper progress callback handling. Write data interface for file size. ** Optimize the file descriptor list, so the number of open fds is always known easily. ** Encryption: It should be verified that the behaviour for partially untrusted recipients is correct. ** When GPG issues INV_something for invalid signers, catch them. * Error Values ** Map ASSUAN/GpgSM ERR error values in a better way than is done now. !! ** Some error values should identify the source more correctly (mostly error values derived from status messages). * Tests ** Write a fake gpg-agent so that we can supply known passphrases to gpgsm and setup the configuration files to use the agent. Without this we are testing a currently running gpg-agent which is not a clever idea. ! ** t-data *** Test gpgme_data_release_and_get_mem. *** Test gpgme_data_seek for invalid types. * Debug ** Handle malloc and vasprintf errors. But decide first if they should be ignored (and logged with 255?!), or really be assertions. ! * Build suite ** Make sure everything is cleaned correctly (esp. test area). ** Configure test for gpg and gpgsm version (as a warning). * Error checking ** engine-gpgsm, with-validation Add error checking some time after releasing a new gpgsm.