*Welcome to the git-submod-enhancements wiki!* As Dscho put it, submodules are the "neglected ugly duckling" of git. Time to change that ... *Issues currently being worked on* * [[Recursive submodule checkout]]: teach all work tree manipulating commands to update the submodule work trees according to the commit recorded in the superproject. * Teach @git fetch@ to also fetch commits for submodule not currently in the work tree into .git/modules/ *Issues still to be tackled* * Add functionality to move the .git directory of a submodule into the .git/modules directory of the superproject (either by adding a new @git submodule@ command or by providing a script in contrib/) * Add a git-config aware merge driver and make it the default for .gitmodules * Attempt a 3-way merge when @git mv@, @git rm@ or @git submodule add@ want to change a .gitmodules file which has unstaged changes * Add configuration options (global, per repo and per submodule) to set the default of @git push --recurse-submodules@ * Add an option to @git submodule add@ to move the .git directory of a local repository to be added as submodule into the .git/modules directory of the superproject * Teach @grep@ the @--recursive@ option * Add means to specify which submodules shall be populated on clone (which I'd like to implement by teaching @git fetch@ to create submodule repos in .git/modules, recursive checkout will then do the rest) * Showing that a submodule has a HEAD not on any branch in the @git status@ of the superproject * @gitk@: Add popup menu for submodules to see the detailed history of changes * Teach @git prune@ the @--recurse-submodules@ option (and maybe honour the same default and options @git fetch@ uses) * Better support for displaying merge conflicts of submodules * @git gui@: Add submodule menu for adding and fetching submodules * @git status@ should call @git diff --submodule --ignore-submodules=dirty@ instead of @git submodule summary@ for providing a submodule summary when configured to do so. * Other commands that could benefit from a @--recurse-submodules@ option: @archive@, @branch@, @clean@, @commit@, @revert@, @tag@. * To enable history rewriting @git filter-branch@ could write a list of rewritten commits which can then be used to update submodule commits in a superproject. In the long run, git-submodule.sh should be converted to a rather simple wrapper script around core Git functionality, as more and more of that is implemented in the git core. *Submodule related bugs to fix* * Cherry picking across submodule creation fails even if the cherry pick doesn't touch any file in the submodules path * @git submodule add@ doesn't record the URL in .git/config when the submodule path doesn't exist * @git submodule add@ happily stages any unstaged modifications of the .gitmodules file together with the new section while it should error out telling the user to stash them (at least unless it attempts the 3-way merge described in the "Issues still to be tackled" paragraph) *[[Issues already solved and merged into Junio's Repo|history]]*