The checkboxes were not settable in the previous implementation.
[dirtag.git] / template / dirtag.xul
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <?xml-stylesheet href="/static/dirtag.css" type="text/css"?>
4 <!-- Firefox doesn't load external DTDs for web-served XML,
6   so we use and internal DOCTYPE.  This does make localization a bit
7   more annoying. -->
8 <!DOCTYPE window [
9   <!ENTITY window.title "{{ repository_name }}">
10   <!ENTITY XUL_note.text.pre_XUL "DirTag uses ">
11   <!ENTITY XUL_note.text.XUL_to_Firefox ", an XML user interface markup language developed by the Mozilla project.  You probably need to view this page using ">
12   <!ENTITY XUL_note.text.post_Firefox ".">
13   <!ENTITY new_tag.caption "Add a new tag">
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15   <!ENTITY new_tag_button.key "a">
16   <!ENTITY browser.caption "Browser">
17   <!ENTITY "Raw">
18   <!ENTITY "Tags">
19   <!ENTITY path_column.label "Path">
20   <!ENTITY tag_column.label "Tags">
21   <!ENTITY tags.caption "Tags">
22   <!ENTITY selected.caption "Selected">
23 ]>
25 <window id="window" title="&window.title;"
26    onload="initialize();"
27    xmlns:html=""
28    xmlns=""
29    >
31   <script type="application/javascript" src="/static/dirtag.js"/>
32   <groupbox id="new-tag">
33     <caption label="&new_tag.caption;"/>
34     <hbox>
35       <textbox id="new-tag-text"/>
36       <button
37          id="new-tag-button"
38          class="dialog"
39          disabled="false"
40          label="&new_tag_button.label;"
41          accesskey="&new_tag_button.key;"
42          oncommand="new_tag_button();"/>
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45   <hbox flex="1">
46     <groupbox id="browser" flex="1">
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51           <tab label="&;"/>
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54           <tabpanel flex="1">
55             <tree id="raw-tree" rows="2" seltype="single" flex="1"
56                   datasources="raw.rdf" ref=""
57                   flags="dont-build-content" onselect="raw_tree_select();">
58               <treecols>
59                 <treecol id="tab-tree-path-column" label="&path_column.label;" primary="true"
60                          sort="rdf:" flex="1"/>
61                 <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
62                 <treecol id="tab-tree-tag-column" label="&tag_column.label;"
63                          sort="rdf:" flex="1"/>
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65               <template>
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71                         <treecell label="rdf:"/>
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74                   </treechildren>
75                 </rule>
76               </template>
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79           <tabpanel flex="1">
80             <tree id="tag-tree" rows="2" seltype="single" flex="1"
81                   datasources="tag.rdf raw.rdf"
82                   ref=""
83                   flags="dont-build-content" onselect="tag_tree_select();">
84               <treecols>
85                 <treecol id="tab-tree-path-column" label="&path_column.label;" primary="true"
86                          sort="rdf:" flex="1"/>
87                 <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
88                 <treecol id="tab-tree-tag-column" label="&tag_column.label;"
89                          sort="rdf:" flex="1"/>
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91               <template>
92                 <rule>
93                   <treechildren>
94                     <treeitem uri="rdf:*">
95                       <treerow>
96                         <treecell label="rdf:"/>
97                         <treecell label="rdf:"/>
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108     <splitter collapse="before"><grippy/></splitter>
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110       <caption label="&selected.caption;"/>
111       <groupbox id="tags" flex="1">
112         <caption label="&tags.caption;"/>
113         <tree id="checkbox-tree" rows="2" seltype="single" selstype="primary"
114               editable="true"
115               datasources="tag.rdf raw.rdf"
116               ref=""
117               flex="1">
118           <!-- checkbox callback attached in dirtag.js's initialize() -->
119           <treecols>
120             <treecol id="checkbox-tree-check-column" label="CK" type="checkbox"
121                      editable="true"/>
122             <treecol id="checkbox-tree-path-column" label="&path_column.label;"
123                      editable="true" primary="true"
124                      sort="rdf:" flex="1"/>
125             <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
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127           <template>
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133                     <treecell label="rdf:"/>
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137             </rule>
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145     <html:p>
146       &XUL_note.text.pre_XUL;<html:a
147         href="">XUL</html:a
148       >&XUL_note.text.XUL_to_Firefox;<html:a
149         href="">Firefox</html:a
150       >&XUL_note.text.post_Firefox;
151     </html:p>
152   </description>-->
153 </window>