DONE - Pointer-to-function types. DONE - Nested declarators. DONE - Varargs C func defs and calls. DONE - * and ** args in Python func defs. DONE - Default argument values. DONE - Tracebacks. DONE - Disallow creating char * from Python temporary anywhere (not just on assignment). DONE - Module and function and class doc strings. DONE - Predeclare C functions. DONE - Constant expressions. DONE - Forward C struct declarations. DONE - Prefix & operator. DONE - Get rid of auto string->char coercion and add a c'X' syntax for char literals. DONE - Cascaded assignments (a = b = c). DONE - 'include' statement for including other Pyrex files. DONE - Add command line option for specifying name of generated C file. DONE - Add 'else' clause to try-except. DONE - Allow extension types to be declared "public" so they can be accessed from another Pyrex module or a C file. DONE - Don't try to generate objstruct definition for external extension type declared without suite (treat as though declared with empty suite). DONE - Implement two-argument form of 'assert' statement. Const types. Tuple/list construction: Evaluate & store items one at a time? Varargs argument traversal. Use PyDict_SetItemString to build keyword arg dicts? (Or wait until names are interned.) Intern names. print >>file abs() and anything similar. Semicolon-separated statement lists. Optional semicolons after C declarations. Multiple C declarations on one line? Optimise return without value outside of try-finally. exec statement. from ... import statement. Use iterator protocol for unpacking. Save & restore exception being handled on function entry/exit. In-place operators (+=, etc). Constant declarations. Syntax? DONE - Some way for C functions to signal Python errors? Check for lack of return with value in non-void C functions? Allow 'pass' in struct/union/enum definition. Make C structs callable as constructors. DONE - Provide way of specifying C names. DONE - Public cdefs. When calling user __dealloc__ func, save & restore exception. DONE - Forward declaration of extension types. Complex number parsetuple format? DONE - long long type DONE - long double type? Windows __fooblarg function declaration things. Generate type, var and func declarations in the same order that they appear in the source file. Provide a way of declaring a C function as returning a borrowed Python reference. Provide a way of specifying whether a Python object obtained by casting a pointer should be treated as a new reference or not. Optimize integer for-loops. Make sizeof() take types as well as variables. Allow "unsigned" to be used alone as a type name. Allow duplicate declarations, at least in extern-from. Do something about installing proper version of pyrexc script according to platform in DONE - Add "-o filename" command line option to unix/dos versions. Recognise #line directives? Catch floating point exceptions? Check that forward-declared non-external extension types are defined. Generate type test when casting from one Python type to another. Generate a Pyrex include file for public declarations as well as a C one. Syntax for defining indefinite-sized int & float types. Allow ranges of exception values. Support "complex double" and "complex float"? Allow module-level Python variables to be declared extern. Consider: >cdef extern from "foo.h": > int dosomething() except -1 raise MyException Properties for Python types. DONE - Properties for extension types. Find a way to make classmethod and staticmethod work better. DONE - Document workarounds for classmethod and staticmethod. Statically initialised C arrays & structs. Reduce generation of unused vars and unreachable code? Support for acquiring and releasing GIL. Make docstrings of extension type special methods work. Treat result of getting C attribute of extension type as non-ephemeral. Make None a reserved identifier. Teach it about builtin functions that correspond to Python/C API calls. Teach it about common builtin types. Option for generating a main() function? DONE - Allow an extension type to inherit from another type. Do something about external C functions declared as returning const * types? Use PyString_FromStringAndSize for string literals? DONE - C functions as methods of extension types. What to do about __name__ etc. attributes of a module (they are currently assumed to be built-in names). Use PyDict_GetItem etc. on module & builtins dicts for speed. Intern all string literals used as Python strings? [Koshy ] Make extension types weak-referenceable. [Matthias Baas ] Make 'pass' work in the body of an extern-from struct or union. Disallow a filename which results in an illegal identifier when used as a module name. Use ctypedef names. Provide an easy way of exposing a set of enum values as Python names. [John J Lee ] Prevent user from returning a value from special methods that return an error indicator only. Use PyObject_TypeCheck instead of PyObject_IsInstance? Allow * in cimport? [John J Lee ] FAQ: Q. Pyrex says my extension type object has no attribute 'rhubarb', but I know it does. A. Have you declared the type at the point where you're using it? Eliminate lvalue casts! (Illegal in C++, also disallowed by some C compilers) [Matthias Baas ] Make Python class construction work more like it does in Python. Give the right module name to Python classes. Command line switch for full pathnames in backtraces? Use PyString_FromStringAndSize on string literals containing nulls. Peephole optimisation? [Vladislav Bulatov ] Avoid PyArg_ParseTuple call when a function takes no positional args. Omit incref/decref of arguments that are not assigned to? Can a faster way of instantiating extension types be found? Disallow declaring a special method of an extension type with 'cdef' instead of 'def'. Use PySequence_GetItem instead of PyObject_GetItem when index is an integer. If a __getitem__ method is declared with an int index, use the sq_item slot instead of the mp_subscript slot. Provide some way of controlling the argument list passed to an extension type's base __new__ method? [Alain Pointdexter ] Rename __new__ in extension types to __alloc__. Implement a true __new__ for extension types. Way to provide constructors for extension types that are not available to Python and can accept C types directly? Support generators by turning them into extension types? List comprehensions. Variable declarations inside inner code blocks? Initial values when declaring variables? Do something about __stdcall. Support class methods in extension types using METH_CLASS flag. Disallow defaulting types to 'object' in C declarations? C globals with static initialisers. Find a way of providing C-only initialisers for extension types. Metaclasses for extension types? Make extension types use Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE so their __module__ will get set dynamically?