Construct the atom feed using atomgen -o atom.xml See atomgen --help for more information. For example: atomgen -o atom.xml new --title 'Physics 201' --author 'W. Trevor King' \ echo "Changes to the Phys201 website will be noted in this feed." | \ atomgen -o atom.xml add -i atom.xml 'Feed purpose' \ I've written little scripts to simplify my more common calls to atomgen, and these scripts live in the creatively-named `script' subdirectory. You can send automatic emails to your students when you publish new announcements in the atom feed. The best way I have found to date consists of monitoring the posted atom.xml file with rss2email I setup r2e to monitor the feed and email me when there's a change. r2e runs every 15 minutes in a cron job 15 * * * * /usr/bin/r2e run Then I set up a procmail rule to forward the mail off to the list :0 * ^From: "Physics 201, W. Trevor King" $ ! `grep -v '^#' $HOME/course/announcements/addresses.txt` # ^--- Make sure those are backticks, BTW (ASCII 96) ---^