2012-03-26 W. Trevor KingUse tight autoscaling for bump plots.
2012-03-26 W. Trevor KingPlotting commands now return the plots they generate.
2012-03-26 W. Trevor KingUse tight autoscaling for vibration plots.
2012-03-26 W. Trevor KingAdd, now that we have a configur...
2012-03-26 W. Trevor KingGet calibcant working with the new load_from_config...
2012-03-02 W. Trevor KingOnly calculate relative errors if a previous value...
2012-03-02 W. Trevor KingOops, use numpy arrays instead of lists for the last...
2012-03-02 W. Trevor KingAllow calib_analyze_all to run when there are no previo...
2012-02-22 W. Trevor KingUpdate URLs from einstein to tremily. 0.7
2012-02-16 W. Trevor KingRun
2012-02-16 W. Trevor KingTransition to my external update-copyright package.
2012-01-23 W. Trevor KingAdd min-slope-ratio option to BumpConfig.
2011-11-08 W. Trevor KingUpgraded BE repository to v1.4.
2011-10-04 W. Trevor KingUpdate calib_analyze_all for nested Configs.
2011-09-30 W. Trevor KingAdjust surface parameter guessing to be resilient to...
2011-09-30 W. Trevor KingFix problems with the transition to the new nested...
2011-09-15 W. Trevor KingConvert calibcant to the new, nestable h5config.
2011-09-08 W. Trevor Kingconvert to H5config and bump to v0.7.
2011-07-28 W. Trevor KingFix real-T handling in T_acquire().
2011-06-17 W. Trevor KingUse abs(C) in fit_psd() (to match breit_wigner()).
2011-06-17 W. Trevor KingCorrect vibrationss -> vibrations typo in calib_save...
2011-06-17 W. Trevor Kingvibs -> vibrations in calib_save() keyword call from...
2011-06-17 W. Trevor KingTs -> temperatures in calib_save() keyword call from...
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingGive scripts more globally unique names.
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingOops. root -> 'bin' in script listing.
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingList analyze and plot_calibration scripts in
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingFix up README so it is standard reStructuredText.
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingOops, actually bump __version__ to 0.6.
2011-04-21 W. Trevor KingMassive rewrite (v 0.6) to base everything on Cython... 0.6
2011-01-28 W. Trevor KingCleaned up README and package with pure distutils ...
2010-12-08 W. Trevor KingDon't import VERSION (now __version__) in calibcant...
2010-11-09 W. Trevor KingUpdate to piezo v0.3 (based on data_logger 0.4) and... 0.5
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingAdjust to handle Bazaar repos ...
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingFix relative import syntax.
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingAdded .gitignore
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingRan
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingAdded to automate copyright blurb...
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingUse relative imports (PEP 328) for calibcant sibling...
2010-06-01 W. Trevor KingMove LICENSE->COPYING and package without...
2009-06-18 W. Trevor KingBumped to version 0.4. 0.4
2009-06-16 W. Trevor KingAdded optional ability to use naive vibration variance...
2009-06-16 W. Trevor KingRestored linear-fitting option to surface bumps.
2009-06-10 W. Trevor KingClarified usage information for
2009-03-27 W. Trevor KingReposition cantilever between each bump to adjust for...
2009-03-27 W. Trevor KingBroke bump unit conversion out into its own functions.
2009-02-12 W. Trevor KingSet default maxFreq to 25 kHz. Unset pylab.hold for...
2009-02-10 W. Trevor KingUpdated documentation for calibcant.calibrate.calib_aquire.
2009-01-28 W. Trevor Kingbump_plot() plotVerbose now defaults to False.
2009-01-28 W. Trevor KingShiny, new, flexible bump fitting framework.
2009-01-28 W. Trevor KingRemoved old references to freq in after...
2009-01-27 W. Trevor KingStart bumps with the cantilever _off_ the surface.
2009-01-27 W. Trevor KingControl bump_speed instead of bump sample frequency.
2009-01-27 W. Trevor KingVarious adjustments. I should commit more often ;).
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingPrepared for distribution.
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingFixed C->K conversion bug in
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingNew Marisa/me calibration difference bug 327f4db8-3119...
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingAdd trailing endline to calibration analysis files.
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingFixed old FFT_tools portions of Makefile to calibcant
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingFixed one_o_Vphoto_2_m typo in calib_analyze()
2009-01-08 W. Trevor KingUpdated to new data_logger log_dir $DEFAULT$ syntax...
2009-01-03 W. Trevor Kingcalib_save_analysis() now uses string_errors() to forma...
2008-12-21 W. Trevor KingAdd lines to analyze.calib_plot().
2008-12-21 W. Trevor KingApply some fixes to get calibrations working and bump... 0.3
2008-12-21 W. Trevor should now work.
2008-12-19 W. Trevor KingAdded pylab flag to
2008-12-15 W. Trevor KingAdded comparison to vib_analyze_naive() in vib_analyze().
2008-12-02 W. Trevor KingMoved fitting from GnuplotBiDir to scipy.optimize.least...
2008-12-02 W. Trevor KingFixed poor treatment of non-tweakfiles in vib_analyze.
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingInitialized a Bugs-Everywhere bugtracking directory.
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingPlot span of fitted frequencies in
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingChanged guessed Q from 5 to 1, which gives about the...
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingAdded guessed Lorentzian plot option to vib_analyze.
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingResistribute vib_analyze pylab.hold()s to avoid auto...
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingCrop vib_analyze pylab Lorentzian fitline when it goes...
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingAdded fit-curve to vib_analyze's pylab output.
2008-11-26 W. Trevor KingFixed non-interactive pylab plotting setup in
2008-11-17 W. Trevor Kingcreated & fixed bug 3faa92db-cb93-4e14-a8ec-32ab4eedf83b
2008-11-11 W. Trevor KingAdded installation wrapper and cleaned...
2008-11-11 W. Trevor KingBegan versioning. 0.2