Oops, I was running ~/.python/z_piezo_calib.calibrate_cantilever() during the experiment, not ~/.python/calibrate_cantilever.something(). I was wondering why it was so difficult to get ~./python/calibrate_cantilever.py working. I ended up getting Cantilever k : 0.589927 +/- 0.790152 (1.33941) photoSensitivity**2 : 0.000190122 +/- 1.86869e-06 (0.00982893) T : 295.15 +/- 0 (0) 1/Vphoto**2 : 761447 +/- 1.01986e+06 (1.33937) out of calibrate_cantilever.py for the first cantilever, but that is pretty rediculous... Maybe I'll come back and figure out what's going on after I check out the z_piezo_calib version...