[[!meta title="nwc2ly.py"]] [[!template id=gitrepo repo=nwc2ly]] Over the weekend I was looking for music to [Come, Ye Thankful People, Come][cytpc], and ran across [Open Hymnal][OH] which has a nice collection of hymns in [[ABC|abcplay]]. Unfortunately, it didn't have the one I was looking for, so I continued searching and found [Cyber Hymnal][CH], which did have the hymn. Unfortunately, the Cyber Hymnal / Net Hymnal folks store their hymns as [NoteWorthy Composer][NWC] files (see their [FAQ][]), and the NWC binary file format has no public specification. Luckily, a number of brave souls laid the [groundwork][] (source [here][joshua] and [here][hans]) for a binary-NWC-to-[LilyPond][LP] converter. The original wasn't working for me, so I've put in some time rewriting it and cleaning things up. I've also merged in Hans de Rijck's [1.0 version][hans]. Enjoy! [cytpc]: http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/c/o/comeytpc.htm [OH]: http://openhymnal.org/ [CH]: http://www.cyberhymnal.org/ [NWC]: http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/ [FAQ]: http://nethymnal.org/faq.htm [groundwork]: http://lily4jedit.sourceforge.net/nwc2ly.py/ [joshua]: http://lily4jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/lily4jedit/trunk/LilyPondTool/otherpatches/nwc2ly.py?revision=410&view=markup&pathrev=476 [hans]: http://lily4jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/lily4jedit/trunk/LilyPondTool/otherpatches/nwc2ly/nwc2ly.py?view=markup&pathrev=457 [LP]: http://lilypond.org/ [[!tag tags/code]] [[!tag tags/linux]] [[!tag tags/programming]] [[!tag tags/python]]