The 2.X branch of [[GnuPG]] comes with [gpg-agent][] for caching passphrases. The documentation is good, but here are my notes outlining my usual usage. Add the following to your `~/.bashrc` (see [[dotfiles]] for fancy dotfiles maintenance): if [ -f "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" ]; then source "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" fi Start the agent with $ gpg-agent --daemon --display "${DISPLAY}" --ttyname $(TTY) --keep-tty --keep-display --write-env-file "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" $ source "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" The `ttyname` bit will spawn the `pinentry` call in the designated TTY. This avoids troublesome issues like pinentry clobbering [[Mutt]] if they are both using ncurses. I didn't like any of the pinentry programs available on my system, so I wrote my own in [[pyassuan]]. When you are done with the agent, kill it with $ killall gpg-agent $ rm -f "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" Since these commands are tedious to remember and type, I've wrapped them in little scripts: [[]] and [[]]. [gpg-agent]: [[!tag tags/linux]] [[!tag tags/tools]]