[eCryptfs][] is an encrypted filesystem for Linux. You'll need to have a kernel with the `ECRYPT_FS` module configured to use eCryptfs. Once you have the kernel setup, install the userspace tools (`sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils` on [[Gentoo]], where you may want to enable the `suid` `USE` flag to [allow non-root users to mount their private directories][suid]). $ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep ECRYPT_FS CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS=m # echo 'sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils suid' >> /etc/portage/package.use/ecryptfs # echo 'sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils ~amd64' >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/ecryptfs # emerge -av sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils # modprobe ecryptfs eCryptfs is usually used to maintain encrypted home directories, which you can setup with [ecryptfs-setup-private][]. I used `--noautomount` because I'm not using the [PAM module][PAM] for automounting. Other than that, just follow the instructions. This sets up a directory with encrypted data in `~/.Private`, which you mount with [ecryptfs-mount-private][]. Mounting exposes the decrypted filesystem under `~/Private`, which you should use for all of your secret stuff. If you don't like the `~/Private` path, you can tweak `~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt` as you see fit. $ ecryptfs-setup-private --noautomount $ ecryptfs-mount-private $ mkdir ~/Private/my-secret-stuff To encrypt stuff that is bound to a specific path (e.g. `~/.mozilla`), you can move the source into `~/Private` and add symlinks from the canonical location to the encrypted location: $ mv ~/.mozilla ~/Private/mozilla $ ln -s ~/Private/mozilla ~/.mozilla Encrypting arbitrary directories ================================ You can also encrypt arbitrary directories using [mount][mount.ecryptfs]. This is useful if you have private information in a [[PostgreSQL]] database. # /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop # mv /var/lib/postgresql{,-plain} # mkdir /var/lib/{.,}postgresql # chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/{.,}postgresql # mount -t ecryptfs /var/lib/{.,}postgresql Passphrase: Select cipher: … Would you like to proceed with the mount (yes/no)? : yes Would you like to append sig [REDACTED] to [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt] in order to avoid this warning in the future (yes/no)? : yes Successfully appended new sig to user sig cache file Mounted eCryptfs # mv /var/lib/postgresql{-plain/*,/} # rmdir /var/lib/postgresql-plain # /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start You can also specify mount options explicitly instead of entering them interactively. To figure out the proper incantation, look at the `mtab` entry after an interactive mount: $ grep postgresql /etc/mtab /var/lib/.postgresql /var/lib/postgresql ecryptfs rw,ecryptfs_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 0 0 You should also look over the mount helper options in [ecryptfs(7)][ecryptfs.7]. Then run future mounts with: # mount -t ecryptfs -o rw,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_enable_filename_crypto=y,ecryptfs_passthrough=n,ecryptfs_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs /var/lib/{.,}postgresql You can also add a line like: /var/lib/.postgresql /var/lib/postgresql ecryptfs rw,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_enable_filename_crypto=y,ecryptfs_passthrough=n,ecryptfs_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=REDACTED,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs,key=passphrase:passphrase_passwd_file=/home/wking/Private/ecryptfs/postgresql,noauto 0 0 to your `/etc/fstab`. With a passphrase file containing: passphrase_passwd=[passphrase] Add the `user` option to allow non-root mounts (see “The non-superuser mounts” section in [mount(8)][mount]). Once you've setup your `fstab`, you can mount the directory more intuitively with: # mount /var/lib/postgresql [eCryptfs]: http://ecryptfs.org/ [suid]: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ecryptfs.general/131 [ecryptfs-setup-private]: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/en/man1/ecryptfs-setup-private.1.html [PAM]: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/en/man8/pam_ecryptfs.8.html [ecryptfs-mount-private]: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/en/man1/ecryptfs-mount-private.1.html [mount.ecryptfs]: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/en/man8/mount.ecryptfs.8.html [ecryptfs.7]: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/en/man7/ecryptfs.7.html [mount]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/mount.8.html [[!tag tags/linux]] [[!tag tags/tools]]